[1.106]Q-suit Leggings and Boots Free Abilities and stuff

  • Now, I'm not sure if this is a bug or a feature, but Quantum Leggings and Boots seem to not use any EU while sprinting/jumping with the boost key pressed.
    But if you fall from big enough distance, then boots use EU.

    Also it seems that scuba helmet damages from falling, just like rubber boots would, but for the other parts of the hazmat suit I'm not sure.

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    Scubahelmetfallingdamage confirmed. I was also wondering why the QSuit doesnt drain Power (but had no NEI-Plugin to confirm that) on some occasions like you mentioned.

  • OK.

    Edit: Leggings nor Boots use EUs when running/jumping in/out of the water. Leggings use EUs only when sprinting and using the boost key (double tap W and hold Control) underwater.

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    Edited 2 times, last by SteveofDoom ().