What????Atomic Disassemblers can deal damge? and it will kill all kind of mobs instantly? including BOSS? and could u tell me how to use AOE KILL function from Quantum Ring and ForceField ChestPlate?
In case you didn't know, Atomic Disassemblers have "tunnel length" property. (which is power of two, i.e. 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 )
You can increase (and shift to decrease) tunnel length for Atomic Disassemblers via pressing "Range key" (standart minecraft keybinding, which is defaulted to V key)
On least (which is one) tunnel length, there is no way you can get damaged.
The formula for damage (which ignores any protection except for Quantum Ring) you get from it is:
TL - tunnel length
random(tl /4 * 1.5)
Which is random at all times, so theoretically you can get 0 damage even with 128 tunnel length.
So, on 128 tunnel length, you get 48 maxdamage, which grants you more than 50% chance of death upon use.
On 64 length, you get 24 maxdamage, which is still dangerous.
So, following this simple logic, use Atomic Disassemblers with 32 tunnellength, after you get damaged, wait a bit to regen health and do the same again.
I meant minecraft-packets. Minecraft still wraps its packets into a header+content form. So, instead of sending 1000 packets with 1000 headers, it sends 1 big packet with 1 header. Much more efficient, right?