Posts by mak326428

    Suggestion: lunar panels, they would output more eu in the night then the day.
    They would be crafted with lunarium and have the same teir system as the solar panels.
    Then you would craft them together surrounded with some form of combination between sunnarium and lunarium to create the ultimate solar/lunar panel.

    That's really cool idea! In minecraft night and day time are 1:1, so they should output the same EU amount as solar panels. It is really easy to implement it. Just put "if (isNight)" instead of "if (!isNight)", for instance.

    I've never tried to make this, but I think that you should register it somewhere. You just register an item and class, which implements ITerraformingBP, but IC2 doesn't know about this. It's most probably not a bug - just a not implemented feature.

    Easy-to-say: if you set it to true, it will connect to a cable, otherwise not. Seriously, no one electric device could work without adding to the enet (and generators (IEnergyEmitters) and machines (IEnergySink)).

    You must connect device to energyNet always (in updateEntity method of course)
    Source example:

    public void updateEntity() {		super.updateEntity();
    		if (!this.addedToEnergyNet) {			EnergyNet.getForWorld(this.worldObj).addTileEntity(this);			this.addedToEnergyNet = true;		}	}

    And you also have to delete your TE from energy net in invalidate() method.

    public void invalidate() {		if (addedToEnergyNet) {			EnergyNet.getForWorld(worldObj).removeTileEntity(this);			addedToEnergyNet = false;		}
    		super.invalidate();	}

    I will upload it.

    Yay! That's great news!

    Found a bug: when vajra destroys snow, it doesn't drop it due to technical being pickaxe-only device. (maybe, most probably)

    Hm, i think that adding superconductor to the oredictinary was wrong due to gregtech. you can use both gravisuite's superconductor and gregtech's superconductor in all recipes, but gregtech's version is more expensive that gravisuite's.

    As i think, ultimate static boots should be cool. It could generate 512 EU every 2 blocks you have gone.

    Anyone can update faithful TP for this? Here i can find only 1.2-version of this.

    Pretty sweet addon :)
    It would be nice if you add charge slot for IC2-ElectricItems.

    Hm, but i think that 100000 eU is a little expensive (even not little). Compare: 1 uranium cell will give you 10000000 EU. So, 10 fuel buckets = 1 Uranium Cell? You will get even more that 1000 buckets from one oil deposit.

    I have a transformers addon and Advanced Solar Panels, so it is not a problem to get much bc MJ.

    I really like this mod and have it in use on my 1.4.2 server.

    This and the Gravitation Suite are the only ones missing to update to 1.4.5.
    Also I would also appreciate if the log lines like "EnergyNet.emitEnergyFrom: advsolar.TileEntityAdvancedSolarPanel@34f3683 is not added to the enet" could be removed, either by hiding them or by correting the cause.

    ... maybe it will better just to connect it to cable? It adds itself to energyNet every updateEntity method call, so it just could not log this, if is connected to cable.

    SeNtIMeL, it would be cool if you add the following lines to your addon's code.

    Ultimate Hybrid Solar Panel:

    @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT)	public EnumRarity getRarity(ItemStack par1) {		return EnumRarity.epic;	}

    Hybrid Solar Panel:

    @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT)	public EnumRarity getRarity(ItemStack par1) {		return EnumRarity.rare;	}

    And, of course, Advanced Solar Panel:

    @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT)	public EnumRarity getRarity(ItemStack par1) {		return EnumRarity.uncommon;	}

    Also you can add an achievement for craft ASP, HSP and UHSP. Or at least, add messages to the chat.
    Just for fun, but the epic IC2 things have epic colors, why not your addon?
    If you plan to add achievements, add them only in HARD mode (IMHO, you must be hero to craft UHSP on server :D)


    Learn Russian or use google translator !

    Oh not, it is english (american?) forum and official language here is English. So we must (non-english users) to write in English, it is necessity.

    Please, use google translator or at least write in correct Russian (I'm native, but it is sometimes impossible to understand).

    It is really HARD to learn Russian for non-native people. Won't you feel hurt if someone says you "learn English or die ( :D )"? I think, you will.

    I think that recipe of Hybrid Solar Panel in hard mode kept unbalanced. In hard mode you will need to spend EIGHT uranium fuel ingots. 60 EU/t * 2 * 20 * 10000 = 24kk energy! It is really expensive. Also you will need to spend 56kk of energy to generate uum. So, it costs (if we count only expensive resources) 80kk energy. 800000000 / 64 = 1333333 t = 66666 Seconds. It will be profit only after 66666 seconds of day! OMG

    I visited Mojang site only once: i need download minecraft_server.jar for MCP :D

    I have free launcher for MinecraftAlpha by AnjoCaido, but it downloads and starts latest versions of MC without any problems

    Quote from hatecreeper
    Why does it show me Energylvl 0% while my Ultimate Lappack is full (u see it left bottom corner)?

    Maybe u used TMI? IC2 has compatibility with NEI, but not TMI. All electric items have their EU-Storage and visual energy level. TMI shows you items with visual energy level = max, but in fact its storage is empty. Use NEI (or creative mod), you will see the charge level of item under its title.

    I hate RP2 for block-breakers. I played on lots of server, where blockbreaker is forbidden. i think it is right, because you get free SCRAP. And, of course, if we talk about lags, don't forget about RP2 timers. If you have 0.2 seconds on 10-15 timers, you probably know what is real lags.

    Also, can it automatically output cobble into any inventory next to it? If not, that should be a highly considered feature to add for future versions.

    Yes, I plan to add this feature in next version.

    What happens if I set the EU config to 0? Will it automatically make infinite cobble? Personally this would just be space and lag saver for me. I don't want to pay EU for something could be made for free however.

    If you set it to 0, you will need to give it 1 EU and it will work forever :D