Compoundedwords are hard for those not used to them. Like me.
They are logical depending on what language you are used to- in some chaining words up to dozens per word is a vital parts of word-making, while in others this is only a last resort.
In a different perspective, the logical way to use would be starting with the core noun and add adjectives after (Say, instead of Fusionreactorcoil, coil reactor fusion), or making a completely new & different word (traffic light- tright), or maybe just MakingAllWordsStartWithACapitalLetterSoItWouldBeEasierToIdentifyEveryWordSeparately, like in Wikipedia (compare that to how readable is makingallwordsstartwithacapitallettersoitwouldbeeasiertoidetifyeverywordseparatly). some people will see no need for capital letter. even in names and such. Other people may see all tenses past the past, present and future a form of insanity.
Logic and grammar are two separated worlds, completely dependent on personal perspectives and taste.
(although English is pretty bad for having pretty arbitrary rules for things like pronunciation, spelling, and grammar (full credit goes to Auto-correct for allowing me to be readable as if I know what i'm doing ) )