Ore washing crushed gold can give you it. There will probably be a better method to get it in the future.
Posts by SirusKing
if it cut anything, it shoud looks like ligthsaber from some movie not to be named, on\off mode also can be imlemented...
Thing with lightsabers, if it is pure light, then it would simply burn things, not cut through them. For it to be hot enough to cut through everything like butter, the heat would simply melt anyone within a few meters. With Friction blades, the heat is only created when the blade actually hits something, which aids the slicing, but the majority of the work is being done by the incredibly fast Metal blades. -
when you play minecraft you can run around for multiple hours without issue, but, forcing player to do specific task is not good game design, currently you can't advance tier by killing mobs or just building, you forced to mine diamonds at bedrock level...
miners are not fun, basically there is no fun in building ic2 specific stuff without something like assembly bench (especially if unstackable items involved), since most recipes take multiple boring steps to complete (and hurge amount of mouse clicks), probably i will compile addon that will allow to assemble ic2 items directly by consuming ingots without need to actually "craft" anything by hand. (like crafting coil will cost 2 copper and 1 iron directly, without converting copper into wires first)
some alternative ore\drop\something\low tier massfab\crystalizer tech\something that can be used to get some diamonds and other stuff without leaving your base will be good addition (but this belong more to addons than to vanilla).
iridium also notable sample of bad design, i looted 5 nether fortresses and got no sample, this boring and frustrating (especially if you dont want to cheat), i cannot be forced, soo i just abandoned entire iridium part of gameplay.
i checked few mmorpg's with donate system, IC2e very close to such games, artifical limits, that can be lifted for real money...
I don't see how Killing mobs or Building is anything different then Mining. IMO, Miners are much more fun then a Quarry or anything, and much easier. The Majority of the people who play MC play it for much longer then just a few hours, including me, so getting end game in less then an hour is just stupid. -
I don't like that gray saber part. It looks too much like a stone sword.
List of grey/silver metals:
All but 2.Besides, IMO, Stone is much brighter and steel is more that colour.
IC2_lf had 1 diamond = 1 lapotron crystal = 1 million EU.
The Energy storage got buffed, so 1 diamonds = .25 million in energy crystal, in lapotron, it would be 1 diamond = 2.5 Million -
Yes, it should (besides, 1 hour is only 3 in game days) ;p T4 Is end game, so of course it should take a large amount of time to get there. Besides, if you want diamonds, just set up a few miners. With the Advanced scanner, they tend to get around 4 diamonds per run.
The Fortune enchant can be a pain to get if you are unlucky, but go out at night with a good sword, slay a bunch of mobs and you are level 30. Enchant, and you may be lucky enough to get one.
It still has it as far as i can see, in 274.
40 diamonds for an mfsu really isn't much... Go mining for like an hour or two, especially with a fortune pick.
nanosaber shoud looks like modern police weapon, possibly riot shoker, this will explain why it need power and cannot be broken, on\off mode and superior effect versus nanoarmor also will be explained by EMP...
You mean a Close range Tasor? ;p Also, As i said before, the colourful part is extremely high powered nano meter thick Friction blades, allowing it to cut through flesh materials as well as metals. -
Besides, since the actual Energy crystal/lapatron storage capacity + the storage blocks got buffed, its a given that the recipe should be nerfed.
This goes in the Support thread btw
What's about letting the Nanosaber as it is? I don't want to change my profile picture! Also, wasn't the Gregtech Thread used to be a random chat topic?
I am redoing all the High tech shizzle (Drills, Chainsaw, Laser ect)dw, I will make the gif for you
Also, The handle may not make it look high tech, but all Sabres have a Handguard. The Previous texture is more of a longsword then a Sabre. I could add more details in 64x if you want :3
But it isn't light, its nano meter wide friction blades
what do you all think of the texture for the nano saber ;p more like a saber now IMO.
This can be on offtopic instead maybe?
Although there people won't notice so much...
Exactly the reason I put it up here. Who even scrolls down there ;p -
The part that i have opened it.
Whats the matter, some random talking is not going to kill anyone.Edit :
"ten commandments" :
I am the LORD thy God
Thou shalt have no other gods
No graven images or likenesses
Not take the LORD's name in vain
Remember the sabbath day
Honour thy father and thy mother
Thou shalt not kill
Thou shalt not commit adultery
Thou shalt not steal
Thou shalt not bear false witness
Thou shalt not covet
Bored? Random IC2/Forum chat
Forums needed this for a while -
Damn, So much random spam in all topics for ever
Guys, talk here for all the random things. It is the very top of the forum, so hopefully a ton of random threads will be created for randomness.
Try to keep it at least slightly IC2 related. -
'Tis how i want them to be. HD, but still fitting