Noob question: Linking Solar Panels to machines

  • First off, I'm still pretty new at IC2. I got a basic machine setup. This is pretty much all I need for now, but I'm thinking of maybe upgrading to an Induction Furnace.
    I also would like to know, is this a common setup for no EU loss?

    I'm also getting tired of using Coal, so I thought of getting some solar energy. Now, where do you hook the Copper Cables coming from the Solar Panels to.. whatever?

    Do I hook them to the BatBox, or the Generator? Or to something else? I haven't found any tutorials on what is the best way to do this with no EU loss. I'm low on Tin and some other resources, so that's why I'm asking. So I'll know what I need to do this.

  • As I suppose the solar panels are more than 4 blocks away, you hook up the TIN cable coming from the solar panels to the batbox. Otherwise all the EU from the panels is lost. But make sure the energy from the generator does not flow through the tin cable! Otherwise it will melt.

    The forum won't let me specify my gender accurately, so I'll just use my signature to say that I go by they/them pronouns.

  • Alright. Good. That means less Copper Cables I'll need. Thank you very much.

    As to the post above me, I'll be using Copper Cables. Which means I will have to make some more BatBoxes to extend them. That's fine.

  • I would suggest not using coal as it becomes an important resource later on, i would suggest using charcoal.
    once you get a single piece of charcoal you can use it to refine one wood into 8 more charcoal, its just as efficient as coal and in my opinion its easier to come across.

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