Efficiency and unbreaking are redundant, and repair is for magical tools only. and enchanted industrial tools are silly. though I would like an electric screwdriver.

[GT-Suggestions] I still look at this Thread when I got out of Ideas for new things, yes really I do that. Even though I don't edit this Post anymore.
- GregoriusT
- Closed
Who cares that it is silly, magically imbuing stuff is something you can do.
Its not because i have a tech thing that i can't do some magic with it.
Enchanted Electric tools were disabled as they being OP, while some daily usage tools could be, without any problem. -
Efficiency I-V, reduce damage taken by 10-50% when doing stuff
Unbreaking I/II/III, 10-20-30% of not using durability when used.So, basically, exactly the same thing ? --' (with a difference of lvl)
Repair I/II, repair the tool just like TC3 does with other stuff.
It was invented by Azanor, and this should be left to Azanor. And Greg is no magic fan
I really hope to see more chemistry going on with gregtech Cl seems to be unused (and some other chemicals). Maybe use Cl to make PVC (rubber replacement)?
I really hope to see more chemistry going on with gregtech Cl seems to be unused (and some other chemicals). Maybe use Cl to make PVC (rubber replacement)?
That would need Plastic from Oil before
(Btw, PVC is a solid plastic, not the one appropriate for cables ...) -
I do want enchant-able crowbars and screwdrivers...
So, basically, exactly the same thing ? --' (with a difference of lvl)
One reduce total damage by a %, other has a % upon usage of no damage.
One reduce total damage by a %, other has a % upon usage of no damage.
You cant reduce it by a Percentage, thats not how Damage value works, unless Greg makes it so that by default is uses like 10 durability. If there will be enchants for it, i think Sword enchants would be better.
It would be nice, if Helium plasma could be put into a ''heat turbine'', that uses the heat from the plasma to make a gas move around inside it, and make a turbine rotor spin. The standard Plasma Generator destroys the Helium, but in a heat turbine, the heat is simply removed from the helium plasma, and it returns a full Helium cell.
The Heat Turbine would be built similar to the Gas Turbine, except that it requires slightly different blocks in construction, including a few off to the side of the casing, that are for input/output of helium-plasma/helium. Also requires a ''tank'' for a gas used in the closed-cycle system. Different gasses have different efficiencies, based on density and thermal expansion. Still uses a rotor and needs maintenance, unless a special Diagnosis computer and Automatic Machine Maintaining Device are placed on the machine, to automatically find problems and fix them. Automatic maintenance takes more time than manual maintenance though, for balance, and requires energy throughout the entire problem-seeking and fixing process.
Another use for Helium, to prevent players from simply dumping it into recyclers, could be that it is consumed in a special ''Automatic Welding Machine'' that uses its own built in Computer, and a moving Welding device, to weld stuff together more efficiently than regular crafting. Like, 6 Refined Iron Plates into 1 machine block, or producing 6 Machine Casing per recipe.
The machine would use up the helium though, but a single cell of it would be useful for many operations.It would work similar to the Buildcrash Assembly Table, having slots for Input items on the Left, and possible items to produce on the Right side. Clicking one of the items on the Right side will highlight it, and begin manufacturing it like other GT machines. When a recipe is selected, it takes the items from the left, manufactures them into something, and when it is finished, outputs to a few slots at the bottom of the GUI, above the player inventory. It also has an option for two modes: single assembly mode (1 crafting) and automatic mode (as many craftings of selected item as possible with supplied resources. If it runs out of resources, it stops producing, until enough resources are added, when it then resumes automatic operation.)
Just thought this might be a good idea, or alteast one for inspiration of something better.
Nuclear reactors should be able to use Helium instead of Water as Cooling/HeatTransfer for a new system (Helium was ours [english] so i iz proud as it is way more efficient then water) and then the Helium transfers heat to Pressurized CO2 (Ok, not ours, but is experimental in alot of places) as these two together and boost Nuclear efficiency from 30% of Energy to like 80%.
Multiblock generators suggestion :
First, make them ALL output steam and require a water insertion hatch, water blocks will be required.
It won't actually drain the water block, but extract water from it, like TE Aqueous Accumulator. Water hatch will scan the a 3x3x3 area of the generator for water and 9 blocks must be filled with water.
This will make each generator require a steam turbine for it (either directly adjacent or somehow connected), like nearly all RL generators do.Thermal generator : Insert lava, outputs obsidian (and steam)
Diesel generator : Insert fuel, outputs CO2 (and steam)
Semifluid generator : Insert fluids, outputs CO2 (and steam)
Gas Turbine : Insert burnable gasses, outputs CO2 (and steam)
Plasma Generator : Insert Plasma, outputs gaseous whatever-plasma-thing-you-inserted (and steam)
Generator : Insert burnable solids, outputs CO2 (and steam)Magic Energy Converter : Insert Magic items, output flux (and pure energy from the magic energy transformer [dynamo block])
Note on magic energy converter : Requires magic catalyst : 16 TC3 crystals (any, even dull) if TC3 is installed. -
I have heard of someone once suggesting higher-tier forms of energy production. One of them, a much higher tier, was ''Zero-point energy''.
Due to the use of that term, it may have been intended to be the extraction of energy from matter until it reaches its ground-state (zero-point) energy level, where it still has some energy but can not lose any more by normal means.But what if we could extract that lat bit of energy, pushing the matter below its ground-state? With the power of HAYO! technology, and even more high-tech stuffs/materials, we could make a ''one-way energy valve'' that allows the energy to be moved out of matter, but keeping energy from moving into it. This energy could be collected in a heat-sink material, ranging from water/steam (lowest heat capacity), beyond liquid metals, up to the highest-tier molten salts (highest heat capacity). This heat could then be used in a Heat Turbine (from this suggestion) to generate lots of EU (or just used in a higher-tier Heat-to-EU converter, but Heat Turbines could be good for a low-output beginner setup).
The Zero-Point Energy Extractor machine could possibly use any dust/material of any kind as fuel, and each possible input material has a different value of energy (in the form of heat) extracted between its zero-point energy and Absolute Nil. After all possible energy has been extracted, it becomes waste.
More specifically, ''Uniform-Indifferent-Entropic-Sludge-Waste''. It would a liquid-like material, but has unusual properties. First of all, it flows over a greater distance than water. It also makes entities caught in it move about as fast as in cobwebs. Entities that are drowning in it may not be able to get out of it at all. It can be picked up with a bucket, but can not have a block placed in its place like lava or water. It would be a much more effective pollution if liquids like in the Finite Water Mod is ever added as a mod/addon/part of IC2/part of Gregtech/part of Forge, as it would flow outwards and level off quickly, covering a large area. To get any of it in a bucket, the sludge would have to fill EXACTLY 1 block where it is picked up, but then it would level off again and another bucket of it would have to be added to the mass for it to be picked up in a bucket again. It would also be a reflective color, as it can not absorb any light, or any energy, as its physics have been broken.
Just thought that this may be a nice idea. If not, atleast it has been read, and thus will modify someone's ideas about what to add/suggest in the future. If it causes something to be added, that is cool/has an awesome purpose, then the purpose of this reply has been fulfilled.
Multiblock generators suggestion :
First, make them ALL output steam and require a water insertion hatch, water blocks will be required.
It won't actually drain the water block, but extract water from it, like TE Aqueous Accumulator. Water hatch will scan the a 3x3x3 area of the generator for water and 9 blocks must be filled with water.
This will make each generator require a steam turbine for it (either directly adjacent or somehow connected), like nearly all RL generators do.Thermal generator : Insert lava, outputs obsidian (and steam)
Diesel generator : Insert fuel, outputs CO2 (and steam)
Semifluid generator : Insert fluids, outputs CO2 (and steam)
Gas Turbine : Insert burnable gasses, outputs CO2 (and steam)
Plasma Generator : Insert Helium Plasma, outputs gaseous plasma (and steam)
Generator : Insert burnable solids, outputs CO2 (and steam)Magic Energy Converter : Insert Magic items, output flux (and pure energy from the magic energy transformer [dynamo block])
Note on magic energy converter : Requires magic catalyst : 16 TC3 crystals (any, even dull) if TC3 is installed.... Gaseous plasma? ;p
i dont think you understand how science works -
... Gaseous plasma? ;p
i dont think you understand how science worksOf course i do!
Also it is a typo. I meant Gaseous Helium.Edit : I'm not studying engineering for nothing ("Civil Engineering", if thats the right translation) [Also if thats how i say it]
Another suggestion I had. This one is weapons-based.
First of all, I would like to suggest a machine for assembling explosives, with advanced ratios of materials/items to make different explosives with different strengths/effects/etc. It is the ''Advanced Explosives Fabricator''.
The GUI would have, at the top, 4 slots - "Casing", ''Combustible'', ''Extra'', and ''Fissile Material''.
-Casing: The shell of the explosive. Wood/paper-like-stuff for standard explosives, Metal plates/machine block for Nukes.
-Combustible: The Explosive material. Source of explosive power of TNT, but in nukes, it gives the force that smashes the Fissile Material together. More Combustibles are needed for more Fissile Material, as there is more mass to smash together.
-Extras: Stuff that adds effects to standard explosives only. For example - Gravel or Metal Nuggets for Shrapnel, netherrack dust/oil for incendiary projectiles. Would not make sense for nukes, as it would be dis-integrated before it can serve any purpose.
-Fissile Material: The stuff that makes nukes explode. Can be either Uranium or Plutonium, Plutonium having double the strength of Uranium, half of Uranium's Critical Mass, but the same approximate Mass as Uranium. Minimum of 4 Uranium or 2 Plutonium, maximum of 64 for either. Requires 1 Gunpowder (or equivalent combustible) per Ingot of Fissile Material, to give it enough force to smash together.
Different amounts of materials determine effects of the explosive produced. For example, 1 Gunpowder in a standard explosive makes a weak explosion, but a whole stack would be extra-ordinary. One Uranium/Plutonium would make a ''dud'', and wouldn't do anything at all, but a whole stack of Plutonium would nuke all of Minecraftia (or just seem like all of it), along with the users' computer Processor/RAM. One oil cell would make a small incendiary effect, but a whole stack would make an arrow-speed wall of fire, expanding in all directions until it extinguishes (goes out of range). A wooden casing on a Nuke would not be enough to keep the parts in their right places, and they may fall out of place and the nuke may fail, but a metal casing on a standard TNT would likely stop most of the explosive force.
Those 4 slots are just for ghost items, and take on a ghost item based on the item and the number of the item that the user places on the slot. Under those 4 slots are 2 3x3 grids - one on the left for inputs, and one on the right for outputs. When a recipe is set, and materials are added, the machine will consume the amount of ingredients set to produce an explosive, and keep on until it does not have enough ingredients left to make another.Another idea I have is Napalm, and NapalmPacks. Kinda like Construction Foam, just more like snow, and requires fire to set it aflame (throw-able flammable objects, like matches or a more industrial single-use fire-starting device?). Also requires a more advanced tool to spread it, rather than just a CF sprayer. A possible upgrade to the sprayer could make it spread burning napalm aswell.
Again, I just thought that this may be a nice idea. If not, atleast it has been read, and thus will modify someone's ideas about what to add/suggest in the future. If it causes something to be added, that is cool/has an awesome purpose, then the purpose of this reply has been fulfilled.
Since you've made machine blocks more complex then before, could you remove the old uncrafting recipe for it, add refined iron storage blocks, and allow machine blocks to be made of alternative materials? For example, invar and aluminium?
Possible way to buff plate crafting recipe (through config)
Buff hammer so that recipe is now hammer + 6 ingots, and hammer takes the same amount of damage as now.
Then, make it configurable how many plates that returns. Default = 3. Maximum = 5. -
Antimony Sources :
(Make Ores when grind produce tiny dust of antimony)Gold-quartz veins
Silver veins
Nickel veins (Ferrous ore)Cooperite (Sheldonite) mainly containing platinum, is an ore which also has Palladium, which could be used as a cracking catalyst when refining oil
(i would like to have a palladium fueled arc reactor from iron man). -
Antimony Sources :
(Make Ores when grind produce tiny dust of antimony)Have you looked up Tiny Pile of Antimony Dust in NEI? I would strongly suggest to do so. (I know its an untextured and not even spawning Block, but its already named)
Since there is going to be more world gen added, is there a way to regenerate the ore in a already active world?