So, I recently decided to step up from LV panels and build a nuclear reactor. Obviously, I want it to be CASUC so I can get a decent bit of power out of it. Now, I also want to completely in case it in two or three layers of reinforced stone (and then use a filler to fill the quarry hole I will put it in with cobble to further shield it) without breaking the bank. This lead me to believe a water bucket CASUC reactor may be better, as it can be far more compact than a ice one.
I am using BC, RP2 and IC2, what would you recommend (I also have tons of mods, I am considering using an enderchest. Generate ice in my bunker and then transport it using the chest into the reactor chamber?).

CASUC: Ice vs Water
Even if my one is exploded, i would still recommend the 1840EU/t-Waterbucket-CASUC.
i wouldn't say a bucket casuc is more compact in generell. if you devide your casuc into cooling system and reactor, you could say that with a bucket casuc the cooling HAS TO BE directly at the generator, or else you can't supply it fast enough, while for an ice casuc, as you said yourself, you can build the cooling system far away from the reactor and still supply it, since the reactor needs some time to eat through a 64stack of ice. with that said, the ice casuc would also be cheaper to isolate since it is smaller.
the ice casuc also runs absolutly stable, since a stack of ice gives you enough time to waste until resupply must arrive, while a bucket casuc can explode upon minor disturbances.
on the other hand, the cooling system itself for an ice casuc is quite big and uses energy, while the bucket casuc's cooling is very cheap, small and runs for free.take your fancy
Maybe this is for you then Mk I Compact 1970EU/t bucket CASUC
I actually am leaning towards ice now, I'm considering using enderchests. That way I can generate the ice on the surface, put it in an enderchest and pump it into the reactor (they will both be in the same chunk for safety).