Hello everybody I have an idea to make many translates on different languages like in original-vanilla minecraft and also many mods like Forestry now. So i want to introduce my IC2.lang full Russian translate! I translated all items and achievements like in original russian translation of Minecraft. So it can be like an offical russian translate for IC2, you can download it and check, just put it in folder and select russian language.

Translates in different languages. Introducing Russian Translate.
- Skelite
- Closed
S:blockAdvMachine.name=Улучшенный механизм
Да девид блейн это те самый ребята которые придумали "Энергохранитель Хрустальный Оптимизованный" ...
this "translation" suck.
What a sh...ame. ><
Why this translation is suck? Normal translation in original style, tell me please what wrong in this translation? (Any way if you think my translation is wrong so show me please corect version of translation if you so clever...)
I could translate to brazillian portuguese, but that would require a lot of time...
@all posts above: i can't understand russian so i can't say it is a good translation or not =P.
It would be great with in-game selectable translations. I can provide translations in danish, if there's any interest.
There are several translation packs in the pending add-on section. Most are out dated but still recent enough that they might work, or at least give the foundation to updated.
Well, that not to be unfounded:
blob - капля, blot - клякса;
better - лучше; "круто" - жаргон лучше не использовать, если в оригинале он не используется в явной форме
stash it! - [На]копи [это]! (делай/сделай что-либо, а не "Пора копить!" - делать/сделать что-либо)
intra - внутри чего-либо (измерения); inter - меж[ду] чем-либо (измерениями); - телепорт не может перемещать между измерениями/мирами, поэтому это очень грубая ошибка
...There is a lot more actually. Most words are completely different.
Yes, i little changed achievements translate to make it more literary, not verbatim but i really sure that translation of items 100% Right!
There are several translation packs in the pending add-on section. Most are out dated but still recent enough that they might work, or at least give the foundation to updated.
The suggestion of the OP was to make it possible to choose it ingame, in the vanilla minecraft menu. Forestry, and I think also Railcraft, does this.
The suggestion of the OP was to make it possible to choose it ingame, in the vanilla minecraft menu. Forestry, and I think also Railcraft, does this.
Yes forestry and railcraft, does this and i introduce translation for IC2 which can does this too.