On one of my testworlds, I tried what happened when drinking coffee. That was boring. So I just increased the amount of coffee. And the FOV in the options. Then the world was upside down. Literally. Just look at it yourself. (By the way, if you drink too much coffee, you get hurt and the nausea potion effect.) Over 30 minutes of speed and haste. The language pack I'm using is my own. The texture pack too.
Here I'm between two hills. Yes, the sky is on the bottom of the picture. I did not rotate it or something.
Here you can see it better. Bottom: sky, top: sea.
Underwater it's normal. Nearly.
I'm not flying. I'm standing inside that tall grass.

and this is why mormons don't drink coffee IRL
My god, it's full of stars!
Coffee is cool stuff... but its effects are pretty useless n lame
it should have more hyper active stuff
Camera rendering got an issue with FOVs close to or past 360. :3 Amusing issues.
Wow. Remind me to not OD on coffe in the future.
If this happens when Steve drinks coffee, what happens when he drinks
Red Bull?
My God I hate Coffee!
I discovered that back in 1.9 pre6 in creative mode. I just used a level 2 speed potion on a long ice field, with closed trap doors on the ice, and a block on top for about 500 blocks. Just start sprinting, and hammer your space bar as fast as possible with the FOV set to quake pro, and you get the same effect. It still works in 1.2.5 vanilla too for anyone interested.
If this happens when Steve drink coffee, does Steve turn into Black Widow when he drinks tea?
If this happens when Steve drinks coffee, what happens when he drinks
Red Bull?
Think about when he does a bunch of shrooms! and then ODs on Monster.