E3 Impresions

  • I know this has nothing to do with IC2 so if people feel like this needs to be deleted, tell me before the thread is deleted.

    With E3 information being uploaded as I post this, I would like to get people's opinions on this E3, the new consoles and who you think has "won E3"

  • Where do I can get E3 livestream? And don't worry about this thread being deleted, is in off topic section

    Dota 2 player at SEA server.

    For me nothing is OP. It just a mod for fun and I'm playing it for fun. Unless it created items from nothing. Automining not included, neither do in case of self replicating machine. However GregTech is still good, so:

    GregTech Documentation Task Force Needed!

  • Where do I can get E3 livestream? And don't worry about this thread being deleted, is in off topic section

    I'm just waiting for post livestream uploads. have to say one thing though, as long as it's not a X-box one exclusive (cause I just saw gameplay nothing else) I will get Plants vs Zombies: Garden warfare

    (Still waiting for the Nintendo Direct *Cough Smash bros *Cough)

  • I'm very interested in Bungie's newest game project, "Destiny". I have alot of respect for Bungie in general (despite how Microsoft cash-cow'ed Halo like they did), and I hope this game does exceptionally well cross-platform...

    Would anyone like to try a Slowpoke Tail?! Only 1 Million Yen!


    this isn't about arrogance or ego, I have a block that I put a lot of freaking work into

    Every Mod Author, in existence. And yet, you STILL say otherwise.