Posts by Kazifilan36
Why don't we just stop our updatings here, and stay with 1.6.4? We don't need the latest new item and latest 5000 world-breaking problems each update, and it would allow the use of different versions of different mods together.
Honestly I do agree, I think you guys should stay working with 1.5 and 1.6, since your mods won't need to be modified or started over again. After all I still haven't updated since I feel that MC is going in a direction that I won't be updating to. Just add tweaks and new machines, etc. Heck, if I was a modder I would only stick with 1.5 and earlier. Since my PC can hanlde it.
Hello ladies and gentlemen!
There's an island I will be living on. It will be a continuous thing I will survive on. I only have 34 Mods installed (most of them being add-ons to IC2 and BC3).The picture is attached to the thread.
There's another smaller island I might use instead of this one. The other island size is no more than 1/4 of the island in the image.
Here's what mods I'm using as of now.
Main Mods:
*Iron Chests
*Rei's Minimap
*Steve's Carts
*Craft Guide
*Obsidian Pressure PlatesNow the add-ons:
IndustrialCraft Add-ons:
[F4ll3n-C0r3 Mods]:
Viliml's BuildCraft-IndustrialCraft Crossover
Advanced Solar Panels
Advanced Machines (AtomicStryker's)
Gravitation Suite
Nuclear Control
Additional BuildCraft Objects
Logisitc Pipes
You can suggest a few more mods that you think I should use, but I do want to stick with mods that are addons to the mods IC2 and BuildCraft mods.
The mods I will NOT use in the LP stating the reasons in the list:
1. GregTech: Changes how the mods run too much. Which I don't like. I have a focus on other addons, and it's also too mainstream. I'm a
2. Forestry: I do love this mod, but it will nerf the BioFuel I plan on using from IC2, and I don't need a crap ton of bees. Not yet.
3. ThaumCraft: I don't need magic to nerf up my worlds! I'm an engineer, not an alchemist.
4. MystCraft: It is tempting, but I don't know if I could use it fully. I might though, just don't ask.
5. Ars Magica: Same reason with ThaumCraft.
6. RedPower: Already have BuildCraft. Won't be necessary.
*NOTE: This list can change.I will add a download of the map and the Congfig files necessary to explore once I get 60% done on world.
Oh one last thing. The mod must have a link either from 1. IC2 Forum(Here) 2. The Minecraft Forums. That's if you are willing to post a lnik to it.
If you want to see more, keep up with this thread. When I do the recording I will post so on here about it.
Thanks for checking this out!
~Kazz -
What if all electric engines are adjustable? The only difference would be the maximum input/output.
For example you could adjust the LV electric engine to output between 0,1 MJ to 12,8 MJ (with accordingly EU consumption) same thing for the other engines, but with higher limits.If I'm hearing this correctly you mean: Min. LV--->Max LV/Min. MV--->Max MV, etc.?
If SpwnX needs help with getting rid of spambots I think he would be trying to rank people. IC2 team has it covered.
I would modify the recipes and how many tiers there would be. Seeing this gives me a bunch of ideas of how to implement it.
Maybe if he doesn't want to work on it anymore. I'll keep it going. I'll need to learn a few things though first before I could.
Since BC isn't updated to 1.6.x yet, I can try to push a quickish update to 1.5.x with no new features then start working on a 1.6.x version, or ignore 1.5.x and start working on a 1.6.x and try to get in some new stuff to be released when BC is updated. The former means you will have an update soonish but nothing new, the ladder means no update for a while, but probably some new stuff when there is a update. I'm not sure how many people have updated to 1.5.x, I haven't due to redpower 2. So, let me know what you would like more.
I'll check back and tally the votes on Saturday.
I'll be patient. I want to see something new. -
If I was great with Java coding I would be interested into trying to make this addon. Since these are generators and there's probably over 100 fuel types out there in the ForgeWorld. It would be getting to a sort of.. unbalanced state.
Now a couple questions. Are those machine blocks underneath those rails or are they magnetizers in the image?
Now here's another question, are you planning to expand upon just rails or are you planning to do something in the way of new machines on rails? -
Maybe you should make your addon open source and put it on github? Makes it easier on you since people can just report bugs on github instead of here.
I replied to viliml few weeks ago.. I'm starting to wonder if he's really busy with life, re-coding the add-on or he just discontinued it. The reason why I think he discontinued it because it seems the download links don't work. Do they work for you? -
I tend to use Watermills at first. Good way to start up after generators. Then I make ridiculous hydro powerplants with watermills!
Very nice.. If adding anything else special I'm looking forward to it!
Updated to v0.7, now with reinforced refineries! Don't expect the next version for a long time though, because I will try to make a reinforced version of every pipe! Also, I'm still waiting on those reinforced engine ideas!
Got a couple texture things so far that I wanted to see if you would like to use in the near future. I only have a couple tweaks on the stone pipes on the blocks overwrite PNG since they might be too dark to see the difference in the Reinforced ones I'll have later on..
I guess that may work.
Hey ladies and gentlemen of Minecraft modding community! One thing it seems I haven't found in any of the add-on mods so far is an advancement on Hydro power. Only crossovers. The only add-on I have seen yet was the PowerCrystal's Power Converters back in 1.2.5. That's it though. If anyone seems interested in something along the line that would be awesome.
Isn't that planned in GT?
He didn't seem to add it... Yet.
Good feeling they might add color glass to Minecraft 1.6 or whatever update is next. Would be kind of cool.
Now I did find a bug with the reinforced refineries and tanks. Right clicking the tank with a bucket. Last thing, may I be allowed to use this in a developing modpack? If you can get back to me that would be awesome. Thanks for your time!
Perfect. Love the add-on. It's my favorite add-on people have to offer. This name might be useful. Refinolution. Since fuels are a main component it seems in this add-on. Something like that would be cool.