This thread is meant to be a list of Idea for addons. To be more accurate, it’s a Suggestion-Forum-like, but it deals with Idea too complicated to be implemented, or in a general way, with denied/ignored suggestion. It’s also supposed to be helpful for modders, that don’t know what they want to add to their addons, or searching complete system and not “I think this machine should be added” without any description, thought about gameplay change etc …
To keep it clear, please follow these rules:
At first will come suggestion: I’ll post two replies in order to get enough space for future edits.
-Please don’t reply just for post count, think to edit one of your post before posting.
-As you’re suggesting something new you hadn’t thought before, just edit your first post. Once I see your suggestion and I have added it to the list, edit your “Suggestion-Post” and delete the content of the suggestion [keep the title] unless you think I hadn’t considered the whole thing (in that case, complain on your post, with constructive criticism. Most of the time, if I didn’t consider some points of your suggestion, that’s because they are redundant with some others, or not related with IC² AT ALL.
-If you think your suggestion concerns mainly any specific modder, write it between []. The aim being to create an “Idea Bank”, feel free if you’re a modder to pick one idea up without considering an entire suggestion. As an example for my suggestions, it an be just the Hydrogen Battery, the Particle Collider or the Coal-based generator.
-If you think I hadn’t look at your post and didn’t considered adding it to the list, please think I’m not logged all the time ^^.
-I’m not going to do anything *except flaming you* if you don’t follow these rules, because I can’t do anything, but … be nice . Feel free to correct my English (^^). I hope this thread will be useful
Here is the
(From: Me)
[GregoriusT(the whole thing), DrCeph (the Oil Industry Part), Fallen Beast (the Fuel-based Generators part), any other developer]:
Notice than exploits are possible with what I suggest, but it would be stupid using it: using Massfabs (for digger) or greengens (for Coal-based Generator) would be smarter.
How to find it ?
There are a
few types of Oil:
The first one is the one from BC. It can be used to get energy, plastics (à Rubber) and some gas.
Then come a few others, which spawn in Sand /Sandstone/Stone [but nonrenewable] that you can harvest only by using the Advanced Miner: Shale Gas (can be found in any stone if it can help for coding, [using proper device, and with probabilities], gives Methane, Hydrogen, Petrol, Kerozene, and is pretty rare), Heavy Bituminous (sand/sandstone/soulsand(extremely common in soulsand, what makes the nether a Oil Source, gives Tar, Heavy Fuel, Plastic, Petrol, Kerozene, Diesel).
How to harvest these Oils? With the Advanced Miner.
The Advanced Miner is basically a Miner able to mine a 16*16 area. It is also able to detect Oil, Shale Gas and Heavy Bituminous. As a byproduct, it randomly generates some dust (depending on what it mines) out of stone, sand, gravel (<1%) and out of ores (from 5% to 20%, depending on the ore). It is also about 2 times quicker than the Miner (but will mine MUCH more blocks because it will harvest every block able to loot Oils, Dust etc …).
The Advanced Miner will also automatically pumps Liquid (usage of cells or of Multi-Liquid Pipes is highly recommend, especially if you don’t want lave to ignite Oil …), since it contains a pump in itself.
Why isn’t
the Advanced Miner completely OP ? Because it runs on EU (a lot), Water (needs 1 Bucket a second) but also:
-Sand(5 Block can be mined per Sand, EU consumption=3000)/Flint(40 Blocks, EU consumption=2200)/Iron Dust (200 blocks and 1800 EU/block)/Diamond Dust (2000 Block + 1500 EU/block)
These are chemical products such as acid used to weaken stone, ores and others … One Catalyzer cells can be made out of: 1 Water cells + 1 Redstone + 1 Sulfur[If a mod adding sulfur is installed]/1 Water cells in a Chemical Filter[described in the Generator Part).
Refinery [Belong to OIL INDUSTRY]:
The structure: The Refinery is made out of Reinforced Tank (4 Reinforced Glass + 4 Advanced Alloyà 4 Reinforced Tank)[RC tanks could also be used], 1 Heater and Compressing Pipe(s) + Extracting Pipe(s) + Heating Pipe + Machine/Advanced Machine Block. The Heater must be placed at the bottom of the structure (with 8 Machine/Advanced Machine(/Machine Casing if GregTech is used), with from 1 to 6 layer of 9 (because the base is a 3*3 structure) Reinforced Tank. On the first layer, a Heating Pipe has to be used. As for the second, third and fourth layer, Extracting Pipes must be used. The 6th and the 7th will needs Compressing Pipes. Each [Processing] Pipe will increase the EU-Consumption by 3EU/t, but will also generate another byproduct (using several pipes by layer won’t increase the amount of byproducts got ^^). The EU-Consumption will be of 20 EU/t (with Machines) 30EU/t (with Advanced Machines) + 21 EU (if all Pipes are used, and thinking it would be stupid not to use any layers, even because of a lack of resources, I assume it could be coded as only one structure, working only as the whole thing is done.)
Also notice that the refinery, which is harder to use than BC one (due to its price, the time it needs for each process etc …) is considered as a more advanced one than the one introduced by BC (at least by me ^^).
Chance of getting byproducts:
(per non-refined fuel)
Heavy Bituminous:
Machine/Advanced Machine
Tar 0.5/0.4
Coal Dust 0.05/0.1
Fuel 0.3/0.1
Plastic 0.1/0.1
Diesel 0.3/0.35
Petrol 0.2/0.4
Machine/Advanced Machine
Plastic 0.1/0.1
Diesel 0.2/0.15
Kerosene 0.1/0.15
Petrol 1/0.9
Methane 0.05/0.15
Hydrogen 0.01/0.05
Shale Gas:
Petrol 0.7/0.6
Methane 0.3/0.4
Hydrogen 0.05/0.1
Tar: Used with gravel [1 Tar + 8 Gravel à 8)to create road (wich allow vehicle to move 50% faster on, with a 20% consumption decrease, and player to move 10% faster). Can also be used to get 20 000 EU.
Plastic: Can be exctracted to get 10 Rubber (or centrifuged with GregTech to output 10 Rubber and some byproducts). Can be burn to get 15 000 (if you really need more energy ^^).
Fuel: Can produce 100 000 EU in the regular generator. Can be burned in the Slag Generator (e.g. +20 000 EU and some scraps) [Advanced Generator].
Diesel: Can produce 150 000 EU in the regular Generator, the Diesel Generator (about 200 000 EU) [GregTech]. Can also be used as the lowest fuel for vehicle. (See Vehicle).
Kerosene: Can produce 300 000 EU in the regular generator. It is also the Tier III fuel for Vehicles.
Petrol: Can produce 250 000 EU in the regular generator. Tier II fuel for Vehicles.
Methane: Can produce 450 000 EU. Tier IV fuel for Vehicles.
Hydrogen: Can produce 600 000 EU. Tier V fuel for Vehicles. Can also be used to create the Ionic Hydrogen Battery.
Fuel, Diesel, Kerosene and Petrol at least are meant to be burnable in a Petroleum Generator. Also notice:
-That I mentioned generator from addons (GregTech, Advanced Generator etc …), but I’ll also make a list (down) of every generator that could be implemented to me, and I’ll mention what fuel should be burnable in what generator.
-That the Hydrogen/Methane EU values doesn’t fit with GregTech, since I thought more about EU/mass, but it could works with it if considering 1 Hydrogen = 20 Hydrogen Cells and 1 Methane = 10 Me-Cells.
Generators [Belong to OIL INDUSTRY]:
Some of this may be already implemented by addons. But I’m bringing some changes that seems more logical/balanced to me. If you disagree, let’s argue later.
Coal-based Generator:
EU/t: 12
Runs on Coal (will generate about 10 Milibucket of Methane per Coal) [10 000EU/Coal + byproducts] and Charcoal (5 000 EU byproducts). Byproducts are: Methane, Coal Dust[20% for Coal, 5% for Charcoal], “Chemical components” (wich means Sulfuric acid but also some others dirty things) [5% for Coal only], Thorium/Depleted-Isotope Dust/Cells [0.01% for Coal only] (depending on the fact GregTech is installed or not). If you’re using compressed air cells, you’ll get 25 000/ Coal and 10 000 EU/Charcoal, but
you won’t get any byproducts.
Notice that the “Chemicals components” are used to create the “Catalyzer” needed to run the Advanced Miner. So this generator is a good way to buff Coal-based energy while avoiding perpetuum mobile with UUM (can be done with O2 cells, but at this price, some Greengen could be better ^^).
Diesel Generator: Already done by Gregtech, but should to me runs at 10EU/t with a +25/35% bonus per Fuel (because some of these fuels could also be burned in others generator with higher output or with byproducts). Runs on Fuel and Diesel.
Slag Generator: Same as the one from Advanced Generator, but should to me only runs on Tar[High chance of getting scraps] , Fuel[Medium] and Diesel[Low].
High-temperature Generator:
EU/t: 30
Will run on Diesel, Petrol and Methane.
Explosion Generator:
EU/t: 50
Will runs on Hydrogen and Kerosene. [Secret: TNT can also be used for 50 000 EU at 200EU/t, but it will have a chance to break the generator (and the cable if you’re using MV xD)].
Every generator can accept Compressed Air Cells as amplifier.
This message has been split to be too long ^^.