So... yeah. Can I complain about this awful endgame?
99% of MC players don't have the patience required to fully enjoy an endgame that requires 40 diamonds for an MFSU and 3.520 billion EU for the simplest piece of iridium equipment. I have 2 full reactors and a 64-panel solar going and I've produced 2 pieces of iridium ore in the last 2 days, and I'm just about bored with minecraft. I will never even see an Iridium drill.
You can say "well make a scrapgen" but first, that's kind of exploitative, so that shouldn't be a demand. But I don't really care, so I would if I could, but I couldn't figure out a good way to make an infinite scrapgen using the mix of mods we're running. No redpower breakers, so I'm using chicken eggs. Not ideal to say the least.
Second, scrap boost didn't scale with the 10 million Eu matter nerf, so you need about 30 stacks of scrap for one matter, or 1320 stacks for an iridium.
That's completely useless. Not even a large quarry could be expected to produce the scrap required for one of the minimum 8 pieces of ore you'd need for a piece of iridium equipment.
So now the guy who went around and killed all the dungeons in the area has full quantum gear and everyone else has nothing. It's true we could go spelunking too, but I'd rather do it with science - even if it's harder. As it is now, it's not harder. It's impossible.
The 4 diamond = crystal thing is being dealt with with a dispenser that gives energium dust for a single diamond. Hardly ideal either. Murdering that recipe after it's been unchanged since early versions of IC1 is... not brilliant.
I don't fault ya'all for spending enough time with minecraft and IC that EU requirements in the billions makes sense. It's a fun game. But not all of us can play that long.
Can we roll that back before the "experimental" prefix goes away, please?