That announcement is so legit, McHammer wouldn't be able to quit.

[1.7.10] Gregtech Hardmode Server (aka Kirara 2.0)
Don't spoil it!
I have learned one thing from the owner of the server.... If it violates rule #1, its not happening. So if you kill a person for doing something, or set a tnt block directly adjacent to a magic thing you've worked hard on, it violates rule #1. So any block you put effort in. Besides, whats the chance of you finding an magic thing in my base? None, because I would had put it at bedrock under the ocean where nobody would ever find it.
And BA finding my base guilty of alchemy would be ironic, as his name literally has alchemy in it. And I don't like TC's idea of alchemy, I like the transmutation circles.
Okay I forgot including BadAlchemy into the List of forbidden Magic XD
I have learned one thing from the owner of the server.... If it violates rule #1, its not happening. So if you kill a person for doing something, or set a tnt block directly adjacent to a magic thing you've worked hard on, it violates rule #1. So any block you put effort in. Besides, whats the chance of you finding an magic thing in my base? None, because I would had put it at bedrock under the ocean where nobody would ever find it.
And BA finding my base guilty of alchemy would be ironic, as his name literally has alchemy in it. And I don't like TC's idea of alchemy, I like the transmutation circles.
Correct. Setting of TNT in other people basis would fall under rule #1. We either agree to have thaumcraft or we don't, I would just not use it until the fusion reactor is purring. The "best" solution to bridge the gap would be for me to do a lot of work and investigating:
1) Install mystcraft, but do not allow players to use it.
2) Set up portal to another overworld-alike dimension, modified so you will loose all your stuff once going through it.
3) Set up another portal to go back to the overworld.
4) Investigate to allow only certain mods in certain worlds
5) Allow thaumcraft and only thaumcraft (+other prettifying mods) in new dimension
6) Allow everything but thaumcraft in the overworld7) Conclude that it will not work because people can circumvent protections via the nether. Thus an investigation is needed to ban all dimensional crossings into and out of the thaumcraft dimension.
Conclude that it would be easier to just run 2 instances of minecraft + forgeirc to accomplish the above. Not that I have the server capacity for it, unless minecraft 1.7.4 has a totally and fundamentally changed architecture.
Correct. Setting of TNT in other people basis would fall under rule #1. We either agree to have thaumcraft or we don't, I would just not use it until the fusion reactor is purring. The "best" solution to bridge the gap would be for me to do a lot of work and investigating:
1) Install mystcraft, but do not allow players to use it.
2) Set up portal to another overworld-alike dimension, modified so you will loose all your stuff once going through it.
3) Set up another portal to go back to the overworld.
4) Investigate to allow only certain mods in certain worlds
5) Allow thaumcraft and only thaumcraft (+other prettifying mods) in new dimension
6) Allow everything but thaumcraft in the overworld7) Conclude that it will not work because people can circumvent protections via the nether. Thus an investigation is needed to ban all dimensional crossings into and out of the thaumcraft dimension.
Conclude that it would be easier to just run 2 instances of minecraft + forgeirc to accomplish the above.
2 Servers would be kinda too much. I'm all in favour of kicking it if we have to (but at least get hardcore ender expansion or something, we NEED a 'hobby' mod). -
Then just ban nether portals in said dimension. You are the owner, aren't you? And with that dimension idea, why not have a war dimension for people who want pvp? You could get as deep as you want with allowing certain mods and rules in certain dimensions.
i just dont get why all the fuss about it, as far as i can see thaumcraft does seen OP on some sides, but most things close on theirself, aside little spoil like a free furnace, some infinite slow tool, a less atention farm, the one i could see a huge spoil would be transmutation, since we could turn one metal into another, outer features can be turned off like magic mirrors, golens could be capped at 3, and outer tweaks. Since kirara dont have enchant tools, i though that kirara 2.0 would inhenrit all previuos tweaks.
And if you realy wanna know my opnion, i feel this while playing kirara, that railcraft breaks more the gregtec/ic2 than thaumcraft could do. -
Kirara doesn't have an enchanting table, but you can still acquire enchanted gear from Mob drops and books from dungeon loot. Using the Anvil, it's totally possible to enchant yourself a silk touch eff V unbr III pick (although fully enchanted chain armor is much easier to acquire from a skeleton spawner).
If Thaumcraft were introduced for 2.0, you can enchant things with the infusion crafting altar.
Muahaha! I got them running scared! They call me BadAlchemy cause when alchemy is bad I say BAD ALCHEMY and I SMACK IT over the head!
BA finds a crucible in CrafterOMany's base for alchemy. BA, doing the proper thing, puts a single block of TNT immediately adjacent to it (or on top of, if the TNT would fall when activated), lights it, and carries on with his day.
I refuse to do the proper thing!
BA finds my base, a large box of warder stone, glass and doors. He sets up a nuke. It's not very effective...
I'm not a narc, u guys. Couldn't care less what you build in your base.
But I do have to agree with SpwnX that you can't really keep someone out with warded stone... Perhaps it'd keep that nuke from damaging the surrounding landscape by keeping the blast inside, though, so a worthwhile investment.
When it comes to having some sort of alchemy in the game, between the extractor, centrifuge, electrolyzer and chemical reactor I think we have all the tools we need. You can even build a functioning Meth(ane) lab!
Anyway, my thoughts on the justice by angry mob thing are if we're going to have TC let's just have it without trying to regulate player behavior. On the practical side of the it, every time someone griefs someone else while "doing the proper thing", an admin would need to get involved to find out if that really was the case. And even if someone had the time and inclination for that, it would mean a blocklogging mod would have to be installed.
On the admin only mystcraft idea, I have seen it work very nicely on a server I was playing back in 1.4 for implementing mining worlds. However they had trouble with banning certain items from certain dimensions, and they had mcpc+ too, so more administrative tools than we do (at least on the current server). And if we're relying on portals stripping items, well, you can teleport items a bunch of ways, or even link your AE system itself.
Overall, I think that even if it can be made to work, it's overcomplicated. If your intention is to really strip inventories and keep the mods exclusive to each dimension, a side server would be a much tidier way to do it. I don't even see the reason invultri should be the one to host it.
Regarding the reasons for doing it, what's the point of having those two mods together if not building setups that involve both?
I'm also not too fond of adding a new dimensions, whether it is for mining or playing with TC. The overworld is an extremely large place as it is, and it being the only place makes us develop it.
Also Spwn... lol did u just say "If you don't want TC, just don't use it."? I had only heard that argument used to defend very horrible mods, like extra bees. Personally if we end up having it I'll be exploiting any cross mod imbalance however I can. The fun part starts when you completely devalue a resource then start selling it to everyone dirt cheap.
When one is deciding a server's mod pack, things can be "unbalancing", even "OP". As soon as you get to play on it, balance is what it is, and "OP" turns into "very effective/mandatory to use". Even if you set little rules for yourself, the server's economy is shaped by what is possible, not what machines you have in your base. Except in SSP I guess, or a really lonely server.
Okay I forgot including BadAlchemy into the List of forbidden Magic XD
Hihi, this rule sounds more reasonable, I'd be happy to be "the most dangerous game" for anyone to hunt on the server. Would that mean I get free PvP/raiding against everyone? I'll mostly come at night... mostly xD
Then just ban nether portals in said dimension. You are the owner, aren't you? And with that dimension idea, why not have a war dimension for people who want pvp? You could get as deep as you want with allowing certain mods and rules in certain dimensions.
BA is right, it will be pain to get the administrative tools up and running.As for PVP: How about making mars a FFA ?
AND:…i/qcraft/blocks-and-itemsThere are some options into that, if inventory moving can be disabled (or nothing bad happens when you move items that do not exist on the target server). Not only to allow for a magic world but also for load balancing reasons. For a load balanced world inventory keeping would be allowed. Portals will of course be an admin only tool.
BA is right, it will be pain to get the administrative tools up and running.
As for PVP: How about making mars a FFA ?
AND:…locks-and-itemsThere are some options into that, if inventory moving can be disabled (or nothing bad happens when you move items that do not exist on the target server). Not only to allow for a magic world but also for load balancing reasons. For a load balanced world inventory keeping would be allowed. Portals will of course be an admin only tool.
Making the moon a FFA would be pretty cool. Guess people need fortified bases there or something.What would qCraft be used for? I'm not a huge fan of the mod.
As for PVP: How about making mars a FFA ?
[QCraft]...inventory moving can be disabled ... load balancing reasons. For a load balanced world inventory keeping would be allowed. Portals will of course be an admin only tool.
Nether portals are not allowed in Mystcraft dimensions anyway. You cannot light one, and the only way to get one is to cheat a portal block (since it would be a super easy way around getting lost ala Myst/Sliders). I don't know anything for sure about IC2/GT teleporters; seems like I read something based on the presumption a teleporter could send things between dimensions.Q-Craft inter-server does allow togglable and presumably unbeatable restrictions on whole inventory transport (it's not a tesseractable dimension... it's a whole different minecraftforge jar instance). I don't know if it would be possible to restrictively allow only certain items to move through. Another mod (endernet, I believe) does allow item transport between servers with pipes and such (but I don't know in what ways items can be whitelisted or blacklisted). Q-Craft doesn't have to affect anything on the server except to enable such a portal, really, if you were to disable its oregen. ---I don't know what would happen if you tried to log onto both servers simultaneously, or if there is a way to make the logins mutually exclusive.
As to Mars PvP: What happens in another planetary system, stays in another planetary system. Also... if two consenting adults participate in something and can be adults when someone comes off worse, I don't see why an admin would stop it in any dimension.
While I set all sorts of silly rules for myself, I do agree with BA's statement that a server economy will always operate in the most economical way, and artificial, morally-motivated bubbles will always be fragile especially if there are anarchists afoot.
I still propose a mid-term tick-lag-test with Thaumcraft alongside the rest of the basic mods proposed. It may not even be viable at all, rendering this whole debate moot.
I don't think thaumcraft is even out yet. What do we do if GT released before thaumcraft?
Easy answer to an easy question: cut it. As people have said, it will be more of a hobby mod rather than anything serious. Honestly if you think thaumcraft is a cant-go-without mod for a gregtech hardmode server you are in the wrong place. We will add it later of course.
Nether portals are not allowed in Mystcraft dimensions anyway. You cannot light one, and the only way to get one is to cheat a portal block (since it would be a super easy way around getting lost ala Myst/Sliders). I don't know anything for sure about IC2/GT teleporters; seems like I read something based on the presumption a teleporter could send things between dimensions.Q-Craft inter-server does allow togglable and presumably unbeatable restrictions on whole inventory transport (it's not a tesseractable dimension... it's a whole different minecraftforge jar instance). I don't know if it would be possible to restrictively allow only certain items to move through. Another mod (endernet, I believe) does allow item transport between servers with pipes and such (but I don't know in what ways items can be whitelisted or blacklisted). Q-Craft doesn't have to affect anything on the server except to enable such a portal, really, if you were to disable its oregen. ---I don't know what would happen if you tried to log onto both servers simultaneously, or if there is a way to make the logins mutually exclusive.
As to Mars PvP: What happens in another planetary system, stays in another planetary system. Also... if two consenting adults participate in something and can be adults when someone comes off worse, I don't see why an admin would stop it in any dimension.
While I set all sorts of silly rules for myself, I do agree with BA's statement that a server economy will always operate in the most economical way, and artificial, morally-motivated bubbles will always be fragile especially if there are anarchists afoot.
I still propose a mid-term tick-lag-test with Thaumcraft alongside the rest of the basic mods proposed. It may not even be viable at all, rendering this whole debate moot.
Mars FFA, the point would be here that you are allowed to nuke other peoples basis, which is strictly forbidden otherwise by rule #1
@QCraft, indeed oregen would be disabled and it would allow great flexibility. The other servers would just not be accessible from the outside, testing needs to be done on what happens when you log out on such an internal server. I am actually hoping that non existing items between worlds would just go *POOF*, this will make it the players responsibility.Making the moon a FFA would be pretty cool. Guess people need fortified bases there or something.
What would qCraft be used for? I'm not a huge fan of the mod.
It would be used to add portals to other servers for load balancing / magic playground.
Easy answer to an easy question: cut it. As people have said, it will be more of a hobby mod rather than anything serious. Honestly if you think thaumcraft is a cant-go-without mod for a gregtech hardmode server you are in the wrong place. We will add it later of course.
Correct, we will just start without TC. -
+1 for FFA dimension(s). I suppose Moon can be civil and Mars FFA, although I wouldn't mind if they were both PvP. Nether is also a fine candidate, to make it a bit interesting for those who think lava is some kind of fuel.
Hm I hadn't seen qCraft... intriguing, but maybe a bit ambitious. Says on that page that it won't work if the servers are running different mods - Though I guess maybe we could get around that by having them all installed but some disabled. Also no 1.7 version but it's not like it's the only thing we're waiting for anyway.
I'd say +1 for it, but I think if a side server is to be set up, it may be worth considering just logging in there normally and running it completely independently. And even if it's not, no reason to restrict login to the main one - would be awkward if you really had to log out while on a side server, or even if you were planning to main there.
Regarding starting with TC as a test and the possibility of removing it, I think it's not such a good idea. It has a ton of worldgen, from ores, to biomes, to patches of taint, which would leave ugly holes both underground and on the surface. Also after a while we'll all have invested a ton of time on it - A vote for removing it then probably won't pass if the lag is not crippling and even if it just has to be removed it will be a huge bummer.
And just imagine if you had built a huge box out of warded stone to contain nuclear blasts... So my opinion on this is that we should decide beforehand - Either not have it at all or (if the vote somehow swings pro-TC) well, just eat it until 1.8 is out.
Did I say that? Oh yes I diiid! 14 for - 13+2 against. Yeah Science!
+1 for FFA dimension(s). I suppose Moon can be civil and Mars FFA, although I wouldn't mind if they were both PvP. Nether is also a fine candidate, to make it a bit interesting for those who think lava is some kind of fuel.
I said Mars explicitly to not force the PVP on anyone and still allow for no-air / low gravity basis for everyone. Nether should be accessible for all under normal conditions as well, Kirara is mainly a tech server with the focus on building things. -
I honestly want atleast 1000-2000 blocks of vanilla world gen, even if TC comes out before the server launch. That will give people a gregtech relavent start off, and by the steel age you can build a portal and go 2000 blocks out and get the things needed for TC. TC world generation is cool and all but not my style. I'm sure I'm not alone either. And I would rather not have those crystals cluttering my chest.
You can always give, sell or throw away those crystals, aswell have the objective to terraform the landscape to swipe away any traces of magic.
Although i'm fine if some people want to have "vanilla" world gen in the first 2k blocks.