I love the concept of creating any natural item (aside from bedrock or food) from pure matter since the original IC. After checking the recipes using a recipe-book mod, I noticed many blocks and items were left out and I would like you to consider adding their recipes in the next updates.
Blocks: gravel, sand*, fire, leaves, coal ore**, clay block**, diamond ore**, uranium ore**, ice***, tall grass, dandelion, rose, brown and red mushrooms, cactus, sugar cane, wool, vines, lily pad.
Items: Leather, bone, string, enderpearl, slimeball, ink sak, cocoa beans+, saddle+.
Those are items missing from beta 1.8.1, there are a few new in the 1.0 release, such as blaze rods, ghast tears, mycelium and end stone.
Hope it may be considered, the mod is amazing!
thanks in advance!
+ cocoa and saddle are rare dungeon items (pretty unuseful after all), but cocoa is the brown dye and it would be nice to have its recipe.