Stackable items

  • Hi fellow modders,

    Would it be possible to make the ingredients for recipes stackable ( stackable to 2 would be enough )
    This would make using Industrialcraft recipes in combination with Logistics-pipes much easier.

    Especially I'm referring to the following items: :Energy Crystal: Lapotron Crystal :Coolant Cell:

    PS, I know there is a workaround with logistics pipes by using a chest and a sattelite pipe. But this is cumbersome and only works for recipes with a maximum of three non-stackable items. Furthermore multiple requests of the same item will break the crafting chain.

  • Pretty sure they would've made them stackable if they could... its how the code works.

    I've never had any problems with setting up a logistics pipe stuff for an IC2 recipe. Its an extra pipe and a chest, if you planned it problem its not that hard! Which one are you having problems with?

    • Official Post

    Like i'm always saying: Logisticspipes are useless Garbage. With Tubestuff and Redpower you could do that much better, even if it costs a bit more.

  • They can not be stackable sine they "take damage" like a tool. You can't stack pickaxes can you?

    I think he means like RE-Batteries can, in the way that before they "take damage" you can stack them up to 16, I think that energy crystals should be able to stack but I don't know how I feel about coolant cells

    Is the answer to this question no?


    Hey don't take it so hard. Ignorance is part of this generation it seems. -the wise words of XFmax-o-l

  • Un-charged batteries use different ID than a charged one, and I don't think they will add 3 more ID's just so we can auto craft.

    Plus how mane crystals do you craft with to justify auto crafting?

  • Un-charged batteries use different ID than a charged one, and I don't think they will add 3 more ID's just so we can auto craft.

    Plus how mane crystals do you craft with to justify auto crafting?

    You do have a point there, unless you have a compact solar HV factory, I guess this wouldn't have much use other than just convenience

    Is the answer to this question no?


    Hey don't take it so hard. Ignorance is part of this generation it seems. -the wise words of XFmax-o-l

    • Official Post

    Try to make an autocrafting system for reactors using those. I bet you can't.

    I already work on it, but those Retrievers, Retrievulators and Autocraftingtables Mk II are not crafted from alone, oh moment, i already set up Autocraftingtables for these!

    btw the current Progress and all the Autocraftingproducts of the GregTower2 are listed in my Profile.

  • Quote

    btw the current Progress and all the Autocraftingproducts of the GregTower2 are listed in my Profile

    Also in your profile


    - Traps, many Traps

    Have you ever shared or thought of sharing any with the general public? I love redstone traps

    Is the answer to this question no?


    Hey don't take it so hard. Ignorance is part of this generation it seems. -the wise words of XFmax-o-l

    • Official Post

    Richard i have to tell you, that you just lost your bet an hour after i read it, i just made Nuclearreactorautocrafting. Including Coolantcells, Watercellfiller, Plating, Heatdisperser, Generators, Batteries, Furnaces, Chambers and the Reactor itself.

    And for the Traps: NO! I wont tell them to the general public, because they are supposed to be secret.

  • And for the Traps: NO! I wont tell them to the general public, because they are supposed to be secret.

    You could intersperse one or two in the GregTower map download, think of the possibilities! The player is just on their way to the workshop and then BAM! No floor

    Is the answer to this question no?


    Hey don't take it so hard. Ignorance is part of this generation it seems. -the wise words of XFmax-o-l