Suggestion: Quantum Mass-Converter

  • Hey guys,

    I had an idea for the opposite of the mass fabricator which produces energy from mass.

    Why not have the opposite. A generator which when placed will start consuming blocks around it (maybe in a 10 block radius) to produce energy until there are no more blocks left to remove. Also it should be working faster and maybe twice as efficient when putting scrap in it just like the mass fabricator.

    It should obviously be quite an expensive machine, for example consisting of 3 iridium plates, a generator, two diamonds and wires/circuits...

  • Why not just make a regular generator and chuck burnable blocks into it.

    Dont see the need to have an AoE hunger machine possibly eating my burnable house due to poor placement or griefing.


  • I know, but I simply meant that scrap in forms of "energy" is only used in the mass fabricator. So you can't really get energy out of it, but instead just increase the efficiency of producing mass...