A way to address the "Bad-Jokes"-Issue

  • If this gets implemented, which one should be the default language? 27

    1. HAYOish (22) 81%
    2. Plain English (5) 19%

    Disclaimer: I don't now if this works at all, I have no idea how the wiki's code works. Also, this post may include large amounts of personal opinions. I do not want to offend anyone. Also, the "now" in the "I don't now" in the beginning is intended!

    Some people hate the articles full of "bad jokes" that were on the wiki, but some people, like me, really love the brilliant work Alblaka has done to entertain us when finding out about IC-things.
    A way to address this issue would be, if it is possible with the wiki's software, to introduce another "language" to the wiki, let's call it HAYOish, you can switch to (think of languages at Wikipedia) where the "cool" descriptions are placed, while there are normal "boring" articles on the English wiki. This way people who like the style Alblaka used can write in that style while people who just like plain information can still use the wiki without being annoyed by hundreds of HAYOs and frikkins everywhere.
    I hope you consider my idea, thanks for reading!

    Live long and prosper!

    The forum won't let me specify my gender accurately, so I'll just use my signature to say that I go by they/them pronouns.

    Edited 2 times, last by I don't now ().

  • Wow. That makes sense. Good job. *Mindblown face*

    Thank you! I just hope Feanturi thinks so too.

    The forum won't let me specify my gender accurately, so I'll just use my signature to say that I go by they/them pronouns.

  • Sure that seems fair enough.

    Would the language of "HAYOish" be enabled by default?

    Alblaka says:

    "People using their intellect in attempts to discuss other people into the ground could be considered less intellectual then people using their intellect for something beneficial :3"

  • Sure that seems fair enough.

    Would the language of "HAYOish" be enabled by default?

    Thanks! I'm not sure, if no, people would get "pure" informaton directly, if yes, they would experience the HAYOness of IndustrialCraft(²) directly. I'll make a poll.

    The forum won't let me specify my gender accurately, so I'll just use my signature to say that I go by they/them pronouns.

  • I support this idea. Will poke Fean in this regard.

    Thank you very much!

    The forum won't let me specify my gender accurately, so I'll just use my signature to say that I go by they/them pronouns.

  • if you think kinda about a language addon: tried to install one some months ago and it didn't really work

    Oh, in that case, what about a section for HAYOish like the Recipe- or Usage-sections? Or seperate pages which would be called, for example, HAYO:Extractor or Dejuicer-Device of Doom D123.

    The forum won't let me specify my gender accurately, so I'll just use my signature to say that I go by they/them pronouns.

  • We just need to find people, who add that.

    *Raises hand* If no special permissions are required, that is.

    The forum won't let me specify my gender accurately, so I'll just use my signature to say that I go by they/them pronouns.

  • There is a special permission. You have to solve a ReCaptcha for every single edit.

    To the wiki! We have to save its HAYOness!
    EDIT: It's impossible! Why can't I read these captchas? I'm a human!
    EDIT2: Finally there was a captcha you can actually solve! Is there a way so I don't have to solve a captcha every time I want to edit something? Some kind of permission or so? If I made enough changes?

    The forum won't let me specify my gender accurately, so I'll just use my signature to say that I go by they/them pronouns.

    Edited 2 times, last by I don't now ().

  • Thank you very much!

    The forum won't let me specify my gender accurately, so I'll just use my signature to say that I go by they/them pronouns.