It seems that no one have read my previous post. This fix will allow you guys to use cpw's Compact Solars. Go to the IC2AdvancedMachines.cfg and turn the solar array part off.
Posts by pwnedgod
Got a NPE if i destroy a generator core when there's a area projector with it's frequency
MFFS v1.0 beta 6pre1
at mffs.TileEntityAreaProjektor.k_(
at vq.m(
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.k(SourceFile:1594)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.x(SourceFile:709)
at Source) -
Did you guys still use the deprecated IUseItemFirst?
After forge they have deleted ALL of the deprecated interfaces.
Using BCIC2Crossover will make the reactor chambers work with pipes.
only white wool will work, since recipe is buggedabit (use methods of bed crafting to ignore metadata of blocks in recipes)
On the recipe
How many block ids does this mod use?
About 5 block IDs. Although any conflicts will not automatically crash the game on start up.
A better way to do it is just to use EE+RP2+IC2.
Use the condenser to create ice and the filter will pull a nice stack of ice to cool the reactor down.
Download the images from wiki, copypaste them into the correct locations on the spritesheet located in ic2 jar :§
Wasn't the temporarily textures uses the same index ID as the normal items?
why you want to limit upgrades?
Kinda overpowered
Thank you, Is there any way i could add them now? or will i have to wait.
You'll have to wait. They use the same sprite index id as the old ones
Upgrades is kinda overpowered even though it has specific requirements. I should say that upgrades should have stack limits so that they are not that overpowered as well as it's specific slot so people don't use the slot for storing items or putting the same upgrade in a different slot.
Overclockers = max. 10 top slot
Transformer = max. 3 middle slot
Energy storage = max. 5 bottom slotAnd since there's a extra slot for upgrades, it should be removed.
It seems that you haven't set the material for the solar. They sound like stone.
Did you set the
on the BlockCompactSolar's constructor and the Material.iron on the super constructor call?
Also made a little modification to the texture. It's not that good though.
IS there a way to change the crafting recipe for Hv solar cells to use regular 8 ic2 cells instead of making 8 Mv cells? i love the mod but the amount of resources it takes to make a high voltage solar cell is taking its toll on me
That would be too overpowered.
Is this only for the solar arrays or with the advanced machine?
Never mind -
Thank you, I am wondering if you could seperate this mod into 2 parts (machines, and solar panels) - and also if you can take it over official.
BTW - Thanks for your finder compass, I love that thing.
Try my updated version. It's not separated download but the config have the settings to disable the parts. It may have a chance to have a NullPointerException though if you turn off one of the parts.
guest his is still needed for 1.71?
They still haven't include this fix.
Can you make the GUI follow their item name?
You did something wrong when installing IC2 on your server. Also did you install IC2 on your client?
Updated February 29, 2012
Because my thread for the induction furnace active state bug report suddenly disappeared for no apparent reason(i want to why) so i decided to make the fix instead.This is just a fix for Induction furnacea fix and sound for Induction Furnace. I don't know if this fits into the add-on section but whatever.Info about the bug:
The bug appears when you power a induction furnace with a redstone power. They stay in it's active state (textures and the 'active' field) and only will return to it's deactivated state when it has done processing something. This fix fixes this annoying bug by adding heat == 0 detector to updateEntity()as well as the worldObj.markBlockNeedsUpdate(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord) which is necessary for the block to update the texture in time because the active field will sometimes not get detected by the block.
Put the files inside the compiled folder to ic2's jarSource info:
The edited BlockMachine.class is just to make sure that it points the IF's TileEntity to my custom one.
mod_InductionFix is just to register the TileEntityInductionFix.class
TileEntityInductionFix.class overrides the updateEntity() contained in the TileEntityInduction.classNote to IC2 devs:
Please do include this patch on then next IC2 update. It would be useful. Also use this sound code for the basic machines (the Macerator, EFurnace, Extractor, Compressor)EDIT February 29, 2012: Updated with sound support.
Also be warned the IF's sound is kinda loud(it's IC2's unused sound btw)and FYI like AdvMachine's fix that i posted, this was decompiled using a hacky way.
When i'm trying to place crops, this happens:
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: ic2.api.CropCard.getTextureFile()Ljava/lang/String;
at ic2.platform.RenderBlockCrop.render(
at ic2.platform.Ic2.RenderWorldBlock(
at ModLoader.RenderWorldBlock(
at uc.b(
at cm.a(
at l.a(
at kz.a(
at kz.b(
at EntityRendererProxy.b(
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.x(SourceFile:742)
at Source)EDIT: I'm stupid. Forgot to check that Forestry and Railcraft got the old IC2 v1.64 API