I haven't played with industrial craft's wires for a while now, and some things seem to have slipped from my memory. If I use two high voltage converters, back to back, can I split up a fiberoptic line in the same way you can use MFSU's to reset the energy loss along the line? I've been reading up on the wiki, and it doesn't say anything about it, but I could have sworn it was an option a while back. Either its no longer in the game, no longer on the wiki, or was never on either. I am extremely frugal with my energy, and on the server I've been playing on, we are limited to 64 green generators.

Limiting Loss- quick, and hopefully easy question to answer.
If you are limited to 64 Green Generators then you should try this
This way you will never have any EU-loss.
If you are limited to 64 Green Generators then you should try this
This way you will never have any EU-loss.
not really 64 green generators, its up to 128 EU/t. [12 generators burning stuff / 128 solar panels / about 32 wind mills]
I seem to be on a different server than you, spawnx. Actually am limited to 64 green generators including redpower generators- anything you can't turn off (and things you can turn off, need to be off when you log off).
Greg- are those batboxes or low voltage transformers? Do low voltage transformers work as repeaters, like batboxes?
I seem to be on a different server than you, spawnx. Actually am limited to 64 green generators including redpower generators- anything you can't turn off (and things you can turn off, need to be off when you log off).
Greg- are those batboxes or low voltage transformers? Do low voltage transformers work as repeaters, like batboxes?
any transformers will do such. for copper cable it's LV, for glass fiber it's HV. You shouldn't need two back to back. -
Thank you, Ook.
You could simply have a transformer (with a redstone signal) feeding into another transformer (without a redstone signal) which would convert it up and down resetting the amount of energy loss.
(for up to 39 blocks)
(and so on).