[Suggestion] a remake of the end/new dimension- alternative endgame!

  • Compoundedwords are hard for those not used to them. Like me.

    They are logical depending on what language you are used to- in some chaining words up to dozens per word is a vital parts of word-making, while in others this is only a last resort.
    In a different perspective, the logical way to use would be starting with the core noun and add adjectives after (Say, instead of Fusionreactorcoil, coil reactor fusion), or making a completely new & different word (traffic light- tright), or maybe just MakingAllWordsStartWithACapitalLetterSoItWouldBeEasierToIdentifyEveryWordSeparately, like in Wikipedia (compare that to how readable is makingallwordsstartwithacapitallettersoitwouldbeeasiertoidetifyeverywordseparatly). some people will see no need for capital letter. even in names and such. Other people may see all tenses past the past, present and future a form of insanity.

    Logic and grammar are two separated worlds, completely dependent on personal perspectives and taste.

    (although English is pretty bad for having pretty arbitrary rules for things like pronunciation, spelling, and grammar (full credit goes to Auto-correct for allowing me to be readable as if I know what i'm doing :P ) )

    • Official Post

    Compoundedwords are hard for those not used to them. Like me.

    You compounded the Compoundwords wrong :P
    Only Nouns can be compounded not Adjectives or Verbs.

    or maybe just MakingAllWordsStartWithACapitalLetterSoItWouldBeEasierToIdentifyEveryWordSeparately, like in Wikipedia (compare that to how readable is makingallwordsstartwithacapitallettersoitwouldbeeasiertoidetifyeverywordseparatly). some people will see no need for capital letter. even in names and such. Other people may see all tenses past the past, present and future a form of insanity.

    Thats called Camelcase and is often used by Programmers. I try to avoid that outside the Code.

    although English is pretty bad for having pretty arbitrary rules for things like pronunciation, spelling, and grammar (full credit goes to Auto-correct for allowing me to be readable as if I know what i'm doing :P

    Try to pronounce "ghoti". There are two ways of doing that,
    first being "fish", as you can spell "gh" as "f", "o" as "i", "t" as "s" and "i" as "".
    Second being "" (nothing), as "gh" = "", "o" = "", "t" = "" and "i" = "".

  • No, it's not a way of Talking, it's a part of the Germanlanguage as far as I understand.

    Yes, instead of writing "Raum Fähre" (Space Shuttle), we write "Raumfähre" (Spaceshuttle). However, it's not "Germanlanguage" (or "Deutschesprache"), but "German language" (or "deutsche Sprache), as "German" is an adjective, and, as GregoriusT said, normally you only compund nouns. Of course you can also compund adjectives and nouns, for example "Schnellzug" (express train), where "schnell" is an adjective (fast) and "Zug" is a noun (train), however, adjectives are mostly just placed in front of the noun, just like in English. Often, you can also use hyphens instead of writing a word as one word, for example you can write "Reisfeld" or "Reis-Feld", which both mean the same (rice field). However, with such short words the better choice is to write them as one word, except if it would be difficult to read or so, for example "Teeernte" (tea harvest), where three "e"s are in a row, should be written as "Tee-Ernte". However, nowadays many people make the mistake of seperating words, for example "Reis Feld". THIS IS WRONG! DON'T DO IT! Complicated enough? Good.

    Live long and prosper!

    The forum won't let me specify my gender accurately, so I'll just use my signature to say that I go by they/them pronouns.

  • Well, everything's better than homework, even teaching people who probably won't ever need it a tiny part of German grammer, right? : )
    And I'm sorry for making you learn something. : )

    The forum won't let me specify my gender accurately, so I'll just use my signature to say that I go by they/them pronouns.

  • I actually need to learn german grammar... Exams anyone?

    Age: 16. Favourite school subject: Physics/Chemistry.

    The IC2 forums could really use a lot more of [REDACTED], [DATA EXPUNGED] and ████████.

    I'm in a so called "after-school". It's freaking fantastic and nowhere near as boring as normal school!