Who can help me?

  • Hi all=)
    I am fond of modding, and I don't know how make a block which may use as the extractor for example
    If you can help, than write me to PM how make it's.
    Sorry me if i write with mistakes because i from russia and i don't know English very well.

  • Are you using the IndustrialCraft API?

    Is the answer to this question no?


    Hey don't take it so hard. Ignorance is part of this generation it seems. -the wise words of XFmax-o-l

    • Official Post
    public class YourClass extends TileEntityExtractor

    you really shoud read some tutorials about java.

    Even though your Code is right, I would HEAVYLY disrecommend that implementation. Copying is fine, but DIRECTLY depending on this Code will cause many Problems as soon as IC² changes. Not to mention you need to decompile IC² to get the Code, what got recently a massive PITA, which I will definetly no longer do (reading Bytecode is much easier).

  • I think you guys are misunderstanding this, he doesn't want to make an addon, he literally wants the source code of the Extractor to make a machine for his own mod (not IC2 dependant).

    Is the answer to this question no?


    Hey don't take it so hard. Ignorance is part of this generation it seems. -the wise words of XFmax-o-l

  • Extractor is 99% stone furnace, nothing special about it, just separate recipe list, single line to implement.

    Unlikely, there is 0 changes to extractor method signatures in entire mod lifetime.

    Also its possible to keep outdated source code and update only classes you want to patch, this work perfectly fine.
    Timecost - single MCP run to get source and single diff to get actual changes, if class you want to change intact - ignore everything else it will compile and work without issues.