If you place the Ice of your CASUC in the corners of the reactor, the cooled of heat level is around 500 Degrees. When placed all in one row, the heat level is around 2500 Degrees. I do not quite understand why that is tho?

[Question]Why does the placement of ICE effect the heat level?
A single block of ice cools the reactor for 300 heat if the reactor is at 300 or higher heat. The placement of ice dos NOT affect the amount of cooling, most likely it just makes the reactor produce less heat if the uranium setup changes.
Dont forget, that the Reactor can only take one Iceblock per Stack per Second so multiple Stacks can cool it much faster.
I use 7 blocks per second in a 2050EU/t layout. When i place the Ice Blocks in the corners, the reactor hovers around 500 Degrees:
But when i place all in one row at the top left of the reactor, the heat level goes up to 3000 Degrees. Thats what i dont understand, why is that different, the amount of cooling is the same, the Output is the same.
Ahh you mean that. Its because all inventoryslots are getting iterated (from topleft to bottomright) and if ICE comes first (toprow) then all the Uranium can heat after that and the reactor is hot after the Cycle, but if ICE comes last (bottomrow), then it cools right after the Uranium has heated the Reactor and the Reactor is cool after its Cycle
So placing it at the lowest right place it will cool it even more? Or will it just create more "heartbeating" heat spikes each cycle? Err, ya lemme answers these questions myself, didnt built the test chamber for nothing.
Bottomrow + aligned right = no heatspikes
Toprow + aligned left = large heatspikes -
Oh wow. I'll use this in the ICE CASUC I plan to make... Thanks.