On MC 1.2.5, IC2 1.97b, I had a Nuclear Reactor with all 6 Chambers installed. I placed 2 Uranium Cells, 2 Heat Dispersers, and for one Heat Disperser, I added 4 Reactor Platings, and to all Platings, I added an additional 8 Cooling Cells. On the other Disperser, I only had 4 Cooling Cells. So in total, that's 18 cooling elements against 2 Uranium Cells. Yet, somehow... my reactor got overheated. I don't understand what I have to do to keep it cool besides dumping a stack of ice into the thing every minute. I know that all cooling elements store 10k heat units and the cooling cells cool down at a rate of 1 heat/tick while the plating cools down at a rate of 0.25 heat/tick (don't know about the disperser). Is it because all the cooling elements stored their maximum heat values and couldn't cool down faster than the uranium cells were producing heat?
If that's the case then how does anyone ever cool down reactors without ice/water... Cell for cell, a uranium cell will ALWAYS outproduce heat than a cooling cell will be able to absorb and get rid of.