Yea, I had to move the change log to a github wiki because I wasn't smart when I put the initial post up and didn't do a couple of replies right away. The first post got too long and I couldn't put all of the info into it that I wanted.

[IC2 Exp][1.6.4][V1.118] Advanced Power Management V1.2.85-IC2_1.118
Can you un-limit the Tier III for the benches so i can charge Tier IV stuff from Greg-Tech addon?
Can you un-limit the Tier III for the benches so i can charge Tier IV stuff from Greg-Tech addon?
In my testing, I was able to charge the Gravichest plate in the HV bench without any issues. It happily sucked up all 10 million EU in it in about 20-25 seconds with no overclockers installed. Quite nice!
What item are you specifically having issues charging?
Probably the lapotronic energy orb or the other portable equipment like that in the mod.
He wasn't talking about gravi suite, he was talking about gregtech. Gravi suite's ultimate lappack and gravi chestplate are both set up as tier 2 charging compatible.
Probably the lapotronic energy orb or the other portable equipment like that in the mod.
He wasn't talking about gravi suite, he was talking about gregtech. Gravi suite's ultimate lappack and gravi chestplate are both set up as tier 2 charging compatible.
DreadWingKnight: Yeah, you're right about everything
Pantheis: There isn't anything that is Tier IV other than Greg-Tech stuff.
One suggestion I'd like to make is an upgrade path for MV bench to HV bench. (Even better would be if you could implement an in-place upgrade kit ala Iron Chests)
Recipe could easily just be the MFSU recipe with MFE substituted with the MV bench.-Edited: Actually just reversal recipes to convert back to storage block would work too, and might be handy in a few extra instances.
That would make sense since MFE can also be "upgraded" into MFSU.
One suggestion I'd like to make is an upgrade path for MV bench to HV bench. (Even better would be if you could implement an in-place upgrade kit ala Iron Chests)
Recipe could easily just be the MFSU recipe with MFE substituted with the MV bench.-Edited: Actually just reversal recipes to convert back to storage block would work too, and might be handy in a few extra instances.
I love this suggestion. Tallinu and I will discuss the issues and figure out if we want to do this and if so, how best to do it.
So what we're considering right now is an item that you craft with a bench to get an item. The item, when used on an existing bench, will change the existing bench into the bench that was used to craft the item, and the already-placed bench will be returned to your inventory. The energy stored would be retained in the 'upgraded' bench, as would any items contained in it, including upgrades. This would allow you to 'upgrade' a bench without losing the existing one.
Additionally, we want to add recipes for disassembling the benches so that you can recover your batbox, MFE, or MFSU (and possibly some of the other components). This way, after upgrading a bench, you'll be able to recover the batbox or MFE that was used to make it so that you can reuse it to expand your power network if you wish, rather than having old unused benches sitting around gathering dust - and if you made more than one HV charging bench for multiple locations, but don't end up using one, you can just take it apart.
We haven't started work on this just yet, and other ideas are welcome, but we both want to add a feature like this. I think it would help make the charging bench even more convenient to use - or disuse.
Is there an uncharging bench or a way for the charging bench to act as one?
Trying to come up with another way of transferring power (currently using lava cans) from the nether that doesn't involve using up a ton of tin on cans. (no mystcraft. need forge > 247 for other mods)
charging up a crystal works great but I can't think of a way to drain a lapotron reliably. (mucking about in a test world) -
Your Bench is really awesome!
Is there an uncharging bench or a way for the charging bench to act as one?
Trying to come up with another way of transferring power (currently using lava cans) from the nether that doesn't involve using up a ton of tin on cans. (no mystcraft. need forge > 247 for other mods)
charging up a crystal works great but I can't think of a way to drain a lapotron reliably. (mucking about in a test world)Any mod that can filter items based on damage value should be able to selectively extract a drained crystal from the battery slot on the bench, or the appropriate slot on a MFSU. Logistics Pipes, RedPower (when it finally comes out), etc should work. All sides of a bench have access to the battery slot, so the advanced wooden pipe (I forget what mod adds that) should work as well, and it might work for the MFSU if you can come up with a way to send items in through the wooden pipe as well as accept them from it. Does that help?
Just a quick update regarding Minecraft 1.4.
We will be holding off on any additional releases of Charging Bench for Minecraft 1.3.2. Our next release will be for Minecraft 1.4 and whatever version of Forge/IC2 is available and stable for it. We have new additional features planned for the next release based on the suggestions we've received and I'm very excited about them! Stay tuned!
You need to make it so it will interact with pipes. Until you do, it wont take off like you hope it will.
Right now I can't get any pipe to interact with it.
Any mod that can filter items based on damage value should be able to selectively extract a drained crystal from the battery slot on the bench, or the appropriate slot on a MFSU. Logistics Pipes, RedPower (when it finally comes out), etc should work. All sides of a bench have access to the battery slot, so the advanced wooden pipe (I forget what mod adds that) should work as well, and it might work for the MFSU if you can come up with a way to send items in through the wooden pipe as well as accept them from it. Does that help?
already tried it with logistics, didn't work. the advanced extractor just pulled out the partially charged crystal. for 1.3.2 there's basically no way of extracting things based on damage value.
meh.. guess it'll wait until 1.4 when mystcraft shows up as a mods folder mod. -
You need to make it so it will interact with pipes. Until you do, it wont take off like you hope it will.
Right now I can't get any pipe to interact with it.
This is actually an issue with Buildcraft and is fixed in a pull request that was merged in after BC 3.2.0pre7 was released.[/quote]The BuildCraft 3.2.0pre9 release should connect to the Charging Bench just fine. Tallinu is testing this right now to confirm it works with that specific release of Buildcraft. That said, every BC version we've been building from source has worked fine after that commit.
For reference, connections made follow sided restrictions as follows:
Quote from github readme
The Charging Bench's input, output and power slots are exposed to pipes, tubes, and other
devices. Input is on top, output is on bottom and the power slot is from all sides. While the
GUI restricts items placed into each of the slots to appropriate types there is no such
restriction for pipe/tube access. It is up to the player to design their systems so that the
wrong types of items don't get tossed onto the bench. But not to worry, there are no negative
consequences to inserting incorrect items, aside from temporarily clogging up the slot; the
bench simply will not do anything with items that it can't process.Valid electrical items placed into the charging bench via tubes will automatically be moved
from the input slot to an available charging slot, then moved to the output slot once fully
charged. In this way, you can easily automate recharging of items! -
already tried it with logistics, didn't work. the advanced extractor just pulled out the partially charged crystal. for 1.3.2 there's basically no way of extracting things based on damage value.
meh.. guess it'll wait until 1.4 when mystcraft shows up as a mods folder mod.The charging bench should be moving only fully charged items to the output slot, so the problem I see it is that you don't have something to place the charged items into to discharge them that allows for automation to know when it's done discharging them, right? If so, Tallinu and I are working on something for the next update that I think you'll love!
Prerelease 9 works properly.If you can't run that release because of the forge version required for Mystcraft, any commit after the pull Pantheis mentioned but before the chunk loading changes were added should work if you know how to compile it yourself.
Just a quick post to update everybody on the status of updating Charging Bench to Minecraft 1.4.2 / IC2 1.108.
It's done.
We're waiting on final testing to take place over the weekend but initial quick testing shows everything is working, including all of the exciting new features coming with the update.
As IC2 1.108 is currently in beta, we will retest this against the final release of IC2 once it goes live to verify everything still works.
I can't tell what all the recipes are by just looking at them and hovering my mouse over them doesn't' help.