Recently I have tried to burn my extra creosote oil in the new semifluid generators. However, the generators will not accept creosote oil, leaving the supply pipes packed completely with the stuff.
So, I am suggesting an addition, that would let semifluid generators accept creosote oil, and output energy at, say, 16 EU/t orso (configurable). That way, we can have a use for the byproduct.
Thank you for reading this, and please leave a reply, if you have anything to say/support the addition.

Creosote Oil (railcraft) in semifluid generators
- SegFaulter
- Closed
According to (last time I looked at) Railcraft, Creosote is worth 3EU per Liter, or 3000 EU per Bucket. Just to throw in the correct Value for it.
I asked player about this earlier, He said he didn't want to add it to the list. Oh well, you can still use Greg's
owner (mod) of liquid must register it via API and set burn value, not IC2 itself, there is no way to register everything from ic2's side for obvious reasons, you shoud post this thread on railcraft forum.
owner (mod) of liquid must register it via API and set burn value, not IC2 itself, there is no way to register everything from ic2's side for obvious reasons, you shoud post this thread on railcraft forum.
Well, the railcraft team added a steam turbine that can produce IC2 EU with railcraft's stuffs, and another mod's energy with the same machine. It does not make sense for the other popular mods to add elements interacting well with IC2, or just for IC2 interaction, when the IC2 team chooses that it is the responsibility of the other mod's team to add their own stuff for a machine IC2 adds. Shouldn't they return the favor once in a while, show some thanks for working together and coexisting? Or did we loose the ability to be good people back when 1.3.2 came out and everything went downhill? -
just imagine, there is book (ic2e) with ability to add comments (api integration) if other mod (railcraft) wants to add comment (new recipe) this mod shoud write down it, not IC2e every few days ask every other mod about "what do you think about me can i write down comment for you?"
as you may noticed, IC2 team not asked forge team to add UUM liquid to forge, ic2e registered this liqiut self.
Well of course, why would they want an API to add the liquid? Thats just stupid.
Its IC2's generator and so is IC2's responsibility to add it, but if another mod wants to thats fine. -
Its IC2's generator and so is IC2's responsibility to add it, but if another mod wants to thats fine.
If only there was some sort of a generic dictionary for fuels where mods could register fuels themselves and a similar dictionary for users of said fuels ...
At the moment asking fuel-adders to register their stuff would mean machines from less-known mods won't get fuels registered with their stuff. When swapping around and requiring fuel users to register stuff then the less-used fuel adding mods will be screwed.
Its IC2's generator and so is IC2's responsibility to add it
if i post mod that add fuel, i must ask ic2 team to register my fuel? or i shoud register my fuel via API myself?
if i post mod that add fuel, i must ask ic2 team to register my fuel? or i shoud register my fuel via API myself?
If I post a mod that adds a new generator, who should register fuels for it?
If I post a mod that adds new fuel, who should register it with generators? -
I asked player about this earlier, He said he didn't want to add it to the list. Oh well, you can still use Greg's
By the way, just about everything Greg sells us is way too expensive unless you have everything in industrial quantity before the latest update...