I have never played with Redpower until now, so I am not very confident in my automatic Matter Factory. I have used 2 cobble generators and 2 recyclers to accomodate 32 eu/t just for example, clearly in a survival world it should depend on Nuclear Reactor output. I just want to understand whether it is good or it can be improved. Thanks!

Is it a good automatic Matter Factory?
My Opinion
- Good timerbased Cobblegendesign
- replace Transposers with Filters
- may use my MISEL-Design (Tutorial in Signature) to let the Massfab only run on Scrap
- Use better Cables (Glass Fibre) -
Not sure filters would be all that useful on the outputs from the recyclers -- they're only generating one scrap per eight cycles, after all. Depends on use, I guess.
Cables really won't matter at this length, and with the batbox swapped for an LV transformer will actually feed all 512 EU/t to the fabber.
Ok, I have built the second version with 4 recyclers and a GregoriusT's MISEL (thank you, good sir! *tips his hat*). I experimented a bit and learned that it takes around 2,25 seconds for 1 recycler operation, which I used for cobble generator timer. The whole factory produces 1 scrap in about 4,2 seconds, and with this scrap production a Mass Fabricator consumes around 40 eu/t, so if there is a Nuclear Reactor with 80 eu/t it just needs to add 4 more recyclers. So ... what do you think?
Second version is pretty slick! Are you overclocking any of the recyclers? You could theoretically up the speed of the whole system by overclocking the recyclers and then adding even more cobble generators.
I would suggest you the use of clockless cobblegenerators :
(Repeater must be delayed to 3 redstone ticks [2 punches] -
If that is a RP2 repeater, then that would be 4 ticks. As each hit on the repeater doubles the amount of ticks.
The design is for useful however, no more lagging RP2 timers, the only flaw is how do you turn off the system, asides from breaking the torch, which might be underground.
If that is a RP2 repeater, then that would be 4 ticks. As each hit on the repeater doubles the amount of ticks.
The design is for useful however, no more lagging RP2 timers, the only flaw is how do you turn off the system, asides from breaking the torch, which might be underground.
To turn off you can destroy the black wire ^^. Or use AND gate or something like. (alexthesax you are using one right?)
RP2 repeater works slightly different.
Unofficial Redpower Recipe list (Look for repeater)
It will show this:
An upgraded form of repeater that takes full advantage of RedPower. In addition, it supports 9 different time constants: 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, or 128 ticks. -
I have a way, which saves you the two AND-Gates and a bit wiring. Just place the Lever ontop of the Cobbleblock, which is between the Blockbreakers.
Yeah those are AND gates, and I was too lazy to save gates, I had them wired individually with their own levers first, then I swapped for the alloy wire up top. Plus I like knowing that each is always at 100% capacity. (Started making matter for quantum suits with a MISEL Mk 2, I love that thing!)
Nice to know, I thought RP2 repeaters only worked on even numbers.