Support: Change default teleporter variable

  • My server wants teleporting to be big aspect of out set up, so we would like to change the default distance*1000 to distance*100, to make it a less costly and fun system.

    We are running the newest tekkit server. What do we have to edit in order to change this value?

    Thank you,
    looking forward from hearing back.

  • Disable inventory weight calculation?


    We're looking to lower the value associated with moving players. Not counting their inventory, this cost is distance*1000, correct? We want to change this value, how do we do this?

    Thank you for the quick response!

  • That's a shame. I imagine it would be too much to ask to get a refactored class file made and emailed to me?

    Also, is this the right page to leave a suggestion to the developers to make teleporters configurable in the future?

    Again, thanks for the quick response.

  • That's a shame. I imagine it would be too much to ask to get a refactored class file made and emailed to me?

    Also, is this the right page to leave a suggestion to the developers to make teleporters configurable in the future?

    Again, thanks for the quick response.

    It's almost impossible to rebuild the class file, no-one has the source, exept the ic² dev. team, Posting a suggestion is a good idea.
    No, the suggestion subforum is for suggesting (Erm, DUH? :3)

    Btw, you seem to be lucky, Tekkit is hated on these forums.

    • Official Post

    It's almost impossible to rebuild the class file, no-one has the source, exept the ic² dev. team, Posting a suggestion is a good idea.
    No, the suggestion subforum is for suggesting (Erm, DUH? :3)

    Btw, you seem to be lucky, Tekkit is hated on these forums.

    Do you mean this little Function?

  • if (var1 instanceof EntityPlayer && var2 >= 1000.0D)
    IC2Achievements.issueAchievement((EntityPlayer)var1, "teleportFarAway");

    Is this TileEntityTeleporter a config/txt file I can edit? How do I use this to achieve our server's goal? I notice EnttyPlayer && var >= 1000.0D. which we would want to read 100.0D.

  • Code
    Out of TileEntityTeleporter
    int var5 = (int)((double)var4 * Math.pow(var2 + 10.0D, 0.7D) * 5.0D); 
    Changed to int var5 = (int)((double)var4 * Math.pow(var2 + 10.0D, 0.7D) * 0.5D); 

    This should do the trick yes? If so how can it be done?

    I'm assuming it can't but here's hoping.

  • I used to edit the class directly, changing the double value from 5.0 to 0.5 and then dropped it back into the zip file. The server won't restart now though, due to this error: 22:53:47 [SEVERE] Unexpected exception
    java.lang.ClassFormatError: Wrong InnerClasses attribute length in class file ic

    I tried decompiling it and editing it that way but recompiling without the source as was said can't be done it seems. Does anyone have any suggestions?

  • If there are ANY IC2 developers reading this out there, me and Rheves(our server admin) would really love your assistance. We love your product IC2, and would like to use it to its full potential on our server.

  • its possible to refactor mod without source (you will need MCP and eclipse for this), but it's extremely time consuming process since you will need to fix every decompilation artifact by hand.

    someone share patches in addons section, you may try to do it yourself