cfg file for mining ores

  • What is id metadata value? I was trying to stop the mining of dirt and stone for now.

    # List of valuable ores the miner should look for. Comma separated, format is id-metadata:value where value should be at least 1 to be considered by the miner
    valuableOres=14:3, 15:4, 16:1, 21:3, 56:5, 73:3

  • Meta data can be thought of as a "Damage" value for blocks, example:
    Wood: id = 17, metadata = 0 ; 17:0
    birch wood: id = 17, metadata = 2 ; 17:2

    This is the way which mojang limited the used amount of "True" blocks.
    Value is directly related to IC2, It indicates to the miner which ore to go after first. also (I believe) it factors into the readings for OV and OD scanner readings.
    Vanilla block ID's can be found here:
    IC2 and other mod ID's can be found in your config.

    Alblaka says:

    "People using their intellect in attempts to discuss other people into the ground could be considered less intellectual then people using their intellect for something beneficial :3"

  • Is damage how strong the block is and how much force is required to break it? If so where do I find what they are/should be?

    I can not find in the cfg where it tells the miner what to dig. Am I supposed to add to the cfg to tell it what? How does it know now?

    Why is he saying it's "17-2:1 and not 17:2"?


  • Yea it appears I derped, Greg is correct (Like usual).

    format is: "Block id" - "Damage value" : "Ore value"

    No it has nothing to do with force required to break it, it just works as a secondary definition value.
    Not all blocks have a damage value.

    This is that you should be looking for in the "IC2.cfg".

    Alblaka says:

    "People using their intellect in attempts to discuss other people into the ground could be considered less intellectual then people using their intellect for something beneficial :3"

    • Official Post

    Lol, i never use that Config since i have a Mod which autoadds RC-Ores, Forestry-Ores, my own Ores, Lava and later also RP-Ores to that List.

    Is that part of gregtech ? or a clientside mod that does it? [Btw, by harvesting lava you mean lava block, not cells right?]

  • "This is that you should be looking for in the "IC2.cfg".

    Yes I found that but what do I do with it? There is no dirt or stone ID there. I figured I would have to remove it from there so it doesn't mine it. I use the block ID that I want or don't want, then how do I know the values?

    What mod would that be Greg? It probably wouldn't help with the miner though.

    • Official Post

    Btw, by harvesting lava you mean lava block, not cells right?

    The Miner just sees it as valuable enough to pump it when a Pump is connected. If some people dont want that, i already Config-ed it.

    What mod would that be Greg? It probably wouldn't help with the miner though.

    GregTech-Addon adds those Ores to the List of valuable Ores.

  • I guess you're talking about your config addon? Well I still don't see where I can take away blocks I don't want the miner to mine or add them.

    IC2 is not a lot of fun right now, playing 1 hour and reading 4.

  • The miner wil mine everything in its path. The config just tells it what to look for. It digs down, and if you for example add dirt to the list in the config, it will look for near dirt in that layer and mine it.

    The forum won't let me specify my gender accurately, so I'll just use my signature to say that I go by they/them pronouns.

  • Think I have it now. One block straight down it will mine everything. With the OD or OV scanner it branches out looking for the ores you tell it to mine so it won't mine the dirt or stone as they are not listed. I must have that by now and then getting to the values. How do you know them? thanks!