Posts by SeNtiMeL

    Honestly I think the new change should have came earlier. Advanced Solar Panels were so cheap and easy to set up even with GregTech before that nobody used other forms of energy generation, such as the windmill towers, nuclear reactors and even the standard generator. Now, people need to consider if they want the expensive but simple ASPs or the cheaper but slightly more complex wind gens and nukes.

    I support your opinion. People make many ASP, because it was more favorable than to make 1 HSP. Long time ago ASP the recipe contained "iridium plate" instead of iridium ingot now. So now this recipe is much cheaper than earlier.

    What a great Reason to not add something... You can add it if you want. I have nothing against copying Features as long as you coded them yourself.

    This is just an occasion not to produce a lot of the same things. Yours item is balanced and work fine. And silk touch with vajra violates the principle of operation. In that case to you also prevents to add nothing advanced jetpack xD.

    How about an upgrade of rockcutter :D: "Advanced Rock Cutter"

    Great idea. But it has to make GregoriusT :D

    Another bug with the vajera's accurate mode, you can break blocks that are protected on a server (using bukkit worldguard) and also blocks destroyed in accurate mode aren't logged. Are you skipping a call with the accurate mode or doing something weird? This probably has to do with the packet kick error above.

    This is not bug. Accurate mode uses direct removal of the block from game without creation of events. It's same as laser in IC2. Try to use laser, wrench in protected area :) (but wrench creates an own event and display it in console).
    And i could not repeat error with kick from server.

    getting a dupe bug with the Vajira.
    namely, pointed vajira straight down at a vertical column of 64 blocks (all the same block) and got a bit more than a stack when I was done and at bedrock.

    I could not repeat it.

    For normal work you are need install it both in client and server sides.

    Huge update, still no silktouch tool .... :(

    Sorry, no silk touch, because silk touch is in GregTech adddon.

    I'm using the Advanced Diamond Drill and I've recently updated the new XyCraft (and Gravisuite) with the glass viewers. The 'vanilla' diamond drill mines them just fine with a decent speed, however the ADD doesn't. It takes probably double the amount over the regular drill. An iron pickaxe is faster. I've also tried regular glass, and the ADD works quickly there. Posted over there and they said it would be something on the Gravisuite side, although I'm not sure. Just a heads up. Thanks.

    I will check it.

    Got a bug report for Vajra's "accurate mode": if you use it on too many blocks too quickly, the server kicks you. Here's the error:

    Hm... Accurate mode is not for many blocks breaks, but this error should not be. I will check it.

    I don't see the point of disabling and enabling the jetpack engine because it just leads you to fall to your death.

    Point of disabling and enabling jetpack only for convenient ground work. So that you do not take off every time when you want to jump on one block or climb the stairs. Switch off the engine in flight is a crazy idea.

    The "Enable hard recipes" config option set to false doesn't change the advanced solar recipe at all. Not sure if that is intended or not.
    I'm at the point where the recipe changes mean little though for new starts that change would be a real pain. Not sure how I feel about that. It seems overly costly too me. Diamonds are fair game but requiring uu-matter and iridium at that stage? I think it is a little too much.
    Just my view of course.

    Base recipe of ASP in hard and standart mode is same (exclude uran). Now is more balanced, than older version. 9 uu matter and 1 diamond not very expensive. 8 ASP must be more expensive than 1 HSP. Now 8 ASP = 1 HSP for Iridium cost. If my recipe is expensive, check GregTech solar recipe xD.

    I agree as well. It's just not worth building advanced solars anymore. It's not much of a problem late game, but I think this will turn a lot of people off to the mod. First tier of an item should never require iridium and uu matter. I think I'll hold off doing this update. Hopefully this is reconsidered.

    See answer above.

    i think there is a name isue with the vajra
    tool name: "Vajra"
    but we use a :"Varja core" to make it

    This is syntax error, i will fix it in next version.

    Hello boys and girls now i proud to present you new update !
    ChangeLog of Gravitation Suite 1.7:
    + Added new cool item "Advanced Jetpack"
    -> energy storage 1 000 000 eu.
    -> can charge at MFE, MFSU
    -> overlocked engine - max height now limit to 256 ! (energy consumption 50% more than standart Electric Jetpack)
    -> supplies with energy your electrotool (as drill, saw, laser and etc..)
    -> can enable and disable jetpack engine for your convenience ("Fly" key)
    -> boost mode (energy consumption x5 more)
    -> advanced visual indication of charge state and work mode (you can change work mode by shift "Space bar" and press "Mode key" )

    + Added new cool item "GraviTool"
    -> energy storage 100 000 eu.
    -> universal tool, it's include 3 removable snap (wrench, hoe, treetap)
    -> wrench work only at lossless mode !
    -> you can change work mode by shift "right mouse button" and press "Mode key"
    -> rebalanced standart electric hoe and treetap algorithm (now it's not dry energy if can't make operation)

    + Added "accurate mode" to Vajra (you can use by press "right mouse click")
    + New cool icons (advanced drill, chainsaw, vajra)
    + Added sounds to Advanced jetpack and GraviTool

    P.S. Big thanks to Krezzard for cool textures !!!

    I see an update is coming soon, so perhaps you've already done this (or something else entirely), but it would be nice if instead of activating flight mode and then also having to double-tap space to fly, there was no need to "activate" the suit before being able to fly; it seems silly to have such a function, that's just an extra step with no meaning but wastes energy. Alternatively, instead of double-tap to fly, you use the hotkey to enter/exit flight (or touch the ground to stop flying), and there is no "activated but not flying" mode (thus again not wasting energy doing nothing).

    Maybe i will add sensor to activate auto flight with small power consumption (~1 eu per tick). I already think about it. But not in next release.

    How about using the gravitational core to make a pair of pants that will push/pull mobs and items, maybe when turned off can still push/pull smoke for true awesomeness. To stop it from being too overpowered, there could be a cooling period.

    I not like idea. The gravitation core uses a magnetic field. Gravitation core may use in gravity gun :)

    Iridium Ingot? Like placing Iridium in the Compressor? Or do you have other Plans for getting it (except smelting)? "ingotIridium" is compatible for my Recipes, just to say.

    Yea, simple iridium ingot, no new material. I plan to add new machine block (8 ref iron + 1 iridium ingot), next craft new adv. machine block (2 Advanced Alloy, 2 carbon plate, 1 new machine block, 1 diamond, 1 small pile of sunnarium, 2 lapis).

    P.S. Can you allowed to work ic centrifuge without cans (sample in salpeter recipe) ? All additional resources will simply disappear.

    But then it becuase less Efficient then just the Hybrids on their own, since roughly the same amount off Materials for that recipie as the 8 Hybrids, and 8 hybrids generate the same amount of EU as the Ultimate.

    Yeap. Recipe is USP is balanced now. But i want to change recipe of Advanced Solar Panel. Now recipe is very cheap. I want to add "1 iridium ignot" and "1 diamond" in craft ASP. It's more balanced, than the current recipe. At a cost of craft should be so: 8 ASP > 1 HSP, 8 HSP > 1 USP. But now 8 ASP <<< 1 HSP.

    OK so i think it is unfair that the ultimate solar helmet doesn't have the affects that the :Quantum-Helmet: has, because it takes some time before you can get the :Quantum-Helmet: in the first place. then once you upgrade it you think OK well i will still have all the the same affects like the gravity suit does for the :Quantum-Bodyarmor:. then i went to hunt for some wither skulls with that helmet on and figured out that this helmet i spent all this stuff on like a ultimate solar panel doesn't protect me from the withering affect. then i tested it in water and i almost drowned. so to get to my point please make it so that the ultimate solar helmet has the same affects as the :Quantum-Helmet: because i don't like having to craft another :Quantum-Helmet: just for combat agents monsters with affects and to fight the wither. It makes you waste supplies that you could use on other important things, and it is a real pain to do if you have Gregtech on.
    thank you for taking the time to ready
    - :Nano Saber:cannedoilline :Nano Saber:
    P.S. the mod is great and well balanced to make the gravity suit

    See my post above.

    Hi, i have an issue with the GraviChestPlate on our server.
    Its been mentioned on this thread before, but I cannot seem to activate the fly mode for the chestplate. I am able to active the energy mode, using the F key, but double tapping jump (spacebar) does not result in flying. It does not work in either SMP or SSP. The previous versions of this issue in the thread mentioned it might be a mod conflict, specifically with EE2/3. However, we do not have EE. We do however have Modular Powersuits from the Universal Electricity mod pack. Could this be a cause of the conflict? I also know there are servers that run gravitation suite mod and modular powersuit mod together with no issues. Alll other items from gravitation suite work.
    I am currently using MindCrack v8.0.1 + mystracft + ars magica + universal electricity.
    Thanks for the help and the wonderful mod.

    I tested it with PowerSuits on my server and all was fine. Look for the problem in other mods.

    New update with new cool things coming soon 8)

    I think that it should be Teleport leggings, because Quantum leggings make you run faster in vanilla IC2
    :?: Also what about my other Idea?
    :!: I've also got a code that adds the Q-Suit Helmet functionality to the Ultimate Solar Helmet (I'll pm it to you if you want)

    Maybe in future. And no Q-Suit Helmet functionality in USH (code is not problem), it's concept of USH.

    There are no results for your search "Advansed".
    I guess I can go ahead and post this then:
    [INFO] [STDOUT] GraviSuite: Can't find Advansed Solar Panels
    Slight typo in the error message.. :P (I'm well aware what the message says, what I am posting about, is only the typo)
    (Hope this is the right place to post it, given it's GraviSuite's error message)

    Yeap, it's my mistake :) But this is not error. It's info message.

    автор скажи пожалуйста, с каким модом ещё конфликтует этот мод? а то опять перестал грави костюм работать прямо как с EE2.. EE3 ему не мешает?

    Я не знаю случаев конфликта. Если ты знаешь опиши их, но только с 100% подтвержденными данными.

    Hi! Awesome mod I love it!
    Also,Привет братьям-русским! :)
    Да, кстати. Как правильно произносится Vajra?

    По русски - Ваджра.

    I like idea make advanced electric jetpack with more internal storage 600 000 eu (six red crystals) and increase flyght height limit to 256 with more energy consumption. In others fuctions it's must be same as normal electric jetpack. Your's recipe is balanced, but glass fiber i would replace the overlockers upgrade (for increase engine power).

    I don't like idea use vajra as multitool. Because the principles work of this device presuppose only destruction. I saw only 3 modes of work: 1 - very fast mining tool, 2 - accurate mining tool (1 block for 1 use), 3 - weapon mode. Maybe another mode: silk touch as Rock cutter, but more fast. I think what fortune mode is cheat. Fortune must be fortune :) Good idea make another multitool which would combine function of wrench, hoe and tree trap.