[OFFICIAL] List of good reactor designs
- Rick
- Closed
If i missed any other reactors just let me know (Havent read alot of pages due to lack of time).
Mark I EA
Output EU: 54 000 000 @ 260 eu/t
Runningcost: 36 UUM
Profit: 227,3 EU/t
Effi: 4,33http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…s0bv58k6anjxiz07gjbel3lds
Mark V EA*
Output EU: 56 000 000 @ 187,7 eu/t
Runningcost: 24 UUM
Effi: 7
Runtime: 1 minute 4 secs
Cooldown: 31 secsCan be runned with an vanilla redstone Timer or an sequencer (50% on / 50% off Timer or 33% off & 66% on Sequencer)
Benefit: on 50%/50% mode it can run double the time and with lower running cost as the mark I Effi 7 reactor
on 33%:66% mode it can provide more energy per tike then the mark I effi 7 reactor (on lower running cost)The FIrst is not perfekt but the mk5 is even a little usefull
Note that running costs for non-Mark I / II reactors were bugged up until now, the planner wasn't taking into account the cost of reflectors over the entire life span of the uranium.
The FIrst is not perfekt but the mk5 is even a little usefull
Now that the reflectors runnings costs are added that 7 eff reactor has its efficiency almost halved O_o
Its still effi 7 and the runing time is also the same. If you mean the the effectifly efficiency: yes it is low, but its ok for people with many copper and low amounts off uran. (or Gregtech user, but mods dosn't get a place here ^^)
My friend came up with this one:
http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…8muevu5t4bkf7k1t2654um4u8I personally don't completely understand reactors, but I kind of like it, so I'm gonna post it for him anyway (because he shies away from this kind of stuff, passive reader, not active poster)
Oh, wow, thanks, that really does reduce the load of gold
if we end up setting up more of these we will definitely use one of the reduced gold versions :o
Also, your design looks kind of appetizing, might end up using that instead, it really all depends on what we feel like doing (as much as I hate to admit my friend can be inefficient on a whim at times) -
Couple designs I made.
- Link: Mark I EB
- Eu/tick: 140
- Efficiency: 3.50
- Running costs: 0 UU
- This was simply a copy of Reactor #3 you have listed by Zombie expanded a little. I am sure it can be made to fix in less chambers. I was aiming for 0 running costs. But it is much more expensive to make due to all the extra chambers.
This is my old design. I know it is not designed that efficient, it worked well though. I usually ended up not replacing the reactor plates. The idea here was to charge the cells from the last run each time.
Nice improvements SSD & Fenrir.
I made this a bit ago, it is a vast improvement over my real old design I was using on a survival map, brought it from 6 chambers to 3.
I am just aiming for a design that uses as many single rods as possible, while still being able to recharge the rods left from the last run that doesn't require any other materials (besides coal dust). Maybe I just just give in and start using up some copper plates to make dual or quad cells..
A quick look and I saved gold.
Or you could use this.BTW, is this is the max eu/t (efficiently) you can get out of a single cells design?
BTW, is this is the max eu/t (efficiently) you can get out of a single cells design?
I did not attempt to get the gold cost down on this design yet, but I think this is about the best I can do with single cells
http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…gn2wmmyiic8czeibnd9bymhhcok cleaned it up some more but i am sure it can be done a bit better
I've seen that layout of the uranium cells before, but I can't really find the end result which came from the war between designs.
I got it to this point.
http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…wgg3e18aqhbz1seztqmairhmoDidn't try to take out gold or anything, just was trying to make it not explode
There might be a way to get a 3rd depleted cell but I just can't do it myself.
ok got it to 3. -
I have spent alot of time playing around with reactors, and i absolutly love it and i shure have run into my fair share of radiation accedents but after time i came up with an effective, no cooldown time ,infinite cycle reactor that is expensive but requires no matinence after it is set to cycle. The only catch is that you have to fix the cooling cells by yourself after its done, but the amount of energy you get from it will cope for the time spent on matinence so here it is.
Enter this URL: gqqr9exkk4nnnicjlh4u0fuhygrfwpgonmok0wjufivuzcmxz5uqo8vdajyth2ntbcapo4nbbfuo
EU/T 65,200 EU/Cycle: 652,000,000 Cooldown: None Extra Heat: None Max Cycles: Infinite
Enjoy !
Sorry to disappoint you but the LHZ don’t suck up all heat they get over a whole cycle...
Yours will probably blow after a few minutes, and then your reactor goes boom.
Also efficiency wise it is bad, look in my thread for the Reactor with the highest output.You seem to have a bad knowledge of the new reactor system, I suggest you to look at the wiki for details how reactors work now.
Just to add some more details to what was said above... just because the reactor planner says your design will run for a Full Cycle... that's assuming you refill the LZH Condensators DURING the cycle.
If you look at the "Condensator and Replacements Information" section... you'll see that for your design to run a Full Cycle, you'll reload the LZH's with a total of 1,925 Lapis. In case you were curious, that's 30 STACKS of Lapis.