Presenting the latest in technology... we have the Lumi-Radioemitter (LRE)!
It uses electricity to excite radioactive elements and emit very strong radioactive waves that can change the behaviours of players!
The LRE-Core is so easy to craft that it can be crafted at home!
All you need is: 3x Luminators, 1x Advanced Machine, 1x Advanced Circuit, 2x Refined Uranium Ingots and 2x Reinforced Glass!
Arrange them in this pattern:
Where = Luminators,
= Reinforced Glass, and this yields 1 machine!
When you place it down, it won't have any effect. Despite the uranium already inside the machine, you will STILL NEED radioactive elements to power it up! This is where our LRE-Radiostarter comes in!
Harnessing the power of coal-embedded thorium, you can craft 3 Alpha Grade LRE-Radiostarters with
Where = Advanced Alloy
Thorium not strong enough? Use re-enriched uranium instead! You can craft 5 Beta Grade LRE-Radiostarters with
Where = Tin Block and
= Nuclear Reactor Chamber
Still doesn't satisfy you? Fear not, with the power of UU-Matter and Iridium, you can craft 7 Gamma Grade LRE-Radiostarters with
Where = Iridium Ore and
= Beta Grade LRE-Radiostarter
NOTE: Depending on the configuration and properties of the universe you reside in, you may obtain 1 Unprimed Gamma Radiostarter instead. In that case, you will have to craft 49 Gamma Grade LRE-Radiostarters with:
:Tin Dust: :MFS-Unit:
Where :MFS-Unit: = Unprimed Gamma Radiostarter, :Nano Saber: = Nether Star and :Tin Dust: = Tin Block
Finally, you can build the LRE! The LRE comes in 3 different tiers, depending on the build of the structure.
For all tiers, make sure there is a line-of-sight to the sky above the LRE-Core.
For all tiers, on the top of the structure is a single LRE-Core in the centre.
For all tiers, on the 2nd topmost layer, is a 3x3 layer of Alpha Grade LRE-Radiostarters in the centre.
For Tier II and III, on the 3rd topmost layer is a 5x5 layer of Beta Grade LRE-Radiostarters in the centre.
For Tier III, on the bottom layer is a 7x7 layer of Gamma Grade LRE-Radiostarters.
Then hook the LRE-Core to power. It can tolerate High Voltage.
The last thing to do, is to sneak and right-click the LRE-Core with a wrench, initializing the LRE! You can now access the LRE GUI from the LRE-Core.
Be warned, this will convert every part of the LRE into an indestructible material! Explosions will still penetrate the LRE, but won't destroy it!
To revert the LRE back into its original structure, simply right-click the LRE-Core with a wrench! The build will be reverted, and the LRE-Core will pop off!
NOTE: The LRE-Core will draw 10 000 EU to initialize!
These are all the abilities the LRE can do.
Tier I (Radius: 9 blocks)
- Base consumption: 8 EU/t
- LRE has a internal storage of 16 000 EU
- Player can select 1 effect base
- Provide 20 s of Haste I to all players in range. Cooldown: 15 s. Consumption: 120 EU per player applied
- Provide 20 s of Speed I to all players in range. Cooldown: 18 s. Consumption: 180 EU per player applied
Tier II (Radius: 17 blocks)
- Base consumption: 32 EU/t
- LRE has a internal storage of 128 000 EU
- Player can select 3 effects base
- Provide 15 s of Haste II to all players in range. Cooldown: 10 s. Consumption: 200 EU per player applied
- Provide 15 s of Speed II to all players in range. Cooldown: 12 s. Consumption: 350 EU per player applied
- Provide 15 s of Resistance I to all players in range. Cooldown: 12 s. Consumption: 180 EU per player applied
- Provide 15 s of Jump Boost I to all players in range. Cooldown: 10 s. Consumption: 150 EU per player applied
- Provide 15 s of Strength I to all players in range. Cooldown: 12 s. Consumption: 200 EU per player applied
Tier III (Radius: 33 blocks)
- Base consumption: 64 EU/t
- LRE has a internal storage of 1 024 000 EU
- Player can select 6 effects base
- Provide 10 s of Haste IV to all players in range. Cooldown: 6.0 s. Consumption: 375 EU per player applied.
- Provide 10 s of Speed IV to all players in range. Cooldown: 8.0 s. Consumption: 660 EU per player applied.
- Provide 10 s of Resistance III to all players in range. Cooldown: 8.0 s. Consumption: 520 EU per player applied.
- Provide 10 s of Jump Boost III to all players in range. Cooldown: 6.0 s. Consumption: 420 EU per player applied.
- Provide 10 s of Strength II to all players in range. Cooldown: 8.5 s. Consumption: 450 EU per player applied.
- Provide 5 s of Regeneration I to all players in range. Cooldown: 4.2 s. Consumption: 700 EU per player applied.
- Provide 10 s of Fire Resistance I to all players in range. Cooldown: 7.2 s. Consumption: 450 EU per player applied.
- Provide 5 s of Health Boost I to all players in range. Cooldown: 4.8 s. Consumption: 700 EU per player applied.
- Provide 6 s of Saturation I to all players in range. Cooldown: 5.0 s. Consumption: 540 EU per player applied.
Finally, depending on your universe configuration and properties, these values may be multiplied by up to a hundred-fold.
If you feel unsatisfied with your LRE, there are multiple upgrade slots to apply upgrades!
(Note: all increases are not compounded)
- Range: Increases radius by 15% per overclocker applied. Capped at 80% increase.
- Effect Level: Increases effect by 1 level per overclocker applied, and increases power consumption by 50% per overclocker applied. Capped at Level 4 effects.
- Effect Inversion: Inverts or corrupts effect when a inverter upgrade is applied. (E.g. Speed IV --> Slowness IV, Health Boost I --> Health Boost lvl 128 (inverts effect))
- Chooseable Effects: Increases effects chooseable per 2 overclockers applied, and increases power consumption by 20% per overclocker applied.
- Player Control: Limits effect and opening to player who placed the control upgrade inside. If Effect Inversion has been applied, it limits effects to every other player instead.
An inverter upgrade can be crafted with:
:Mining Laser: :Matter: :Mining Laser:
:Matter: :Nano Saber: :Matter:
:Iridium: :Mining Laser: :Iridium:
Where :Mining Laser: = Redstone Torch, :Iridium: = Iridium Ore, :Nano Saber: = Nether Star
A control upgrade can be crafted with:
:Uranium Ingot: :Advanced Circuit: :Uranium Ingot:
:Advanced Circuit: :Uranium Ingot: :Advanced Circuit:
:Uranium Ingot: :Advanced Circuit: :Uranium Ingot: