
  • Protest! Protest! And Protest!!
    Previously try posts in this subforo in where treat search the solution for my server and client for IC2, iam have the industrialcraft-2_2.0.271-experimental.jar, but the server recomended MCPC+ not function!! And never found the solution or correct server!

    Someone use the file industrialcraft-2_2.0.271-experimental.jar??? What server use for this MOD?? And what client??? I need for version 1.6.2/1.6.4!! Plis, helpme! As all also wanna to play!! T_T

    From the ultimate version of 238 of IC2, updated to 271 (and forges) and lost textures of all items and blocks, and appear to blank, only figure the name of items. Is worse than before!
    MinecraftGhast MinecraftGhast

    [I don't have the will to pretend i want to help you more than this, considering previous behavior and lack of proper communication]

    SpwnX. Check te first post: "What server use for this MOD?? And what client??? I need for version 1.6.2/1.6.4!!" And not erase the MCPC, without server is without playing.
    Same for GregoriusT , without the server is without playing! Check the first post, if not recomender a other server with same function and accept the IC2, then not removed the Server!

    Same for SirusKing, without the server is without playing!
    Same for Blaster, without the server is without playing!
    Same for Chocohead, without the server is without playing!

    SirusKing: Know a great deal of memes, but none for reading the post and answer the question. ¬¬

    • Official Post

    The lack of proper communication is that you refuse to understand that MCPC+ is your problem. You don't need it to set up a server, therefore you don't need it to play.
    Also, your english is barely understandable.

    answer=question("What do i have to say to make this guy understand that you can't solve this problem and have to abandon a MCPC+ server in favor of a normal server?");
      printf("Great, now he is playing normally, without any problems");
    printf("He is just too stupid to understand, i give up.");
  • So if you say "X goes to hell [for doing Y]", you are actually a Satanist.

    Not really. Satanism and hell has pretty much nothing to do with each other.

    SpwnX: There are 10 Rules every Christian has to follow

    Actually there are a bit over 600 of them. Jesus himself said he is not on Earth to change any of the old laws (from old testament) and all that stuff still does and always will apply.

    Fun fact - catholic church officially agrees that adam and eve really didn't exist and are just a metaphor. They still say original sin exists.

    Discussing religion is the most pointless thing we could do, thats enough, please :3 ~SpwnX