Posts by z3rO


    Awesome idea and because this mod hasnt being updated you might be abble to ask flan a implement some features into Industrial Craft

    It must be like an addon: if you don't like you don't install it.
    As not all ppl will like dying of cold, some ever play on peacefull.


    I think you dont get cells back because of the difficulty in doing so programatically. If the cells were cheaper, say, 64 per 4 tin, I would not have an issue at all. As it is, while it is fine for lava, plant power is not worth it last I checked.

    Thats the only reason i don't make fuel using cells.
    Its very painfull to move my house and all machines, as in the middle of the game i already have like 7-8 double chests of shit i need.
    And to get more tin i need to move to new mining places.


    Oh and Reeds grow extremly fast. Although they are harder to automate than cacti, they are still easy to harvest. Running true a line of reeds will take no longer then collecting the cacti you have floating around somewhere. So I never used cacti and with aggriculture it is even more likely that I use reeds, since you end up with tons of them if you breed for sticky-reeds or even more advanced plants.

    You can even automaticly collect them using RP2, if you have some spare materials and you don't need reed seeds.
    And cacti is easy to get and easy to farm.
    Its just growth speed VS easy-farming.

    And btw, after the thing that you are waisting cells on making bio-fuel, there is no reason to waiste tin on it, only on coal one maybe...


    Why make an Induction Furnace when you can just upgrade an Electric one? If you do have an answer to that, then why do the others not have the same option?

    Has multiple slots and gives you a spare place in electric furnace for some better pruporses, while induction one smelts your ore


    And if the Induction Furnace was changed to that... People who like Adv. Machines will just ask for a new Adv. Furnace that isn't lame. Doesn't fix the problem at all- In fact it just adds another reason to remove it.

    Addon usage don't make items unneeded. The problem is about an ADDON, developers of the mod shouldn't lie under addon developers, as its THEIR mod.
    And its not Alblaka's problem that addon isn't updated, so there is no reason to remove that furnace, as much as to nerf it ever.
    As i told above, the problem has never existed. At least it didn't in the main mod.


    Either the Induction Furnace goes, or the Adv. Machines are added. Anything else is illogical.
    If the Induction Furnace is 'new tech' like the other three, then it should have the upgrades, not the electric furnace, no?

    You are still forgetting that Induction furnace is mostly used for damn ore smelting, not counting that it can be used IRL ONLY for damn ore smelting.
    So, why we should just remove/add something, then we can just make induction furnace only smelt metals as it must be?
    Its not that problematic to make as remaking upgrade system or adding those Adv, machines, and it will slove the problem.


    And no I won't use redpower's lights, as it is free light energy.

    I use them only cause you can chose from different colors, as its much comfortable to use brown lights in brick house, or black/dark blue in cobblestone one.

    I'm surprised that no one mentioned that IRL induction furnace is used only for smelting metals.
    Shouldn't this be a fix of the problem? (if it exists ever)
    Sine in IC2 furnaces are used mostly for that...


    And I guess most weapons in Industrial-Conflict will behave similar in losing efficiency over distance (well... any not selfpropelled projectile will lose power over distance...). So the weapons will also do less damage over large ranges, but a rifle might still be able to one-hit most things, even over large-distances.

    If my memory doesn't fail me and i understood what he said correctly, Alblaka told that it wont be as much weapons as types of ammo and ability to fill your clip as you like. I think that loosing damage will affect only laser weapons, if there will be any existing.


    Magrail, Railgun, Gauss Rifle, whatever you want to call it.

    I already asked a railgun, but i was told that its a little overpowered.
    Anyways, i think its better to wait for industralconflict, then we can at least see whats already done.


    In a way to split NaCl onto NaOH & hCl you should think about Electrolizer.
    But Chemistry is too complex to be presented good imho.

    It depens on how long you will work on it.
    But, as now Albalaka has enough work with Agriculture and IndusrtialConflict after that, i think Cheminstry, if will be implemented, very-very late...


    Well Lava into the Geo-Gen

    That, erm...Kinda changes the situation...The profit of thinking about all those complex systems was all about, not just placing a pump near the a geogen...Ah, now i see the main thing of discussion here.

    The difference is that lava is limited, but not the water.
    That will just make another place/forget generator, emitting more power. No need in that.


    Also the best i can think of integration with BC Water pipes is... Make the water generator something that can be put between 2 pipes, it will generate energy when liquid from side A goes to side B, Amount of energy produced will be "Low" (But more effective than the actual model, because you only need one pipe not 30 source blocks or w/e it works now), and of course Speed of liquid will slow down when passing through a water gen. Also only 1 Input and 1 Output side for generator (Logically speaking Water from B side wont be able to go to A side).

    It will be a little hard to implement water speed in BC pipes i think.
    If not adding (and removing for geogen) direct pumping, it will be normal.


    think that logically "Manned" mode should not exist at all, water doesnt generate Energy, its the motion of flowing water moving the "mill" that generates the energy)

    I think its like we are pouring a bucket of water on the weel of our generator, all i can think about at least.
    Still, that would make more sense if flowing water would give us more energy...


    requieres some degree of logic thinking and alot more of materials that simply inserting a water pipe in the generator :/

    Waait, but you can't pipe anything into generators directly?


    +Produces a lot of EU
    +Even without any Fuel
    -Hard to setup without glass fibre

    Tin cabels? I thought they almost don't have any loss at all, no?


    I consider the Recycler -> Generator to be a greater problem, since the Watermill only outputs 2 EU/t while the Generator runs on 10 EU/t.

    Guys, guys, i don't see a problem in that. Ok, look:

    A good set-up using BC and RP into a nuclear generator, can be damn more that those 10 EU/t.
    Snow golem=>compressors=>nuclear reactor. Same you can do with water, buckets i mean. Like that i used to keep ~359 EU\t without much complicated work.(if i remember correctly about the number, somewhere like 350-360).
    Just a generator? Auto-collecting cacti and reed, you are done.
    Watermill? Looping those buckets is an easy and cheap setup.

    So? I don't see any problems in that, i got 359 EU/t for making a little complex setup for nuclear reactor, if i would spent more materials for compressors, pipes and other things, i would get more. The EU you get is just compares to the time\resources you spent for the setup.