This is in response to my extensive wind mill testing. (I'm convinced there is a bug that really rends wind mills in survival almost useless) { See the thread HERE }
Many who think its not a bug have claimed that wind could equal zero, and that's why the mills aren't working (even though I've proved with two identical setups that one working and one not working shows there is some sort of bug). For debugging, wind factory placement, and more, I'd love to see a weathervane. Whether this is a placeable feature (which also doubles as an awesome house decorating item too!) or one you simply hold, i guess doesn't matter.
I think this also opens the table for some degree of randomness that could be further added to winds. For example, some locations might be more prone to better wind power, and biomes could (probably easily) be added to affect wind speed. A high peak could grant +2 to relative wind mill height. Being in a extreme hills zone could add +2, ocean or desert +1, etc.
Perhaps a similar tool should be added for solar ray measuring (and maybe even water mills?) These could be easily placeable (yet need a wrench to remove) and help both for placing these important machines as well as debugging. And even looks!
Thanks for the read. Any thoughts?