Lets just say I got the system in place to automate the production of high voltage solars from UU, and I already got my Mass Fab working at around 30000 eu/t. Whats the maximum input of the Mass Fab before I need another? Autocrafting takes care of making the solars, so I am not crazy, just power hungry.

Max EU/T of Mass Fab? No, don't question me, I got the balls and time to do it.
Its either 64 UUM per Tick or 1 UUM per Tick.
1,000,000 EU/t, in packets no larger than 512 (8096 for the gregtech version).
1,000,000 EU/t, in packets no larger than 512 (8096 for the gregtech version).
First its 8192 EU/p, second depends on its internal Buffer, which is something between 1 Million and 1 Billion EU.
Also with HV-Solars, it would take only a few Panels to reach 1 Million EU/t, or like Pahimar would say "WHUAT!?!".
I thought HV panels did 512 EU/t each?
And 1 million is the value on the wiki.
I am running without scrap, so its 1 million EU for a piece of UU, the fastest rate is 1 piece per tick, so 1 million EU a tick it is then. Damnit, now what do I do with the extra 100000 my planned setup will produce?
Edit: My server runs at higher than 20 TPS, because I changed the limit of when Minecraft is supposed to stop trying to reach a higher TPS. So this could result in my panels making slightly more EU per second than expected.
1954 High Voltage Solar arrays or Ultimate Hybrid Solar panels to get 1.000.000 EU/t in packets of 512 EU/p which is vanilla IC² mass fabricator limit.
Got more than 1kk EU/t ? Make another massfab. -
More likely, it'll drop the tickrate down to 2/s. Too many packets does bad things.
More likely, it'll drop the tickrate down to 2/s. Too many packets does bad things.
I've tested it once SSP, it worked normally. So i believe if his server computer is good enough it can handle it.
By the way, 6400 windmills makes far more packets and doesnt lag much the servers i've played.