In 1.4.6, IEnergySink.demandsEnergy now returns an int instead of a boolean.
The javadoc only says "Determine how much energy the sink accepts. This value is unrelated to getMaxSafeInput(). Returns: max accepted input in eu"
How does IC2 use this number?
[API question] demandsEnergy changes
- says it's being used much like the previous version:
Personally, I'm using it, and its friend injectEnergy, like so (from BeamMeUp source
Display Morepublic int demandsEnergy() { return ENERGY_CAPACITY - energyStored; } public int injectEnergy(Direction directionFrom, int amount) { if(amount > MAX_ACCEPTED_EU) { // IC2 machines explode here, but we're still in alpha testing, so just pop off dropItem(CommonProxy.interdictorStack.copy()); worldObj.setBlockAndMetadataWithNotify(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord, 0, 0); } energyStored += amount; return 0; }
It does mean I tend to end up with slightly more than ENERGY_CAPACITY EUs stored in the machine, but that really doesn't get in the way much, if at all.
ever vanilla IC2 implement it's own API not as expected, relax and standby for update\fix.
I'm using something like this:
Display Morepublic int demandsEnergy() { return maxEnergy - energy - maxInput; } public int injectEnergy(Direction from, int amount) { //insert conversion algorithm here :P return leftover }
Note that my conversion algorithm uses maxEnergy in such a way that I don't ever have more energy than maxEnergy (so the input is consistent). -
This value is unrelated to getMaxSafeInput(). Returns: max accepted input in eu"
How does IC2 use this number?Probably not at all. I use that API-Hook to remove an "else"-Case from the Tooltip of my Machines.