[Addon v2.0.367+?] (Minecraft 1.6.2/4) Transformer Converters Development Thread

  • So... do you people want to start over again? I'm kinda wondering that myself since I can't read any of this code. I don't really understand whats going on and, what does what. What are your thoughts? Should I just keep continuing? Or quit and restart for the hundredth time?

  • So... do you people want to start over again? I'm kinda wondering that myself since I can't read any of this code. I don't really understand whats going on and, what does what. What are your thoughts? Should I just keep continuing? Or quit and restart for the hundredth time?

    what do you mean "can't read any of the code"?

  • what do you mean "can't read any of the code"?

    Like, the code I'm reading currently, its not in the natural way I normally do it as. I'm supposed to make the electric engine's gui energy bar go up. However, since I can't figure out what one says in the method, I can't 'read' what it's saying.

  • Bar going upwards? Isnt that just increasing the Y-Startparameter and then substracting the Distance to the top Point from the Height Parameter, or something?

    I don't know. I'm trying to do what the machines usually do. Show the bar even when its not on, and has energy inside it. The problem is, I don't have a 'energy' for ic2. I do however, have one for buildcraft. But it doesn't work the same obviously.

  • I don't know. I'm trying to do what the machines usually do. Show the bar even when its not on, and has energy inside it. The problem is, I don't have a 'energy' for ic2. I do however, have one for buildcraft. But it doesn't work the same obviously.

    you can't look at a bat box or something and see how they do it and see if it is even close to what is going on with the engines?

  • you can't look at a bat box or something and see how they do it and see if it is even close to what is going on with the engines?

    I have. The engines way of doing it is completely different. Normal: The entire method does nothing. Engines: The method transfers into another method. Then that method actually does something. Which is converting eu to mj. Don't really know it myself. I kinda just mash things together and hope it works. By the way. Do you people on the forums want a beta release of the electric engines? If I get at least five poeple to say yes, I'll release only the electric engines. ONLY THE ELECTRIC ENGINES!!! The other things are still in alpha. Like the pneumatic generators, the bug with them currently, is that they produce power even when its not receiving eu. It's producing constant power. Who likes free energy? Nobody does. It ruins the game completely.

  • I have. The engines way of doing it is completely different. Normal: The entire method does nothing. Engines: The method transfers into another method. Then that method actually does something. Which is converting eu to mj. Don't really know it myself. I kinda just mash things together and hope it works. By the way. Do you people on the forums want a beta release of the electric engines? If I get at least five poeple to say yes, I'll release only the electric engines. ONLY THE ELECTRIC ENGINES!!! The other things are still in alpha. Like the pneumatic generators, the bug with them currently, is that they produce power even when its not receiving eu. It's producing constant power. Who likes free energy? Nobody does. It ruins the game completely.

    personally, release the whole thing as a beta and make sure people know it is a beta. Put a bug list right above the DL link and keep it updated. (and technically the generators would be receiving MJ not EU as they are supposed to output EU)
    looking at what you are describing, the gauge wasn't going on an EU storage but an MJ storage for whatever reason...which is kinda weird....and would mean a re-write of that part of the engine code if you wanted it to store EU....

  • I meant the pneumatic generators, not the electric engines. I might release one with all, but I probably won't. :P Yep, thats some-what right. Its not receiving the correct 'energy' and thus not working correctly. Yeah... I will eventually re-write it if it gets to be a huge problem. When I say huge, I mean, things breaking, gui's not working at all.

  • It makes me smile that people are actually participating in the poll. I really had a bad day at school again. Too much stress from it. And too many times of people being assholes and jerks to me at school.

  • It makes me smile that people are actually participating in the poll. I really had a bad day at school again. Too much stress from it. And too many times of people being assholes and jerks to me at school.

    eh, just remember they'll likely be working for you later in life (if you keep your grades up and get a degree that is actually useful)
    and it is times like this I wish pokemon were real...bully picking on you? Machamp use mach punch! or Gengar use scary face! (prob would be better to just scare them than hurt them.)

  • eh, just remember they'll likely be working for you later in life (if you keep your grades up and get a degree that is actually useful)
    and it is times like this I wish pokemon were real...bully picking on you? Machamp use mach punch! or Gengar use scary face! (prob would be better to just scare them than hurt them.)

    Ha, yes. I do too... I do too.