As the title suggests, I am missing MeC. It has been long time since it was discontinued but I still feel like I want to play it sometimes. Some of my favorite times spent minecrafting was on the Medieval Rage server leveling my useless trader skill. Does anyone else feel like this? Is there another mod like it that I could find? Thanks in advance.
Missing Medieval Mod Madly
- Offboss
- Closed
Currently there are 3 announced MeC2 projects. One of them actually got dropped again (i think evilyoda's one), didn't hear anythign from the second one in QUITE some time.
3rd one is dropping me progress reports randomly, could probably turn out well.
And then we got that MEV thingy (apparently Medieval PvP and thus probably a MeC Clone as well), though the author didn't contact me anywhen after my blogpost (here: either. -
I have to say one of my most fun times in minecraft was playing on a small mediaval craft server with some friends. Really wish it wasnt discontinued
I have to say one of my most fun times in minecraft was playing on a small mediaval craft server with some friends. Really wish it wasnt discontinued
MeC is a random mess in regards to porting. If i'm ever going to do a rework I'll DEFINITELY do the basefile modification more effectively.
One thing that has been bugging me for quite a while (lol): What about showing your level and experience in the in-game experience bar? Also, choosing classes with a GUI? Chat suffixes?
I would rather replace the RPG aspect with more PvP Arcade.
The leveling system of MeC definitely didn't work out well. -
I would rather replace the RPG aspect with more PvP Arcade.
The leveling system of MeC definitely didn't work out well.I would LOVE a PvP rework of that mod! Once again one of my favorite times playing minecraft. If you are actually interested in redoing it you might just mention it on one of you blog posts to see what people think of it.