Posts by Physicist

    We need this:

    Edit: Some details so you don't necessarily have to watch the video:


    The mod adds artificial gravity generators that negate other gravitational sources when you're within their range. It also adds gravity plating, so you could totally walk up the side of a plated wall, then onto an upside down platform.

    It does add some ways of making things like crops and beds place correctly on the sides or undersides of blocks, but only some vanilla things. I don't know what it does for fluids, but I'm going to give it some experimentation time.

    All in all, it looks fun, has no bearing on tech progression, and might make for some interesting looking bases. I don't know what this does in conjunction with Galacticraft, but I suspect it might be possible to build your own Phobos with space elevator.

    There has been some hullabaloo lately regarding the Heartbleed exploit that has caused many servers to go down, and I know Mojang servers were affected at one point. They should be fine now.

    It's possible Creeperhost would be affected as well.

    Oh I didn't mean run it and remove it later; I meant run it on a week-long server beta (or shorter if it's obviously a problem) with intent to wipe it at the end of that time and use those results to inform whether thaumcraft can be included.

    OPIS profiling during that time with a few users would show pretty quickly what percentage of our TPS thaumcraft is eating (just by existing). Assuming TPS will always decline from the 'ideal' conditions that a freshly generated world offers, thaumcraft eating more than its share at the start warrants cutting it from the release

    The particular problems causing inordinate lag were Angry Zombies and trees in the Magical Forest biome.


    As for PVP: How about making mars a FFA ?

    [QCraft]...inventory moving can be disabled ... load balancing reasons. For a load balanced world inventory keeping would be allowed. Portals will of course be an admin only tool.

    Nether portals are not allowed in Mystcraft dimensions anyway. You cannot light one, and the only way to get one is to cheat a portal block (since it would be a super easy way around getting lost ala Myst/Sliders). I don't know anything for sure about IC2/GT teleporters; seems like I read something based on the presumption a teleporter could send things between dimensions.

    Q-Craft inter-server does allow togglable and presumably unbeatable restrictions on whole inventory transport (it's not a tesseractable dimension... it's a whole different minecraftforge jar instance). I don't know if it would be possible to restrictively allow only certain items to move through. Another mod (endernet, I believe) does allow item transport between servers with pipes and such (but I don't know in what ways items can be whitelisted or blacklisted). Q-Craft doesn't have to affect anything on the server except to enable such a portal, really, if you were to disable its oregen. ---I don't know what would happen if you tried to log onto both servers simultaneously, or if there is a way to make the logins mutually exclusive.

    As to Mars PvP: What happens in another planetary system, stays in another planetary system. Also... if two consenting adults participate in something and can be adults when someone comes off worse, I don't see why an admin would stop it in any dimension.

    While I set all sorts of silly rules for myself, I do agree with BA's statement that a server economy will always operate in the most economical way, and artificial, morally-motivated bubbles will always be fragile especially if there are anarchists afoot.

    I still propose a mid-term tick-lag-test with Thaumcraft alongside the rest of the basic mods proposed. It may not even be viable at all, rendering this whole debate moot.

    Kirara doesn't have an enchanting table, but you can still acquire enchanted gear from Mob drops and books from dungeon loot. Using the Anvil, it's totally possible to enchant yourself a silk touch eff V unbr III pick (although fully enchanted chain armor is much easier to acquire from a skeleton spawner).

    If Thaumcraft were introduced for 2.0, you can enchant things with the infusion crafting altar.

    There's still the forbidden magic idea... Any thaumcraft block (if discovered) is eligible for TNT on it, IMO.

    Edit: To add to this, I'm not saying it's necessarily a PVP flag, it's just a possible material and rebuilding cost.


    BA finds a crucible in CrafterOMany's base for alchemy. BA, doing the proper thing, puts a single block of TNT immediately adjacent to it (or on top of, if the TNT would fall when activated), lights it, and carries on with his day.

    I find a harvesting golem running back and forth from an anonymous field to a chest. Doing the proper thing, I rig a pressure plate to some TNT for the golem to trip over.

    If someone were fool-hardy enough to put a lot of tech within a few blocks, it's possible the tech would get caught in the explosion.

    Another thought: We are all techies. Some of us delve into the forbidden arcane: Anyone caught building a thaumcraft-related thing at spawn is equated to flagging PVP on. Anyone who builds a Thaumcraft outpost should expect it to be destroyed as soon as discovered (so hide it and don't flaunt it!).

    That adds a very different kind of cost to electing that tech tree.

    I still have mixed feelings about TC. I can't argue with some BA's points against Thaumcraft. Alone, however, if wands or thaumometer required stainless, you couldn't use TC to oredouble until the 2000k Blast Furnace. As for SMP making the difference, well, SMP and shops shortcut any tech tree if the player takes advantage of them. I'm all for instituting an honor system ban on sharing materials to breach the artificial gates on Thaumcraft.

    Golem AI can be laggy. I propose a ban on golems within .75k of spawntown.

    I like the thought of adjusting running costs, but I don't know how that can be done, except, as I suggested earlier, making the only nodes in the game be created via Fusion Reactor. This seriously chokes Vis income until endgame, making wand recipes nearly unavailable except when Vis is earned in tiny quantities from monster slaying.

    Now that I think further, Thaumcraft is notoriously hard on server resources: Conditions to spawn the angry zombies and something about the magic trees cause huge resource drain. If that hasn't been resolved, we'll find Thaumcraft to be a huge pain. I suggest an early test-run with Opis to see how TC does when the time comes.

    I suspect Azanor would keep his Thaumcraft beta distros to people who aren't likely to redistribute on open forums, unfortunately. Besides, Thaumcraft releases (before version D) are usually as buggy as many other mods' betas (only to be expected with such a complex mod).

    Also, what about 1.7 minetweaker and galacticraft?

    True, in a world reset kinda way. GT 1.7 will not be backwards compatible with 1.6.

    Right, I expect Kirara 1.0 will not copy over to the new server. My concern is that when Greg releases ported GT, we'll start a world, then Greg will release new 1.7 GT that will require a restart (or at least starting tech from scratch). Isn't that what Greg said when he announced 4.08s was the final 1.6 version?

    I wouldn't say anything that I wouldn't want screenshotted or recorded, either, but it's nice to have the option to imply (additional) consent by not logging off or shutting up when recording starts. I'd like to stress that this is not a big deal at all, just a minor convenience. I know I'm technically being recorded at all times not just by the server log, but also every online player's logs.
    (edit: one further thought, I have no problems censoring my language during recording in the event someone keeps a G-rated YouTube channel)

    One somewhat larger concern: I had understood that 1.6 -> 1.7 ported Gregtech wasn't going to be compatible with 1.7 native GT. True or false, or true but not in a progression-breaking way?

    Can't vote, choices not specific enough. My opinion is require some level of tech to make the first wand, (Al, Cr, Stainless) and select an option from my earlier post regarding aura nodes, and/or this:

    Possibly also disable magical forest biomes and use something like Ex Aliquo's method of generating silverwoods:…o-an-ex-nihilo-companion/
    Spoiler Tree to see the recipe: Additions > Thaumcraft > Silverwood shenanigans > Silverwood crafting recipes

    I think there is a solid way to shape those nerfs into a not-lightly-taken but rewarding path.

    I'd imagine GC stuff in chunks that never loaded will still be present, as well as the entirety of the moon/mars, unless they had to load when the game detected their data folders to initialize them.

    Also thanks!