[Addon v2.0_experimental for MC 1.6.2] LevelStorage v1.2

  • yes experimental are these all features , but night vision is now better effective this is now dark vision :D because can use in day in dark place

    EDIT: I have idea for tesla shot in helmet maybe add effect ray wchich work when hold keys and drain energy, (colosus effect in starcraft 2 like style)

    Have you tried using Tesla Helmet to shoot Tesla Rays? You should. Boost + Left Shift. After that you will be like: "Wow."

    Suggestion : Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator Fuels
    I liked these suggestions. I probably will add Americium and Stoncium the next version.
    Adding of simple-reactorcomponents is simple, however how does player get them?

    EDIT: Finished the molecular heaters.
    RC-3 version is in the attachments. Go test it, it has some new cool stuff ;D

  • radioisotpe generator is now ic experimental

    EDIT: hm ? where helmeet :D
    EDIT 2 : hm why ring and armor are automatic loss energy and stop when are empty :D (I know this bug is because level storage have conflict with energy manipulator mod)
    I find bug i can't fly when i have install mod energy manipulator, because in this mod can use fly ring but his shortcut key for fly is double space :D
    Remote accesor no work with vanilla blocks (work only when I am very low range on his , few blocks)

  • I could think of including AdvancedSolarPanels/CompactSolars UltimateSolarHelmet/HV Solar Helmet into the tesla helmet. Maybe it is gonna be another item.

    NO, DON'T!. It's the most OP thingy of GS IMO ... but lol, I don't use ASP/GS so ... :p

    Soon with Molten Salt Reactors, right ? :D

    • Official Post

    Radioisotope Thermalelectric Generator (RTG) is a special nuclear generator for IC² experimental as you probably know.
    What you could implement (and wouldn't be so OP), is a RTG module.
    RTG modules are items that are carried in your inventory. Those will provide energy to items in the following order : Hotbar, armor, other items of inventory.
    They generate energy based on amount of Pu, Am or Sr inserted, in grams.
    Radioactive Fuel can be added using canning machine. That same fuel, if held without protection, gives radiation poisoning (like IC² U235) for 3 minutes and fire for 5 seconds (those fuels generates heat by themselves [radioactive decay]) .

    NBT tags are used to express amount (in grams) of radioactive fuel inside. Mixing fuels is possible, as long it doesnt exceed the maximum 500g. If it does, it will give negative effects.
    If a player uses way too much radioactive fuel (without proper casing), it will give negative effects. To counter that effect, make sure RTG fuel is properly encased in iridium-lead-graphite .

    Cheap RTG module :
    Iron-lead casing.

    Expensive RTG module
    Iridium-lead-graphite casing.

    Every RTG module can hold up to 1kg of radioactive fuel.

    The cheap one gives negative effects after 50g.
    50g is the maximum safe, 50<x<200 randomly damages you, 200<x<350 randomly poisons and ignites you, 350<x<500 "previous effects" + randomly withers you, x>500 = permanent radiation poison, wither and fire damage as long the item is held.

    The expensive one gives negative effects after 500g
    Same effects as above, but 500<x700 (poison) , 700<x<850 (poison + fire), 850<x1000 (poison + fire + wither)

  • In your profile you say:
    "Don't forget: in your 1.6.2 world there are no mods that provide cobblegens (RP or TE), but mining turtles on top of lava+water will do it nicely."

    Gregtech has cobblegen in form of rock breaker. It can also make obsidian when given redstone in addition to lava and water.

  • In your profile you say:
    "Don't forget: in your 1.6.2 world there are no mods that provide cobblegens (RP or TE), but mining turtles on top of lava+water will do it nicely."

    Gregtech has cobblegen in form of rock breaker. It can also make obsidian when given redstone in addition to lava and water.

    I don't have GT there. And do not plan on using it at all.

  • I know how CC can be fun, but I also know how it ruin the fun I can have on any server by making easy quarries/tree farms for almost nothing. Infinite energy + infinite ressources for a very small investment.

    Soon with Molten Salt Reactors, right ? :D

    • Official Post

    We have been discussing a kind of LESU like multiblock for energy Storage, Not sure how it would be like though.

  • Lvl storage still is conflict with fly on gravi chest , Have you a plan repair this and repair conflict level storage with energy manipulation mod

    • Official Post

    We have been discussing a kind of LESU like multiblock for energy Storage, Not sure how it would be like though.

    How about it being expandable just like GT one, however allowing multiple "control blocks" or wireless (32 blocks max transmission, loss depends on distance (10<x<50), special upgrade on machines).

  • We have been discussing a kind of LESU like multiblock for energy Storage, Not sure how it would be like though.

    Okay, my storage will not be multiblock/blablabla then.

    it shouldn't be incompatible.
    Do you have both gravichest & levitation boots at the same time? If so, yes, it will block GS's flight.

  • do you have rc-3? I'll get to bughunting in the future, for now my priority is NEI support.

    ye i have 0.9.7 rc3 but ok i can use your levitation boots or quantum suite with integrated jetpack if you publish on ic 2 experimental