Will addons from 1.95b work with 1.97 of IC2? Also, what about mods that have integration, such as Forestry, Railcraft, or BC IC2 crossover mod? I am asking because some people on these forums have said they do and I wish to confirm before updating my bigass list of mods.

Addons for 1.95 working with 1.97?
Will addons from 1.95b work with 1.97 of IC2? Also, what about mods that have integration, such as Forestry, Railcraft, or BC IC2 crossover mod? I am asking because some people on these forums have said they do and I wish to confirm before updating my bigass list of mods.
I've personally gotten Atomic's Advanced Machines, and Compact Solars working for me on 1.97 right now. And so far, all of my other mods (Forestry, RC, and the Transformers mod) are working great.
Try. Depending on what the addons are doing they may do or don't work. Same goes for other mods.
Thank you for the replies. I will try updating all my mods. I will be back with a list of what worked and what didn't.
Chargeing bench (the fan update in teh later pages, and compact solars are working for me, havent teched enough for teh rest. i blame thumcraft only just unlocking the pickaxe of the core
Ok. As mentioned above Compact Solars and Charging Bench are working! So is Transformers. Those are all IC2 addons I use.
Nuclear control v1.19b is working on IC2 1.97 as well.