The might dragonlord forgives those who ask for forgivenes...
I thank thee, flying lightning rod in the sky!
The might dragonlord forgives those who ask for forgivenes...
I thank thee, flying lightning rod in the sky!…weaks-last-updated-11712/
Apparently it isn't very difficult to do this, and it would help people who don't troll the forums daily.
He is right. And who uses Nanoarmor? (except for crafting Quantumarmor)
I actually did use nano armour once. You, see, my wolf died, and a nanosuit was the closest thing to a tux. RIP Paulette.
Just why? Why the hell would you need that? Nano armour already has far more energy than a puny Lappack could hold.
If this happens when Steve drink coffee, does Steve turn into Black Widow when he drinks tea?
I have trouble getting this to work. What am I doing wrong? The motors that are supposed to move the whole thing don't work. I' really want to build my sticky dynamite battle tank....
Can we have the save before you destroy everything?
I'd like such a system to work like Thaumcraft taint. I really don't think that renewable generation should cause pollution. How about ore processing causes pollution? That could be a method to make renewable gens pollute.
Equivalent recipe exchange thing with Rocket science super conductors?
Can some one link me to a frame inchworm drive tutorial? Has dire wolf given one?
I've built this on my server,dynamite works well with deployer
ood job! ID conflicts put my world on deep freeze, I started a new one last week.
Ermm.... How about like dev builds and stable builds?
If this happens when Steve drinks coffee, what happens when he drinks Red Bull?
AWW YEAH! No more running out of fuel mid-flight.
I wish that the forum could detect the title and stop the poster from posting if the post has already been posted. Postception.
I had inserted random references to stuff in my stories. Not overburdened, but it's something you will see embedded.
Do it! Ads are okay if they support mah favorite mod!
As a note to future novel writers, if you copy paste onto a forum, your spaces between lines are going to have a bad time.
I kinda wanted a happy ending, but this is okay too.....
I would actually prefer both. But if I had to pick and choose, Redpower has a smarter tube system. But Buildcraft with logistical piping is better. Redpower frames are also wanted....