Hello guys, i'm new to the forum (and i not speak english so well), this post is awesome, and i have only one question, reactor designs with gregtech components are allowed?
thanks btw 4 all the designs (and designers as well)

[OFFICIAL] List of good reactor designs
- Rick
- Closed
I went straight from coal power to nuclear so I wanted a first reactor that was efficent, breeding enough to keep itself going indefinitely, had low maintenance, decent output, and that was fairly inexpensive to build as well as having minimal running costs. This is what I came up with. It's extremely convenient, breeding as much as it burns, giving it an effective uranium consumtion below 0.5 ingots per cycle. This reactor will cover all your needs, up to the point where you start massfabricating. I'm happily powering a fast buildcraft quarry on this via forestry's electric engine, and there's lots of power to spare. Since it finishes its breeding in precisely one cycle, it's very low maintenance. Just park it in your basement and flip the lever.
Mark 1 Breeder EA
Effective Output: 12Meu @ 60eu/t
EU efficiency: 3.00
Cells charged per uranium cell: 1
Running costs: 0 UU
Production cost: 310 copper, 28 tin, 122 iron, 36 gold, 2 diamonds (325 UU)lyplyp
Continuing the line of self-sufficient cold-breeding hybrids, here's the highest output I can manage - though this requires more maintenance as the depleted cells need to be replaced several times during the reactor's cycle. Obviously this would be best used with a piping system to auto-replace the cells. You can replace once of the overclocked vents with a normal vent, though this will technically make it a Mark II-E.
Mark I Breeder EA+
Effective Output: 38Meu @ 190eu/t
EU efficiency: 4.22
Cells charged per uranium cell: 1.1
Running costs: 24 UU
Production cost: 899 copper, 88 tin, 299 iron, 100 gold (807.5 UU)lyplyp
Using thermal expansion's ore generation (dw20 pack) copper ore is surprisingly scarce. After realising that the last design actually needs 80 copper every time you restock the fuel cells, I felt the pain. New plan:
Taking a step back to single cells, I tried getting a 10-core reactor up, but simply failed to get the design stable. I was able to get an 8-core up though, using only 6 chambers. Obviously the production cost is significantly lower, as well as the running costs. The return to single cells also means the breeding time is precisely 1 cycle again - and this means you don't need a tube-system to feed the reactor cells during operation, making it very useful if you don't have mods with pipes or for those who are new to mods like that.
Exchanging the one plain heat vent for an overclocked one will turn this into a Mark-I, but the additional cost isn't really worth avoiding the less than two minutes of cooldown that you will need to restock the reactor anyway (but it might be useful if you automate refueling.)
Mark II-2 Breeder EA
Effective Output: 28Meu @140 eu/t ( 138.8 eu/t including 1:29 cooldown )
EU efficiency: 3.50
Cells charged per uranium cell: 1
Running costs: 0 UU
Production cost: 599 copper, 63 tin, 222 iron, 66 gold (569 UU)lyplyp
Hybrid reactors:
This breeds as much uranium as the standard breeder, and outputs 12x the energy with 3.0 efficiency. Run it instead of the standard breeder and get energy and efficiency while you breed.
Link: Breeeder Replacement
Cells charged per uranium cell: 22
Total Cells Charged: 88
Eu/tick: 60
Efficiency: 3
Cost: Iron 240, Copper 926, Tin 97, Gold 12
Credits: gorzakBreeders:
Slight modification to Ricks standard breeder, making it cheaper and removing an unnecessary chamber to make it attatchable to frames. Take note that the costs are short by 63 heating cells, but listed this way to be consistent with competition.
Link: Efficient Breeder
Heating configuration (with timing): Autopilot
Cells charged per uranium cell: 88
Efficiency: 1
Eu/tick: 5
Cost: Iron 155, Copper 1160, Tin 75, Bronze 50, Gold 8
Credits: Gorzak -
Taking a step back to single cells, I tried getting a 10-core reactor up, but simply failed to get the design stable.
Are you dead set against using heating cells and plating? I'm curious as to why. Here is a design that has a cold start, but is utterly stable 10 single cell U, 3.6 efficiency with 1.4 cells per U. It will take auto replace machines (redpower retriever, transposer is what I use) for the isotopes & re-enriched. It heats after it turns on, stabilizes while running at right around 19k heat. 19.6k is the radiation threshold, so it is utterly safe. After it finishes it's fuel it starts to cool again. It doesn't need to be cold to start it again, it should be impossible to explode with infinite runs. If you restart it before it cools off, you will get better returns on breeding. If it cools off all the way, you get 1.4 per U, so still at replacement level. 2 stacks with stack size of 15 heating cells are the minimum to get replacement from that config, 19 gets 2 more cells bred without any additional consequences, and if you are ok with radiation, 23 is the maximum and gets you 2 more cells. Personally, I'm not a fan of radition, so I'd go with stack size 19 heating cells.
Can anyone critique this design? http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…8t2q3h9nzjy18ep582irigpok
- 3.83 efficiency, 230EU/tI don't think I've seen any > 3.5 efficiency designs out there using single cells.
My primary objective was to get as much efficiency as possible without an ongoing copper cost and a minimum of babysitting, in order to densely tessalate a field with these things.
A) I would recommend against putting more than one reactor in the same containment chamber, as I've seen an unexplainable meltdown before.
B) Reactor plating? This isn't a hot system, Though I admit I'm not sure how much is needed to eliminate the problems with A above (I can however tell you breeder, which is inherently loaded to the gills with plating, still managed to destroy a layer of stone brick on the weakly shielded floor on one of my chambers.
C) It seems expensive. Here's my take on that uranium config: http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…09i4xh7mqe8zeyaoc3vgbk2dc
Uses less of everything but copper, which it requires 13 more of.If you do need the plating, there's room for 4 instead of three.
Breeder Eff: 4.00
94.9 Isotopes per UraniumI'm brand new and this is my first breeder design. I based it largely off of the one listed by Rick in the OP but made a few alterations and upped the charge rate a touch.
I'm open to Criticism. I'm still trying to learn all the tricks so any advice is welcome. -
That's an 84:1, you're showing higher because you have the
starting heat set to 74k, but that reactor will never get above 64k
heat, because it has 1 excess cooling when the heating cells turn off
(above 64k). You need one excess heating instead. I have a design a page
or two back that should do it (never actually ran it in the game
though, I lack any mods that could automate it).It's also not really a useful concept, 92:1 *sounds* like it produces 8
more uranium, but in reality 92:1 produces 7.91 uranium cells per brick,
84:1 produces 7.90 uranium per brick. As you move upwards the
efficiency gains become more and more marginal. Now, if you have
multiple reactors going the speed of production becomes important, but
the necessary cooldown time of anything above the 84:1 class means that
it loses any edge over 84:1. -
supercheap 0 reactor design. 120 eu/t, Efficiency 3, can be expandable with more reactors by simply copying it.
I wouldn't really call it cheap given the running cost.
On the other hand it looks like an *excellent* portable reactor for running a whole mess of autominers in the field. Moderate setup time, can handle 5 miners at once at full speed for sure, might get away with 6 easy enough due to pumping time. Been trying to figure that one out, thanks.
NullDragon This design has been in the openings post for a while. I won't blame you. There are a lot of designs in this thead, it is hard to know which ones are here and I can't expect people to look through 20 pages before posting a design.
Suggestion: show the overall efficiency. Makes SUC and reflectors less valuable. Already an option in the simulator.
Are you dead set against using heating cells and plating? I'm curious as to why. Here is a design that has a cold start, but is utterly stable 10 single cell U, 3.6 efficiency with 1.4 cells per U. It will take auto replace machines (redpower retriever, transposer is what I use) for the isotopes & re-enriched. It heats after it turns on, stabilizes while running at right around 19k heat. 19.6k is the radiation threshold, so it is utterly safe. After it finishes it's fuel it starts to cool again. It doesn't need to be cold to start it again, it should be impossible to explode with infinite runs. If you restart it before it cools off, you will get better returns on breeding. If it cools off all the way, you get 1.4 per U, so still at replacement level. 2 stacks with stack size of 15 heating cells are the minimum to get replacement from that config, 19 gets 2 more cells bred without any additional consequences, and if you are ok with radiation, 23 is the maximum and gets you 2 more cells. Personally, I'm not a fan of radition, so I'd go with stack size 19 heating cells.
I'm not at all dead set against hot reactors; I just don't have any experience with them, and little to no success with my few experiments in the reactor planner. That's a very nice reactor you got there, with more efficiency and output than mine. Of course, it's running hot enough that parking it in the basement is probably a bad idea; a fire-proof reactor hall at some distance seems adviceable. The cell replacement system isn't very hard to build: I used a filter-retriever setup a while back to do the cell swaps on a breeder.
The cold breeder has a few advantages though: less architectural requirements, newbie friendly, and runs just fine without extra mods to do cell swaps. A hot hybrid also needs to run its full cycle; any interruptions will cool it down and ruin the breeding. A hybrid such as this hot design will need 4 MFSUs to receive all that power, unless you actually spend it all during the cycle - and I don't. A cold breeder on the other hand can pulse to top up an MFSU without any breeding loss, giving excellent continuous power with no effort. (though I recommend a second MFSU inline between reactor and main mfsu to catch the overflow energy that resuts from the reactor shutting down too slowly)
Seeing how you managed to get a 10-core reactor up though, I'm now curious and may have to start experimenting with hotter reactors.
Guys i dont have the time nor the motivation anymore to maintain this topic. Maybe someone should takeover or have multiple ppl maintaining this topic.
So since nobody else has come forward, I'll do it?
Here are a few reactors i made focusing on efficiency, as they mainly have fairly short cycle times i would recommend using other mods such as nuclear control addon, although not required, could continue to list more but i think
Mark III EA* 140 EU/t
Mark V EA* 140 EU/t (above but cheaper)
Mark I EA++ 60 EU/t
Mark V EA++ 60 EU/t (little cheaper, although i would say get the one above) -
Those are all horrifically expensive for what they do.
http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…tfsqhhr19losy2lr6136vbjsw (for the 60 EU/T eff 6 model) is a fraction of the price.