Posts by SegFaulter

    I have heard of someone once suggesting higher-tier forms of energy production. One of them, a much higher tier, was ''Zero-point energy''.
    Due to the use of that term, it may have been intended to be the extraction of energy from matter until it reaches its ground-state (zero-point) energy level, where it still has some energy but can not lose any more by normal means.

    But what if we could extract that lat bit of energy, pushing the matter below its ground-state? With the power of HAYO! technology, and even more high-tech stuffs/materials, we could make a ''one-way energy valve'' that allows the energy to be moved out of matter, but keeping energy from moving into it. This energy could be collected in a heat-sink material, ranging from water/steam (lowest heat capacity), beyond liquid metals, up to the highest-tier molten salts (highest heat capacity). This heat could then be used in a Heat Turbine (from this suggestion) to generate lots of EU (or just used in a higher-tier Heat-to-EU converter, but Heat Turbines could be good for a low-output beginner setup).

    The Zero-Point Energy Extractor machine could possibly use any dust/material of any kind as fuel, and each possible input material has a different value of energy (in the form of heat) extracted between its zero-point energy and Absolute Nil. After all possible energy has been extracted, it becomes waste.

    More specifically, ''Uniform-Indifferent-Entropic-Sludge-Waste''. It would a liquid-like material, but has unusual properties. First of all, it flows over a greater distance than water. It also makes entities caught in it move about as fast as in cobwebs. Entities that are drowning in it may not be able to get out of it at all. It can be picked up with a bucket, but can not have a block placed in its place like lava or water. It would be a much more effective pollution if liquids like in the Finite Water Mod is ever added as a mod/addon/part of IC2/part of Gregtech/part of Forge, as it would flow outwards and level off quickly, covering a large area. To get any of it in a bucket, the sludge would have to fill EXACTLY 1 block where it is picked up, but then it would level off again and another bucket of it would have to be added to the mass for it to be picked up in a bucket again. It would also be a reflective color, as it can not absorb any light, or any energy, as its physics have been broken.

    Just thought that this may be a nice idea. If not, atleast it has been read, and thus will modify someone's ideas about what to add/suggest in the future. If it causes something to be added, that is cool/has an awesome purpose, then the purpose of this reply has been fulfilled.

    GT added both lightning rods, and wires/machines being destroyed by rain.

    I know about GregTech. But I just thought that it would shut up some noobs asking for lightning rods, if Lightning blows up entire E-nets upon striking any wire/machine in it. They suggest lightning rods, someone tells them that it is already a feature, the noob sets it up, and it explodes. They might whine a little bit, but it would likely keep others from suggesting the same idea.
    And also it would be a cool feature.

    It would be nice, if Helium plasma could be put into a ''heat turbine'', that uses the heat from the plasma to make a gas move around inside it, and make a turbine rotor spin. The standard Plasma Generator destroys the Helium, but in a heat turbine, the heat is simply removed from the helium plasma, and it returns a full Helium cell.

    The Heat Turbine would be built similar to the Gas Turbine, except that it requires slightly different blocks in construction, including a few off to the side of the casing, that are for input/output of helium-plasma/helium. Also requires a ''tank'' for a gas used in the closed-cycle system. Different gasses have different efficiencies, based on density and thermal expansion. Still uses a rotor and needs maintenance, unless a special Diagnosis computer and Automatic Machine Maintaining Device are placed on the machine, to automatically find problems and fix them. Automatic maintenance takes more time than manual maintenance though, for balance, and requires energy throughout the entire problem-seeking and fixing process.

    Another use for Helium, to prevent players from simply dumping it into recyclers, could be that it is consumed in a special ''Automatic Welding Machine'' that uses its own built in Computer, and a moving Welding device, to weld stuff together more efficiently than regular crafting. Like, 6 Refined Iron Plates into 1 machine block, or producing 6 Machine Casing per recipe.
    The machine would use up the helium though, but a single cell of it would be useful for many operations.

    It would work similar to the Buildcrash Assembly Table, having slots for Input items on the Left, and possible items to produce on the Right side. Clicking one of the items on the Right side will highlight it, and begin manufacturing it like other GT machines. When a recipe is selected, it takes the items from the left, manufactures them into something, and when it is finished, outputs to a few slots at the bottom of the GUI, above the player inventory. It also has an option for two modes: single assembly mode (1 crafting) and automatic mode (as many craftings of selected item as possible with supplied resources. If it runs out of resources, it stops producing, until enough resources are added, when it then resumes automatic operation.)

    Just thought this might be a good idea, or alteast one for inspiration of something better.

    I read that the ''noble gas'' elements can be used to make ''neon lamps'', that emit light of different colours depending on which of the gases are inside the lamp. Could you add recipes for such lights, that appear a different color when turned on? And glow like luminators aswell?

    Also, Radon can be used the same way, to glow yellowish-green, BUT it should be made with Lead glass (or reinforced glass) rather than regular glass in the regular lamps, as Radon is radioactive.

    It would be nice if the lamps act like cables in rendering, have only a few hundred EU storage, and can transmit power between each-other with 0 loss per block (only lamps of the same color connect, of course). It would be more favourable over the other option, being simply ''coloured luminators made with new gases''.

    Researching other uses for Noble Gases so that they won't just have one use...
    EDIT: Maybe they can be used to make different tiers of lasers, used in advanced circuit assembling machines? Or for coloured mining/combat lasers? You-all come up with more ideas, as I can't really find anything more. (except that some noble gas compounds are strong oxidizing agents, and some of those compounds release toxic chemicals when reacting with air or other chemicals...)

    So, there are a lot of people who come here every so often (noobs) who want lightning rods, that generate EU from lightning. That is denied, as it is OP and just stupid. This idea kinda uses the mechanic of energy from a lightning strike, but not in a good way...

    Basically, when EU packets run through a cable during a thunderstorm, (ex. generator charging a batbox through copper wires) there is an increased chance that the cable will be ''selected'' to be struck by lightning. Before it is struck, it is checked to see if there is a block above it. If there is a block above the cable, nothing happens. If there is not, well, the Lightning strikes the cable in a fantastic show of sparks and random static-electric discharges. Specifically, multiple packets of (nearly, maybe more or less) 8,000,000,000 EU are sent through all possible directions along the cable(s). The packets, upon frying a machine, cause it to explode with about as much force as a creeper or TNT, and may jump to nearby cables, effectively destroying most of, or all of, the E-net. Lightning can also target energy storage blocks, with higher chances of a strike depending on the amount of EU stored in the block. There may also be a tesla-coil-like effect, harming nearby entities/players for a few seconds, if they are close to an affected wire or machine (however, they will most likely die if they are anywhere near the point where the lightning strikes. This will make it vital to players to establish a roof before they start wiring their base, else one thunderstorm could send them back to the dark ages.

    Although this uses some E-net logic, and ''technically'' gets EU from lightning, the EU can never be used, with any setup, and will likely kill anyone who experiments with it. Not even 5 HV transformers on the sides/bottom of a cable will be able to collect any EU, and they will simply spread the destructive EU-packets along more wires, and cause slightly more lag than normal.

    That could also have the effect of making n00bs stop asking for lightning rods, as long as people make enough YouTube videos on ''how to set up an IC2 lighgtning rod'', telling of how to set up the cables to get struck, but not showing it in action. (they try it, they die, they ragequit, ask about it somewhere, get told why it happens, and they never ask again for any lightning rods or anything, unless they are just stupid)
    It may also then be advised to reply to Lightning rod suggest topics, saying ''IC2 already has lightning rods: (link to youtube video)''

    However, this may be too much of a task, may be too hard to code or may cause too much lag, or may cause bugs/crashes excessively. In that case, forget that this suggestion ever happened, and let it wither away into the depths of the previous pages of topics, to never be found or asked about again.

    Sounds very laggy and wouldn't really add much to gameplay.
    UU-Matter is nice how it is if you ask me no need to make it stupidly over complicated.

    +1 to that.

    The IC2 devs will probably not add this idea to IC2, due to how much of a hassle it will become for already established players.

    For example, Player A has just finished his UUM factory, with 8 Mass Fabricators running 24/7, from an array of nuclear reactors just under the factory. He plans to take the UUM and make Quantum Armour. Player B (admin) updates IC2 to the new version that breaks changes Mass Fabricators. Server is restarted, and Player A rejoins the server. Player A is immediately thrust into a hostile UUM wasteland, the nuclear reactors are destroyed and power stops flowing to the mass fabricators. Player A is confused, not knowing about the new addition, and wrenches the Mass Fabricator No. 1 to move it to a safer location. Instant chain-nuke-explosion ensues, and Player A dies. Player A ragequits, and eventually rages to his bedroom, thinking of how he will punish the ones responsible, until he falls asleep.
    Next day, Player A decides to get Nodus installed in his client, and re-joins the server. Player A hacks the server console, bans Player B, makes himself OP, destroys the spawn city, destroys most other cities, nukes everyone's factories and houses, deletes all world backups, and ultimately crashes the server with a Mass Fab Nuke Chain Reaction, that sets off a 64 chunks by 64 chunks block of Nukes.

    To sum this all up, it's a great idea for an addon, but should not be included in vanilla IC2. Just think of all of those servers with people who have large UUM factories - and also think of how much of a hassle it will be for them to redesign everything quickly before the update, and what will happen to the unknowing ones who try to move their mass fabricators after the update.

    This would be cool. Seeing an abandoned nuclear powerplant that melted down, or a forgotten factory in the middle of nowhere (including rails outside, broken in some spots, as to suggest that there were tracks leading to/from it, bringing in/taking out resources/products)
    Let's hope this gets more support.

    I'm having the same issue. Let's hope the developer of this advanced machines addon sees these requests. It would be pretty simple, all that is needed to be added is 3 different recipes, identical to the ones present, except accepting GregTech ''Automatic'' machines.
    Else I'll have to toss the 3 useless Autofail Macerators I made into lava, and remove GregTech and start making Overclocker upgrades.

    EDIT: Crafting Automatic macerators into the real, working ones, for use in crafting of advanced machines...

    Awesome. I would like to see this someday as one of those big mods that everyone likes, like Gregtech, IC2, Equivalent Exchange, & Railcraft. Maybe it can even be part of a modpack I have an idea for, someday...
    Suggestion: Change the industrial macerator/extractor/etc. textures some to better resemble the Advanced Machine Block, and maybe reduce the slots for inputs/outputs to 4. 4 is a better number for stacking, as it is related to 64 (4x16 = 64. Put 8 Copper ore in each slot for a stack of copper dust, 16 in each slot for 2 stacks, etc.)

    I just had a simpler idea. For quartz.
    Quartz could be macerated into quartz dust, and the chemicals in regular quartz could be extracted and used and etc., but since it is nether quartz, it is created with lava. (nether = lava) Quartz created like that, near lava and under pressure, can sometimes contain gold, like the gold mined during the California Gold Rush. So maybe, could Quartz Dust then be centrifuged into gold dust and refined quartz dust? Like, 8 Quartz dust -> 7 Refined Quartz Dust & 1 Gold dust?
    That would be cool.

    I do not agree with that, since I think Antimatter and Matter should be produced BOTH using the same machine. But you know what ? Happily, it seems the MatterFabricator isn't actually a Fabricator, but just an assembler :). Otherwhise, why would it work with Scraps ? (you can assume it works with Air in Vanilla IC²). That's why I think UUM should be kept as it is, but Antimatter and Matter should be a bit different. They could be used for energy storage (using the 2) devices, for awesome weapons (Antimatter, possibly with ICBM compatibility) or as a way to get even-more-advanced-than-Iridium-stuff, like artificial matreials that shouldn't be. So basically you would have to produce Matter for these, then to use several Matters (depending on the material you wanna get) in a special machine to get some Very Higly Advanced Materials.

    Really ? Do you think permanent magnets would be enough to contain Antimatter ? ^^ Seriously, there is currently no material on Earth that is an actual "Permanent" magnet. (they lose their magnetism with the time). The only way of getting fields powerful enough not to get a nice explosion is to generate one using energy. But, this is MC, so we can invent what we want ^^

    Look at what I said at first. If Antimatter was Anti-UU-Matter, it would be produced with UUM at the mean time.

    So, basically, using tons of energy to ... generate even more energy ? At least, I could imagine a AS-like Particle Accelerator that would allow positive energy loops but ...

    Like ICBM thingies. OR, it would be used as a PowerSource for a Highly Advanced NotMiningLaser (Not, because obviously Gamma rays aren't the best ever to destroy or cut blocks ^^. But they could begood at damaging bodies ;) )
    Since Gamma rays are extremly penetrating, it could ignore any kind of armor, but since they aren't that efficient on Steve body, they could do like 2.5 Heart (5 points) of damage :)

    You didn't have to waste your time dissecting this suggestion, it was just an allotment of ideas that I had, that can be used for inspiration in the modification. I'm not demanding permanent magnetic casings, or requiring Greg to add any antimatter at all. It is just for inspiration. And besides - anything is possible in IC2/Gregtech! (except for OP stuff like copper-based lightning rods collecting energy, or UUM creepers).

    I had some ideas about Antimatter production, so I want to share them here. Maybe they may be of some use.

    If antimatter is added in Gregtech, I think that there should be a ''few'' new things to be added for it, for it to be logical, and nowhere near OP.

    First comes the Industrial Magnetizer. It is a machine, like the other single-block industrial-tier machines, that consumes lots of power to magnetize an item - primarily, for magnetizing the Dense Iron Plates for the creation of the magnetic casing. Dense Iron Plates are made like Dense Copper plates, just Iron rather than Copper. These plates are fed into the machine, and after a while, made into extremely powerful permanent magnets.

    To make the casing, it is made like other casings, but one row of plates in crafting has to be the magnetic plates. The other row is Iridium Alloy plates, which make the magnetic field extremely weak behind them (magnetic shielding), to protect the Antimatterfabricator machine and other machines nearby. These casings are assembled in a 5x5 cube, with a hollow 3x3 cube of air on the inside.

    Next there is the Antimatterfabricator machine. It works kinda like the Matterfabricator, but it operates invertedly and creates Antimatter. Crafting recipe should include a matterfabricator, some jacked-up crystals for refocusing the Beamz to produce antiparticles, and two orso vacuum freezers.

    The Antimatterfabricator is placed on the center of the side of the machine cube. It requires high amounts of power to operate, and is activated by redstone input (or via GUI). The Antimatterfabricator block works on the same input/output logic as the Matterfabricator.

    Its GUI has a slot for an amplifier (works just like matterfabricator), and next to it is a gauge, showing how much antimatter it contains, up to 16,000 mB (16 B), where it pauses operation and pauses use of the amplifier material. The gauge is the inverted color of UU-Matter (because antimatter is the opposite of matter, right?). There is also two slots under that, and an arrow like that of a furnace, pointing from left to right. Magnetic Containment Capsules are input in the left, and filled and output on the Right (takes as long as a recycler operation to fill one Capsule). ''Magnetic Capsules'' would be created from magnetized iron plates (not the dense kind) in the same formation as normal cells. Each crafting yields 1.

    Antimatter could then be used for many HAYO! things. Like Matter-Antimatter reactors made with the Magnetic Machine Casings/advanced casings and a control machine block, outputting so much energy that it has to be transmitted through Magnetic pipes (looks kinda like BC power through the pipes, but white-ish in colour, and better looking pipes), which is converted to usable power with some other really awesome generator. Maybe the antimatter could be used similarly for jetpacks. Or for advanced Subatomic Weapons that combine the matter/antimatter so violently that it explodes so massively as to treat entire chunks like single blocks. The possibilities are endless, as long as it doesn't take forever to load and doesn't take up too many gigabytes of hard-drive storage space.

    Just thought I'd share that with you-all. Maybe these informations may be of use somewhere.

    Starting over is fun, it lets you refine and rebuild all the shitty systems you had before, into new bigger and better systems that work faster.

    Indeed. I need to plan my base better next time anyways... Making an automatic chicken egg farm under the EU storage & management center is difficult, and annoying, considering that my workplace is just above the EU storage area.
    Still waiting for the builds/downloads/whatevers site to be fixed...

    New builds for IC2 can be gotten from
    The site looks to be having some trouble at the moment, so you might have to try later.

    Ah, thank you, very much. This now means that the process of Updating can be completed, and I can replace redpower with a better alternative.
    Only one issue - I have TONS of RP ores I need to somehow get rid of... And those ore blocks RP adds underground will leave air behind in ugly patches that I will run into, finding whatever nasties have spawned within the darkness (creepers, skeletons, etc.)... No wonder so many people love redpower, they know that if they lose it, they'll have issues like that to deal with.

    EDIT: Just remembered that my Nuclear Reactor is encased in... Redpower Basalt. AND the volcanoes will be missing and huge lavafalls will begin. AND marble will be gone, leaving huge holes like before. AND... and it looks like I'll have to delete save to a dormant directory my main survival world and start over -.-

    Hello all, I have decided to try and make some mods. The current one I am trying to develop requires the IC2 API stuff, but I am only able to work with Minecraft 1.5.1, and I can not find the API stuff (for the snapshots for Minecraft 1.5.1) anywhere. Only some unstable snapshots of the mod file itself, for putting in the /mods/ folder.
    Is there any API stuffs posted/uploaded anywhere, and if so, can someone direct me there? Thank you.

    Note to moderators: This section I posted in may be the wrong section for the topic, but it was the most valid one I could find. Please feel free to move this topic to a better section if required.

    Maybe a Block/Player Cloaking Field, so it simply makes all blocks within range not render to players outside the range, while it still render to who is in the area.

    So you can make Invisible bases until someone accidentally "hits" it.

    Or an invisible, frame-powered Klingon Bird of Prey (with working nuke cannons)...