lightning rod

  • basically I thought of a new generator for eu... a lightning rod could be crafted with a generator and a lightning post... the lightning post could be made with 5 refined iron in a upside down T shape.... hope you like the idea and add it...

  • Is there still gonna be banhammoring involved here? I love banhammerz :) specially on lightning rod suggesters.


    That's a rather cool idea, but a lone tree is suspicious, better plant some more. So really... forget about solar-flowers, solar-trees are the next generation :P

  • I would like to give a special thank you to op of this thread and X-Fmax-o-l, because of you guys I can add a second sentence to my signature!

    Is the answer to this question no?


    Hey don't take it so hard. Ignorance is part of this generation it seems. -the wise words of XFmax-o-l

    • Official Post

    basically I thought of a new generator for eu... a lightning rod could be crafted with a generator and a lightning post... the lightning post could be made with 5 refined iron in a upside down T shape.... hope you like the idea and add it...

    Why so large Characters? And why in Arial? BTW i made a Lightningrod-Addon and i tested the Rod on a REAL MC-Thunderstorm (these things are damn rare). I got three strikes from it (and i'm not out, lol again).

  • lol, an actual lighting rod suggestion! A ban hammer will most likely be involved, unless this guy says hes sorry *hint* *hint*

    Ephesians 4:29
    Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up,
    as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.