[Addon v2.0.367+?] (Minecraft 1.6.2/4) Transformer Converters Development Thread

  • Thanks, but I meant physical friends. I do however, accept you people as my friends. At least my internet friends. :) I'm trying to not make any bad decisions right now, because my mind is clouded. :\ You know how it is. :\ Even if you aren't my "friend", I don't know know of you enough to call you a asshole. Unless you really are. :\ By the way, some people are just acting happy on the outside, but really they're dying on the inside. It hurts to smile sometimes...

  • Thanks, but I meant physical friends. I do however, accept you people as my friends. At least my internet friends. :) I'm trying to not make any bad decisions right now, because my mind is clouded. :\ You know how it is. :\ Even if you aren't my "friend", I don't know know of you enough to call you a asshole. Unless you really are. :\ By the way, some people are just acting happy on the outside, but really they're dying on the inside. It hurts to smile sometimes...

    You're still too young to know how "keep smile" sometime hurts. In life come more difficult moments. And other like that.
    Moment when you realize you like your father even if he torched you, hurt you while you were little boy and banging your mom.
    Moment you know you die one day, but also know, then you DONT WANT die right now. And trust me, you don't want.

    You can be greater human, then that "humans" what you met. And you can be big. BUT not because of showing them your differences,
    but because you do it for yourself. Try to close your eyes and dream. About future, life what you would like to have. After choose your path,
    your way and destiny, be kind and prepare yourseld, then your road to will can be other then you want to have, but...
    10% from 100% is more then 100% from nothing.

    I can tell you. Im working in very, very bad job. I hate it all the time. Every morning and try to wake up is little big fight with me vs. me.
    One part, logical know I really need job. Because I don't want to be homeless, I want to have my computer, hot water and time for code.
    Other part, instead of that want to end it, everything. Because if you're nothing, and you're dead, there's no feels. Nothing what can hurt you.

    But, every morning I take harder path. Not because harder is allways better, but because its right thing.

    And good people are made to do right things. Even if it hurts. Forgive stupid people their stupidity. They dont change and dont know theyre wrong.
    But its their fight, other than that you have time to think about. Im saying that, because you do for me thing, what anyone else do...
    You believe in me and trust me. Now, in free moments what dont take my family, job or love of my life im doing things to make you proud for your choice.

    Please, be patient. Keep tryinga nd keep dreaming. One day, you will have everything you want. Even water, but not as it was in your dream.
    Water in bottle. You will have rain. You gain what you dream and what you want, but not always in exactly way you would like to have.

    Just remeber, theres no need to be shamed if you dont want keep smile. Better to cry, if you feel it right, my good sir : )

    public void getForumUserData(Signature signature, User user) { if(user.equalsTo("Cass") && user.isOnline() { Forum.Out.println("signature")})return;}

    • Official Post

    Sheesh, everyone seems to have problems. Does no one have a nice story?

    145 Mods isn't too many. 9 types of copper and 8 types of tin aren't too many. 3 types of coffee though?

    I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realise that what you read was not what I meant.

    ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
    // I just don't know what went wrong :(

    I see this too much.

    • Official Post

    Sure, why not :) That is, unless it wasn't bad because it was terrible...

    145 Mods isn't too many. 9 types of copper and 8 types of tin aren't too many. 3 types of coffee though?

    I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realise that what you read was not what I meant.

    ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
    // I just don't know what went wrong :(

    I see this too much.

  • It actually was..nice!
    Oh, and not to be rude and just barge in here to tell everyone about my lunch I should probably say something serious too.

    I can understand your situation and know how you feel. The important thing to keep in mind that it won't go on the same way, even if it might seem so. Often enough, things seem like a cycle you cannot break out of, but with dedication and focussing your mind on the good things, you'll eventually outgrow it.

  • [quote='master801','index.php?page=Thread&postID=152306#post152306']

    Wow. Amazing words. I rather not kill myself, but rather drink myself to happiness. Not a good idea, but it's a idea. And, thank you everyone for your kind words! Excluding that one person. :\ Anyway, anyone want a mod updated? ^^ I will only take one request. And not including redpower because I'm already working on that. :)

    • Official Post

    EE2 or even better, IC1

    145 Mods isn't too many. 9 types of copper and 8 types of tin aren't too many. 3 types of coffee though?

    I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realise that what you read was not what I meant.

    ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
    // I just don't know what went wrong :(

    I see this too much.

  • it is simple, but I'd love for you to update (and forgeify) the spawner GUI mod. I don't care if you have to add in a second spawner to be able to use the GUI with forge

  • it is simple, but I'd love for you to update (and forgeify) the spawner GUI mod. I don't care if you have to add in a second spawner to be able to use the GUI with forge

    Actually theres no need to make another spawner. There are two ways. You can make @ForgeSubscribe on event with "use block" on right click on it for Spawner or extend it I hope.
    I also saw interesting way of changing Vanilla block in some kind of way with simple choosing 7(Bedrock) instead of (id) - super(id, Material.x)

    public void getForumUserData(Signature signature, User user) { if(user.equalsTo("Cass") && user.isOnline() { Forum.Out.println("signature")})return;}

  • because adding files to the jar isn't as easy as it once was
    plus it limits the number of people that can install it without having to make an installer program like forge did

    Uhh.... you do know that you don't need to install a mod, but click and drag it into your mods folder? Forge however, that setup is stupid hard to do. I can see why they made that, but for a mod? Why would you need that? And, I mean a mod that doesn't make base class edits like optifine. :\

  • you misunderstood me, I was talking about having to add the mod file to the MC jar file, like forge and optifine
    the old spawner GUI mod was a MC jar file mod

  • you misunderstood me, I was talking about having to add the mod file to the MC jar file, like forge and optifine
    the old spawner GUI mod was a MC jar file mod

    Well, old mod was .jar file just because author probably dont know using Forge and changing Vanilla classes without touching them.
    Most interesting is fact then it shouldnt take so much time and work if you only need to make few things with almost one parameter.
    I guess it is NBTTag for change Entity which will be in spawner. And if its enough to o it with Vanilla mobs, you probably can use static methods.

    Otherwise, I reccomend you to do it with some kind of method which can dynamically use all the entities registered through Forge Entity : )
    Just for case you want Twilight etc. bosses. Also, this kind of Spawner is just great, because change spawner isn't as OP as SoulShards was and still little bit are.

    That reminds me then you could make it little bit nerfed, added to TransformerConverters as "Plugin" to main core and if TransConv are installed, that need to be powered by energy, to spawn mobs. In case you use own block / TE. Simply because Convert isn't only for energy, but you can also convert spawners. But its just in case of some ideas. : )

    I think its not needed, because even now is there much much much stuff to be done and adding next could be totally more messy : )

    public void getForumUserData(Signature signature, User user) { if(user.equalsTo("Cass") && user.isOnline() { Forum.Out.println("signature")})return;}

  • the original was done as a .jar file mod because he was using modloader not forge
    he also added in the option of being able to stop the spawner from working with a RS signal

  • the original was done as a .jar file mod because he was using modloader not forge
    he also added in the option of being able to stop the spawner from working with a RS signal

    Ahhh... okay. Makes much, much more sense now. By the way, I just looked at the code before, it theres some errors that I can't seem to fix? It's more like, I don't know what they do, and what there names were before I decompiled it. :\ Might never come until the original author either, gives me the source code (giving it out works too...), or just me asking him what they are. I kinda don't wanna do both. I'll try again later though. Oh, my internet is dying. So, don't expect any updates from me in a long time. :(