I know people have proposed something as a power suit before or something similar, but I have been thinking about this for a few days now and I really want to share my piece of thought.
if it's rubbish you can just ignore it...
first let me talk about the tool modications. when the upgrades for machines was introduced I really liked them, and the longer I played with them, the more I was thinking how awesome it'd be to use them for the power tools aswell.
you would have to right click+m (as with the mining laser) to open the interface of the tool you selected. there you can find a few slots where you can place upgrades into.
the energy upgrade would allow more EU to be stored in the tool. the overclocker upgrade would make the tool go faster, but using up more EU. but this wouldn't be able to be applied to all tools, since for example having an electric treetap go faster wouldn't really make sense. an efficiency upgrade would make more sense, this could either replace the overclocker, or be a new upgrade. the efficiency upgrade will optimize the tool's function, but in exchange use up more EU.
for this upgrade the current items need to be changed a bit. for example the drill would need to be slower, a chainsaw would only be able to cut down wood, an electric treetap would only be able to get 1 resin from each resin hole, the electric wrench gets a cooldown so you can only use it once in a certain time, the mining laser will only have short range and the nano saber is the same as an iron sword. by putting in the efficiency upgrade, the tools become better. the drill mines faster, the chainsaw can now cut down things like leaves without breaking them and sheer sheeps, but only dropping 1 wool and the possibility of hurting them, the treetap can get more resin from resin holes, the electric wrench can be used more, the mining laser will have some more long distance modes and the nano saber becomes stronger.
now the diamond drill will be gone, but will be replaced with an upgrade that requires 3 diamonds (so not exactly gone, but can be crafted in a different way) I don't really have a name for this upgrade, maybe call this the overclocker upgrade, but this upgrade is not only for the drill. this upgrade can be used in any of the tools, increasing their functions. for the drill it'd be able to mine obsidian, and mine blocks faster. combined with the efficiency upgrade you'd be able to mine hard-to-mine blocks much faster, but ofcourse for alot more EU usage. for the chainsaw this upgrade would mean you'd be able to sheer sheeps, the chainsaw has become so sharp that you can sheer sheeps for more wool without hurting them and can be used to hurt mobs, but not as strong as it used to be. the treetap has become so sharp aswell that it can tap a resin hole dry with just 1 click. the electric wrench has the 100% rate without cooldown, the minig laser will get scatter, explosive and super heat modes and the nano-saber can now 1-hit kill mobs.
the transformer upgrade will also have a function for these tools. this upgrade will be needed when you change from a batpack to a lappack. the lappack outputs more energy then the tools can handle, so you need a transformer upgrade for the tools. if you use a tool with a lappack without an upgrade, the tool will explode in your hand and damages you alot. with the gravity-suite addon you would need 2 upgrades to be able to safely use the tools with the Ultimate Lappack/Gravitation Chestplate.
with these upgrades being able to be added to the tools the tools can change their look, depending on the upgrades that are added (for example the diamond upgrade gives the diamond tip to the drill, and maybe a diamond outline to the other tools aswell)
this was the tool modifications/upgrades I was thinking about. now onto the power suit.
the idea I have for the power suit could also give it the nickname nuke suit, because this suit doesn't gets charged in batbox/mfe/mfsu
rather it powers itself, with nuclear power.
the power suit is not an upgrade from the nano or quantum suit, it's rather a suit on it's own.
the crafting recipe is similar to a nuclear reactor recipe. each suit item requires a chamber, and the chestplate holds the nuclear reactor itself.
to store all this power the chestplate also contains a MFSU.
the rest of the items are reactor components, advanced alloy and refined iron.
an important thing with this armor is that you wear it complete, if you do not wear it complete the suit will be very unstable and might cause a nuclear explosion.
with this said, yes, this suit can harm you if used incorrectly, just like a nuclear reactor would.
if you wear the suit you'll be able to press a hotkey to open the suit's interface.
in there you will find a menu, but I'll talk more about that later, for now you can access the nuclear core in the menu.
when you open it you will find a similar interface as you would with a nuclear reactor.
in there you can place nuclear components and uranium to power the suit. with each suit part a chamber is added, which allows for more components to be added for a great EU production.
but again, if used incorrectly it can cause a nuclear explosion. the suit can hold a total of 10 million EU because of the MFSU
now the energy generation part of the suit is explained, now onto the rest.
about the menu I was talking about, you can access several functions of the suit.
if you wear the helmet of the suit, you vanilla view will get a GUI, which is configurable through the settings in the menu of the suit.
mostly it's to keep a check on the nuclear core, but you can also add some new upgrades such as radar (adding a simple minimap) sensors (which allow you to see health of nearby mobs for example) or view some other stats of the suit.
that brings this to the next part of the suit, power tools. you can add the tools you normally hold in your hands or on your back, into the suit itself.
you have 2 arms and 2 legs. the legs are limited, you can add an electric jetpack on each leg, giving you the ability to fly, much more stable then using a jetpack on your back (it's like creative flying)
the arms are a bit more... interesting. on each arm you can add a tool, so you won't have to hold them in your hands.
all tools and the jetpack get powered by the suit itself, and because they are in the suit themselves, their potential gets much better.
you could for example put a drill on each arm, which will make you able to dig a 3x3 area instead of the normal 1x1.
if you put a treetap on your arm, you will be able to completely tap a tree dry with just 1 click, all resin holes get tapped.
when you use a chainsaw, you can chop down a tree with 1 hit, if you use a wrench, you can actually pick up machines and place them down somewhere else.
if you use a mining laser you can attack enemies much easier and the attack is much stronger. you can also send lasers in a 3x1 area.
and the nano saber, yes, the nano saber. the nano saber will be so strong, it will have an AoE.
but, ofcourse the energy usage won't be cheap, these items will suck your nuclear core dry if used too much in a too short time.
that brings the suit to another dangerous part, if the suit needs to output more energy that it can currently provide, the nuclear core will become hot very fast, and thus making the core unstable with a possible nuclear explosion as a result.
you can keep a check on the energy usage with the added GUI view, but it's wiser to have the nuclear core first fully charge the suit before using the items.
the suit does have another downside, you are wearing a suit that uses nuclear power, ofcourse it'd have consequences for your body.
you will need to supply terra wart to your suit to stop yourself getting poisoned.
the more the core needs to work, the more terra wart the suit uses.
if the suit runs out of terra wart and you keep using it, the suit's resistance goes down, when it's at 0 (from 100 to 0) the suit will start to damage you.
you then need to take off the suit, but if you take it off in that stage, you'll get several negative effects casted on your body for a certain amount of time.
well, that's about it I guess, again, if it's rubbish then just ignore this idea.
I tried to balance it out with making the nuclear core the same as a nuclear reactor and the energy usage that can cause the core to be unstable.
I also tried tiering out the tools a bit more, with better functions with more upgrades, but bigger EU usage.
I do have to say I have no idea about coding, so I have no idea if this is even possible.