Posts by invultri

    Don't ask me why, it didn't do any. Told me it would, then when I pressed confirm it told me something which sounded to me as : "FUCK YOU. NOT DOING SHIT ABOUT BACKUP."

    That is because the autobackup is highly annoying, eats tons of wasted disk space and I thus disabled it. Standard protocol for me was "cp -a server/world backup/" and then update, resulting in always having an update. I copied the entire mod and config folder as well. If you want it enabled edit the launchwrapper line to remove the correct -D parameter.

    When I see complains about Thaumcraft not being in the hardcore pack (I'm not aiming at anyone, just a global statement), it feels like there's absolutely no content worth one's while in this modpack until this mod is inside.
    That's sad, really. Kirara is supposed to be about GT, not Thaumcraft.

    Personally, I don't mind about the Forestry backpacks, really, especially with another mod that adds non-restricted variants.

    Personally I never intended the Kirara servers to have thaumcraft (or any magic for that matter). It was added by vote where Greg was the tie breaker.

    I will TRY to update K1 right now with Bloody's port. Will keep you posted on how it goes.

    K2 or K3 will be done in the next 48 hours. I however got a bad feeling about K3. Wouldn't set shop there if I were you. I feel bad doing this, but I must. Sorry to everyone on K3. Should you plan to continue in K Vintage, it'll be open a while still. Go put all your stuff in AE cells if you wish. I could carry your stuff to the other server. Best I can do.

    Please be wary of the qCraft portals when transferring a lot of 64k ae cells. If you have your inventory filled, please let Arch do a .dat transfer it is way safer ...

    For all that are asking what will happen to me, I will be around and I might even keep my op status. I also expect to step in case of any accidents, like servers belly flopping.

    As for the plans to diverge the servers. Please do a poll on who wants to play where and plan if they actually fit on one server. Installing qCraft was the way out of a pretty bad lag situation back when we only had 1 kirara, the current plan will pretty much close this door. Other than that, it seems that there are great plans for kirara and I want to see where it will go.

    Nexey.. did I still forget to enable the wrench ?? (B:QuartzWrench=true its set to true now, either it was that way or arch did it ;))
    @Pyro.. I like your diet pack!

    Hello players!

    Due to my inability to play the game it feels better to let someone else carry the torch and I have been looking for someone to take over. I have found ArchNihil willing and able to take over Kirara. I will remain involved in some manner with Kirara but ArchNihil will be the new administrator. Nothing will change for you except the host name. The world folders and mod setup will be placed on a different server (apparently my hoster can not handle an account transfer ...).

    If possible the transfer will happen as soon as tomorrow evening / night. The servers are located in the same datacenter so transferring the data should be quick. I will keep you posted on the forum and on IRC.

    the redlogic problem was fixed we need immibiscore update

    Will try to update today

    there was some discussion on the server about adding microblocks and extra utils (if only for the magnum torches, disabling the pipes and such) to kiara 4. I hate that I either have to light up my mountain, which melts the snow and makes it look ugly, or let zombies and spiders ambush me constantly. also, I feel my decorative options are limited without microblocks. I know there are some others on the server who would like this as well. would you consider adding them to the server invultri?

    Microblocks, if you can find me one that will not lag everything to death then yes.
    Extra utils would be a no.

    invultri, you might want as well disable IHL oregen in config, because GT6 provide all necessary ores to it.

    Like this?

    AdminCommandsToolbox-0.0.2a_1.7.10.jar (server only)
    AppleCore-mc1.7.10-1.1.0+89.1415c.jar (server only)
    Carpenter's Blocks v3.3.6 - MC 1.7.10.jar
    Morpheus-1.7.10-1.6.4.jar (server only)
    eirairc-mc1.7.10-v1.7.56.jar (optional)
    fastcraft-1.21.jar (recommended)
    sampler-1.39.jar (server only)

    Update completed

    Carpenter's Blocks v3.3.6 - MC 1.7.10.jar

    this can't be goodSeems to be fine :confused:

    Do you remember what you have installed in the Armor?
    Or can you provide logfiles? These might contain more informations.

    Hi Bloody,

    I think you left some client files on the server part?
