This mod adds some new tools using IC2 materials such as copper and tin.

Original version:

Copper tools. They are a little bit stronger than stone tools and mines that stone tools can. They have faster speed than stone tools.
Crafting recipes:
Uses copper as material
Uses stick as the stick

Tin tools. As the bucket recipe from tin says. This can be a cheaper alternative to iron. It has durability of 210 uses(40 less than iron)(future version may decrease it)
Crafting recipes:
Uses Tin as material
Uses stick as the stick

Refined iron tools. This one of my favorite created tools ever. They have a durability of 1000, have the same mining speed as tin and mostly only can mine that iron can. You can say that this is a cheaper alternative to diamond. And the best of all, if got a almost broken iron tools or fresh iron tools you can smelt them to their refined version and repair it too.
Crafting recipes:
Uses Tin as material
Uses stick as the stick
smelt vanilla iron tools.

Copper armor set. They are like leather. So incase you can't find any cow, you can use this instead.

Tin armor set. They are like gold. Just for fancyness.

Refined iron armor set. So like the tools they are smeltable and is a cheaper diamond. They are same as diamond armor.
This version only adds one tool pack and one secret...

Industrial diamond tools. They seem to be useless as they craft vanilla diamond tools. And due to the recipe i need to change the stick to refined iron.
Due to it's materials and it's cost, it can mine that diamond can and have the speed of gold tools. They have a durability of 2750(which is almost overpowered). There are no armor versions of this material.
Crafting recipes:
Uses Indust. Diamond as material
Uses refined iron as the stick
Introducing the new electronic tools!

Quantum tools. They are rechargable. I'm planning to give em' special powers but failed. They will have special power somewhere in the future...
Quantum tools can mine everything that diamond can and have the durability of 1002EU(same as their armor). Mines fast like drill.
Crafting recipes:
Uses Iridium plate as material
Uses refined iron as the stick
Uses Lapotron crystal on some part(just look at the screenshot)

Nano tools. They are rechargable, can mine that iron can and have the durability of 252EU(same as their armor) and mines fast like gold.
Crafting recipes:
Uses Carbon plate as material
Uses copper as the stick
Uses Lapotron crystal on some part(just look at the screenshot)